Chapter 4: The wrong attraction

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Rebecca xx

I left the party after Ariel; I didn’t want to stay there. I was late and dark, I was walking down a long street with no lights, and this place sent shivers down my spine, I started walking faster, I had left my jacket at Logan’s, it was freezing. I was a few streets from my house when I heard *Crack* I turned swiftly, no one was there, I started panicking, I walked faster, I could hear footsteps, my breathing got faster, all impulse told me to run, I was just about to obey when “Annabel” I turned and Blake was standing there “Blake, piss off” I shouted, I wasn’t angry personally but I was angry for Ariel “What have I done” he said stepping closer

“You have a girlfriend, you kissed me and lead Ariel on” I shouted, he took another step closer “I can explain everything Annabel” another step closer, my breathing quickened, another step, he was just in front of me , I could feel his breath against my cheeks “Go away” I could barley speak

“You know you don’t mean that princess” he bent down for the kiss but stopped by my lips, lightly grazing them which was sending tingles though me, he was teasing me, then he kissed me, not as forcefully before but very passionately, I joined in, the temptation was too much, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he forced his tongue into my mouth, it still had a metallic taste from where I had bit him. I felt his hands stroke my thigh, then move up my dress, he pulled away slightly “I love this dress” he smiled and kissed me,. My brain was telling me to pull away, pull away but I physically couldn’t, I needed this then my brain said one word that made me freeze, Ariel. I pulled away “I cant do this, sorry” I backed up

“Annabel, Annabel, Annabel, why do you have to be so awkward, why cant you go with the flow” he was stepping closer, my back it the wall “You have no where to go now princess” he came up to me and pinned my hand to the wall while the other hand was exploring my thigh again, slowly making its was up, I kicked him in the shin then ran, ran as fast as I could in heels but he didn’t follow “Bitch, you cant resist for much longer” he shouted, I ran down my road, into my house and collapsed onto my bed, not bothering to change I fell asleep right there and then. I woke up, it was Sunday, I took off my now slept in dress and shoes and went to the bathroom. My make up was all smudged, it made me look like a slag so I ran into the shower and washed it all off the re applied my mascara and eye liner. I put on some comfortable clothes and I went downstairs, my phone was on the counter, I had 3 texts, two from Logan about my coat and one from an unknown saying “Hey Annabel, I got your number last night and what I said is true, you cant resist me” Blake, how did he get my number either way I quickly deleted his text and texted Ariel. She replied saying how much she hated Blake, and that she doesn’t want him in our group which mean I didn’t have to see him anymore, I sat down on the couch, what I did last night was a mistake, it wouldn’t happen again, I would make sure i didn’t let myself. I sat there staring at the black screen of the turned off TV, no one was home and I was bored out my brains, I sat there for another twenty minuets when the doorbell rang, saved by the bell, I opened it to find Logan “I believe this is yours” he smiled, awww he had came to give me my jacket. I hugged him and took it “Hey did you want to watch a movie with me, I am so bored” I smiled sweetly

“Sure” he said walking in and taking his shoes off. We choose a Romantic one and sat down. At the end we talked about the party “That was the best party ever, everyone is going to remember it” yeah I am defiantly going to remember it I thought to myself “yeah I know” I smiled awkwardly. We sat there in silence then he broke the tension “so are you free next Friday” he smiled with the same awkwardness

“Maybe” I smiled, he was staring at me, he started to lean in *Buzz**Buzz* before I could grab my phone he got it and held it in the air, I climbed on him to get it but he was already reading it “oh its unknown, Lets read it, Hey Annabel, you cant resist me, by the way you can kiss” Logan dropped the phone “Who is that” Logan said tonelessly

“I don’t know some prank” I laughed awkwardly and put it back in my pocket. I climbed off him and started flicking thought the channels “Loganwhat you want to watch” no reply “Logan” he was staring blankly into space, I nudged him “Logan” he turned to look at me, his eyes had darkened “Who was that” he repeated darkly.

“I…I…Don’t….I don’t know” I stuttered, his eyes my very soul.

“Annabel, tell me” he said brushing a piece of hair out of my face and putting it behind my ear “Annabel, I am your best friend” I blushed under his touch

“I… I can’t, please understand” I couldn’t talk properly

“Ok, I have to go now, bye Annabel” he said coldly, he got up

“Wait, don’t go” I said getting up, he turned to look at me with a confused

“Why” he says tonelessly, I had never asked him to stay before

“Just, don’t go” I said walking towards him

“Annabel, I have to go sorry” he walked to the door, I ran in front and got between him and the door “Annabel I have to go” he started to turn the door handle, I couldn’t let him go, I couldn’t let go, my lips smashed against him, I kissed him.

Thanks For reading, Not the best chapter but next one is going to be EPIC !! :D xx

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Rebecca xx

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