Chapter 15- If I can't have you, no one can

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Heyyy guys..

This book is finally over... i hate it but you know... check out my other book taste of popularity..

its awesome!




Logan’s P.O.V


“See!” I nearly screeched at her. Ariel still didn’t look convinced.

“Loganthey could be anyone” she sighed and turned around to leave. I grabbed her hand and yanked her back.

“NO SHE IS IN THERE” I hissed pulling out my phone and calling the officers that were helping us. Once I had spoken to them they said they would be here as fast as they could! Ariel was sitting on the floor, she wasn’t going anyway


“Ariel she is there, I know she is!” I whimper, why doesn’t anyone believe me! The police arrived I told them what was happening. They looked confused

“Look son, why would they put her in the school” the officer sighed and Ariel nodded approvingly.

“She is there, I watched Blake walk in there, please!

“Ok we will go in, all of you surround the place” the head officer said and all the police split up. I know she is in there… ANNABEL WE ARE COMING TO SAVE YOU! 

Chapter 15- If I can’t have you, no one can


Annabel’s P.O.V


“Babe, I have decided that we are moving today” Blake’s voice rang in my ears jolting me awake from my restless nap.

“What…” I said incoherently.

“I said…” he started but was cut off by someone running into the room.

“Blake, the police are surrounding the area, we need to move now!” the boy said as he ran out the room as fast as he had come in. Blake turned to me with a panicked look on his face.

“Ok it looks like…” he was cut off for a second time by loud shouting and banging upstairs. He came up next to me, unlocking the chains from the wall and pulling me to my feet. He held me steadily as I couldn’t hold my own weight as I hadn’t stood up in days.

Just as we reached the door two policemen barged in, making Blake yank me back to the far wall. The two police men held a gun, pointing it at Blake’s head; from behind I saw Logan and Ariel coming down the basement stairs.

“Is this your girlfriend” he questioned toLogannot moving his eyes away from the psychopath next to me.

“Yeah… Annabel” Logan said sighing in relief.

“Logan I…” I was abruptly stopped by Blake’s loud laugher echoing through the basement.

“Well, Well, well, as the family reunion is finished we can get down to business.” Blake moved one of his hands into his jacket pocket and pulled out a silver gun, making me stiffen at the sight.

“Ok son, putdown the gun… you don’t need to do this” one of the policemen said calmly… how he could he stay so calm as Blake raised the gun to my head… I was completely and utterly shitting myself.

“Now, lets make this clear, if I can’t have Annabel, no one can!” the gun went off and I felt a pang of pain before falling to the ground.

The last thing I heard was another gun shot, and Logan’s voice screaming at me to stay with him but it was too late… all of this time I knew it would come to this but I was happy it was over.

Logan’s P.O.V


I saw Blake pull the trigger… then it was a blur.

Two shots went off and Annabel fell to the floor and Blake soon followed. I ran to Annabel… my Annabel as blood started to pour out of her skull, seeping into the concrete floor. I started to shake her… telling her to get up, to stay with me but once I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder and them saying “Sorry son, we did the best we could”

I knew… I knew that I had failed Annabel and with that I mindlessly walked over to where the gun Blake had been holding, the gun that had shot my Annabel and picked it up and shot myself in the head. Nothing mattered anymore… I had failed.

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