Sweet Relief

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We've been playing for 30 minutes now, 10 minutes each game.

The whistle blows and we all lightly jog over to our drinks. A couple of the boys watching walk over, one of the guys, Kian, approaches Kate,"Your kicking ass out there", she smirked "yeah well I'm gonna get in, most of these girls suck." The people around them, laugh at Kates stuckup response.

Eurgh, my hate for Kate flowed deep in my veins. Honestly, I used to like her, we were friends in primary school, but as we grew older she became vane, really stuck up, you know, she thought just because boys were interested in her, that automatically positioned her somewhat higher on the social hierarchy.

The coaches walk over and the boys disperse.

"Girls we've decided on the top 20 girls, I'm sorry for the people who didn't make the cut, but the coaches and i sincerely suggest you try again next season."

Soph,Georgia and I have our fingers crossed. Everyone quiets down. You could here a pin drop... Not that you would hear it on the grass, but you get my point.

"The top 20 girls are, Zoey, Deliah, Dee, Mikala, Lucy,Bianca, Sophie, Brenda, Georgia," the coach said.

Sophie and Georgia both squeezed my hand in joy. Drops of sweat trinkled down my face when was my name going to get called out? I let go of one of their hands to wipe the sweat from my forehead only for my hands to be as sweaty then any part of my body.

"Kate".Wolf whistles emerge from the boys."Kiara,Elanor,Lucy.B, Jess, Alex, Cassandra"-

WAIT WHAT! Back it up, did he just say my name! I couldn't believe I got in...Well not got in, obviously I haven't made it yet. But it's a bloody good start!

The rest of the names called out,were a blur to me as I was still in shock. Soph,Georgia and I squeezed eachothers hands, we had massive grins plastered on our faces.

Lifting his head from the clipboard,"The girls who didn't make it, please collect your belongings, you are all welcomed to stay behind and watch."

The girls that didn't make it walked off with their heads down. Most of them just left, I don't blame them. I felt bad for them, but I'd prefer them to miss out,than my friends and I.

We were given 30 minutes to refuel and have quick toilet brakes. Soph and Georgia sat with their parents, my mum couldn't make, due to a night shift. I sat on the sideline, a couple meters away from the boys who were 'suprisingly' sitting with Kate.

Riping the plastic off my powerade, I took a big gulp. My mouth instantly moistened, by the watermelon flavour. I slipped off my boots and socks off, letting the cold air wash over my sweaty, blistered feet. Breathing in the brisk air, gave me sweet relief.

A certain brown eyed boy will appear next chapter ;)

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