Chapter 8: i am complete, but for how long

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Heyyy alll :D 

This one is a good one :D please read :D

Read vote commet xxxxxx

Rebecca xx

 Blake was kissing me and I could do anything, I tried to move but he had every part of my body pinned to the alley way wall. I was helpless. I felt one of his hands start unbuttoning my t shirt and his tongue enter my mouth, I bit down hard, he pulled away “Annabel, You do that again and see what happens” the way he said that struck fear into my heart, my shirt was unbuttoned and on the floor, my bra was exposed and he took advantage of this, I felt this hand glide around my body till he unhooked my bra, it fell to the fall, the winter breeze sent shivers, as I went to scream he put his hand on my mouth “Shhhhhh” he started licking my breast, all I was feeling was disgust, my brain telling me to run but how could I, I was at the mercy of him, he bit my nipple hard, a scream escaped my throat but was muffled to a whisper as his hand was firmly clamped around my mouth “Oh Annabel, you are so pretty, I am going to enjoy this” he smiled evilly, he was crazy.

I tried to struggle out of his grip but it was to no prevail, then his cold hand slid into my jeans and my panties, I tensed, he started circling my sensible area with his finger and thumb, my brain was screaming at me run, I couldn’t, I felt something hard hit my leg “Oh Annabel, I want you, oh and I am going to take to” he took away his and placed his lips on mine in an instant, then the impossible happened

“Correction Blake, She is mine” his head jerked back and turned to the entrance of the alley way, my hero, my Logan was there, a smile appeared on my face, Blake still had his hands down my trouser and was laughing “Yours, Yours, ha don’t make me laugh, you clearly said you wanted to be friends, so she was up for takings and I TOOK her” he laughed harder, Logan’s facial expressions changed and he sprinted into Blake and as Blake fell Logan was kicking him “Don’t you dare fuking say that, You fuking Perverted dick” he screamed, Blake was bleeding, Logan was going to kill him, without thinking I pushed Logan and we both fell on the floor “Logan stop, you will kill him” I said quietly, realising I still had not top or bra on, this was awkward “Why do you care, he tried to rape you Annabel, I want to kill him, how can he touch you like that” he shouted then twisting so I was under him now, we were both silent for a few seconds but it seemed like an hour “Ma…Maybe you should um… get your… things on” oh I got up and got dressed, he stared walking out the alley way, I followed him, he looked so angry “Logan” he didn’t reply “Logan did you mean what you said before” He stopped, he turned his head and stared into my eyes “Logan” I asked confused

“I… um …. I yeah I did” he stuttered but he had a girlfriend

“Logan you are going out with Ariel, why would you said that” I said quite angrily and hurt, why would he say that “Yeah about that, I am not going out with her, that’s why I chased you, I wanted to tell you” he said looking at me guiltily then he walked off, I walked in front of him, he had a tear cascading down his cheek, I wiped it away but he pushed my hand off him “Go back to that dick that tried to rape you, I know you love him” Logan shouted and pushed me away, I pushed him into the wall “What’s your problem, he tried to rape me, you think me trying to scream means I love him, I wouldn’t have been in this situation if you wouldn’t have lied and chased me” I shouted, he pushed me to a car “Well why did you care, you the one that kissed him then kissed me!” that one hurt, I started crying, he stopped shouting and the angry washed from his face and was replaced by tears “Annabel, I am sorry… i… I just like you and it hurts to see you and Blake always together” he embraced me, I cried in his shoulder.

When my tears had finally stopped I pulled back “I don’t like Blake, I like you” I sniffled saying the last bit in a whisper but he heard me, well I guess he did because the next thing I knew his lips were on mine, it was the sweetest kiss I had ever had, he pulled away “I like you too Annabel” and I pulled him in for another.

The next thing I knew we were on his couch and were kissing like our life depended on it, I pulled away breathless “I … we aren’t going to die, I will be able to kiss you later” I struggled to talk, he pulled me onto him “Well I want to make this last forever” he pulled me into a passionate kiss, it was amazing until I felt his hand caressing my thigh, my brain instinctively told me to run, because of what happened earlier, I pulled away “Logan stop” I pushed his hand away

“But Annabel” he wined and put puppy dog eyes on. I got off him “I am sorry I need to get my head on straight” I said going to the door, he grabbed my arm “Wait, why" then he realised and sorrow crossed his face "oh god sorry Annabel, i should have know but can I at least have my good night kiss” I gave him a peck on the cheek and grabbed the door handle but the door wouldn’t open, I looked up and a hand was keeping it closed “Annabel” I turned around and gave him a kiss on the lips “Better” he smiled and let me leave. When I got home Alex was standing at the door “Hey I was beginning to get worried, where you have been” I pushed him

“None of your business” I smiled

“As long as you wear protection” he laughed

“Ewww Alex, that’s gross” I went to my room and I decided to have a early night but as I was about to drift off to sleep I got 2 messages, the first was from Logan saying “hey gorgeous, I love you J night” awwww and the second one was from unknown

“Hey Princess, I saw you with Logan today and if I see you with him again, I will kill him! You might as well give up, you will never win” least Blake is alive, but is that a good thing, and can he really mean this? 

 Thanks for reading :D

Rebecca x

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