Chapter 2: Ariel's love

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Hey people that are reading this and my one fan (only one fan, so depressing) :( Anyway, uploaded another chapter, if you like it please comment !! :D

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Rebecca x

I started walking down a corridor to my classroom, i saw Ariel come into view " Oh My God have you seen the hottie !" she exclaimed while shaking me, i pushed her hands off as i walked to class and pulled a stool out of one or the big wooden benches, Ariel sat on the one next to me "Who the new guy?" i asked as i quickly wrote down what Sir wrote on the board

"Correction, the HOT new guy" she giggled

"Blake ain't that hot" i mumbled to myself not realising i said it a bit to loud, i turned to look at Ariel who had jealousy plastered in the center "You know his name! i have tabs on him OK" she said territorially, then started laughing, i had finished what Sir wrote and have put my pen down "Yes OK, i only bumped into him as i was rushing to the best class i have today" i said sarcastically, me and Ariel laughed for a bit before the teacher told us to quiet down. i don't think the lesson was on genes but i couldn't care, i had been doodling in my sketch book i had started drawing some eyes when the bell rang, i put my sketch book and science book into my bag and put it round my shoulder, then followed Ariel outside to the rush hour in school terms. Ariel stopped in front of me, i walked into her "Hey! why did you stop?" i said reversing back "I see Blake" Ariel whispered, i peered over her shoulder, he was leaning against my locker, out of all the lockers in the school he had to be leaning by mine!

I walked over there, Ariel hot on my heels, he turned his head slightly so his blue eyes fixed gaze with mine, i had never seen that shade of blue before "Excuse me, your leaning on my locker"  i said blankly, a smile appeared on his face " what you gonna do about it princess" he laughed and his new friends laughed with him, i pushed him, as he wasn't prepared his face it the floor, the whole corridor burst into laughter, i let a smile form on my face, i turned to look at Ariel who was fighting not to laugh, Blake got up and shouldered me before walking off in a sulk and all his friends followed him suppressing there laughter's. i walked to the field and laid under a large oak tree, i put my headphones in and got my sketch book out, i carried on with the drawing from science. A shadow then blocked the light , i turned to see Blake, i pulled out a headphone "What do you want" i said tonelessly, i just wanted to draw

"Wow, that's a really good drawing Annabel" he smiled sitting down, i leaned up into a sitting position "Blake, get to the point"

"There is no point?" he said confused,  i put my headphone in and laid back down, after a while Blake left in a hump, hopefully i won’t have to see him again. i carried on drawing, it was so peaceful outside, a light breeze, misty, it was almost magical, or as magical as it can get. i heard a loud ringing, that was my signal to get up and go back to classes. As I was walking there I saw Ariel, but she was standing with Blake, I walked up to them and stood by the red classroom door, Blake gave me a grin when I looked at him “hey Annabel, Blake wants to join our group?” she had a smile on her face that I had never seen before in the 4 years I had known her so I wasn’t going to ruin her happiness but letting my problems get in the way “OK he can” putting a fake smile on my face, Blake had a shocked expression on his face, I just walked into class.

Both Ariel and Logan were in this class, as i walked in i saw Logan who looked extremely happy, he was quite tall and had brown mid hair with a side fringe, he had green eyes and his skin was near white, he was beautiful compared to my average, long curly brown hair and my grey eyes. i st down next to him, and Ariel sat next to me leaving Blake the end seat. "Hey Annabel, guess what?" he said with a smile practically taking over his face "What?" i was no good at guessing

"I am having a party this weekend, how awesome is that!" i LOVED partying, especially Logan's parties "Really, who's going?" i said enthusiastically 

"Well, anyone that wants to come but, i was wondering if you wanted to come?" he fidgeted in his seat, every time he asked me to places he did this, it used to be worse before, i thought he had a crush on me but he went to last years prom with some other girl and had many a girlfriend this year so i gave up on that thought, did i want to go to the party thought ? hmmm, YES! " Of course i want to come, i'm in" i smiled, Ariel was listening in to our conversation "Hey, can i bring Blake?" she smiled turning to Blake who was also listening in "Um sure, if you want" Logan smiled, i don't think he knows who Blake is yet but he was so happy i don't think he cared "yay, thank you" she leaned over me to kiss Logan on the cheek but i started making choking noises so she leaned off me and playfully punched me, i had it coming. The lesson went on and Logan spent most of it talking about the party and wanting ideas from me "Logan?" he turned to look at me

"yes?" he smiled innocently

 "This is going to be the best party of the year, i can feel it" i smiled back evilly.

Thanks for reading !! :D

I will be uploading the next chapter hopefully tomorrow :D


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