Chapter 10: No way out

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Heyyy alll :D my book has been getting abit... dry but now its going to get good as it is the last chapters :D

Read vote comment :D i love u all

Rebecca xx

I never slept that night, I just couldn’t, he was serious this time and I couldn’t do anything, well there was one thing I could do but I couldn’t, tears started cascading down my cheeks but I decided I had to do it. I got changed; I didn’t want a shower because I would probably talk myself out of it so I ran to the hospital, it was dark and I had no idea what time it was. As I was walking toLogan’s room the washed out blue walls of the long corridors seemed ten times longer and gloomier, how was I doing this I thought to myself. I arrived atLogan’s room. He was fast asleep.

I sat down on the chair next to his bed, I couldn’t do it, I just couldn’t. He looked so peaceful when he was sleeping but he still looked hurt from yesterday. I decided to leave, I couldn’t do it, you can call me a coward but I couldn’t I loved him. As I was walking out of the room I got a text from unknown “I can see you, you try anything stupid I kill him now” a tear fell down my cheek as I walked back to the bed, I didn’t want Logan to get hurt, not again. I gently shookLogan’s arm, he started to wake “Who is it” he mumbled

“Annabel” I crooked, his eyes opened and lit up when he saw me, why was he making this hard for me

“Hey, Annabel why are you crying” he asked worriedly

“Logan…. I… I am breaking up with you” he looked at me as if I was joking

“Annabel stop, this isn’t funny” I looked at him blankly, I was totally serious “Annabel, no” “NO” he screamed, I couldn’t watch this, I got up but he grabbed my arm, I shook him off  and walked to the door, my vision was blurred by my tears and as I left the room 3 or 4 nurses ran in there, I looked back to see them holding him down but he wasn’t having any off it, he was screaming at me

“Wait… Annabel don’t do this” he was pulling out wires and kicking the nurses, another one walked in calmly and put a needle in his arm, within seconds he fell asleep, I couldn’t watch no longer and I ran out the long corridors and out of the hospital. I didn’t realise it was 6 am, as I was walking home I was crying, crying because had lost my boyfriend all because of one person. The faint image of my house came into view however so a hooded figure leaning against the lamp post near my house. It was still dark so I couldn’t see who it was, I walked past them and carried on to my house but two hands grabbed my waist stopping me, I went to scream but one moved to my mouth “You couldn’t resist forever Princess” I felt warm tears run down my face as I realised it was Blake and he kissed my neck, I wanted this to be Logan doing this not Blake but what could I do, I wanted Logan safe “Kiss me now” Blake growled, I turned to face him and kissed him, to my surprise he pulled away “Ok go home, I will enjoy you later on when you are more, passionate” he smiled and disappeared in the shadows, I ran home and ran to my room past a worried looking Alex.

I went to shower; I could still smell Blake on me. When I checked the time it was seven so I decided to go to school early, as I came out the bathroom wearing black jeans and a hoddie Alex was sitting there, I walked past him to my dressing table “Alex I am going to school I said applying my make up “No you not until you tell me what has happened” he said seriously, I have never seen him like this “Alex piss off” but he grabbed my arm when I tried to leave

“Annabel tell me” he said calmly, I tried to struggle free

“Alex I said piss off” then I felt myself being slammed against the closed door, I gasped in pain “Annabel I told you that I had a fucking STD and you cant tell me what wrong with you” he shouted, he did have a point “I broke up with Logan” I burst into tears, he hugged me “Oh, I am so sorry” he kissed my forehead, I hugged him tighter.

We stayed hugging for ages but I pulled away, my tears had dried and so had my now ruined make up “are you ok now” Alex asked lovingly, I nodded and fixed my make up. He walked me outside and waved as I walked out of view. When I got to the gate there was no sign of Blake, a smiled formed on my face but as I got into the middle of the playground someone’s lips crashed against mine, everyone around me gasped and whispers erupted in the crowd now forming around us, the person pulled away “Just making sure everyone knows your mine” Blake laughed then stopped and was staring at something behind me, I turned round, it was Logan and he looked like he was about to die, he was as pale as ever and could barely keep his eyes open “Anna...Annabel” I started to cry, he walked forward, I went behind Blake, I couldn’t look at him “Go away, she don’t like you no more” Blake said nastily, Logan limped over to us

“What have you done to her Blake” Blake pushed him on the floor for an answer, Ariel ran up to him and helped him, they both looked at me but Blake pulled me away inside the building, when we reached a empty corridor Blake pinned me to the wall and started forcefully kissing me, I didn’t bother pushing him off but I didn’t kiss him back, he pushed me harder to the wall “Kiss me back” he growled, I kissed him back, and felt his hand on my jeans “Damn Annabel why cant you wear a skirt” he said trying to get in my jeans and failing I pushed his exploring hands away “Stop” I said against his lips “Make me” he smiled and his hands explored more roughly, he grabbed my breast and I pushed him away “Ouch” I said rubbing my chest, he just came back on me but the bell rang and people started to pour into the corridor “Hmm, you are lucky for now but we will resume this later princess, oh and wear a skirt tomorrow” he winked at me, he disgusted me so much I wanted to cry. The next lesson I was withLogan… this cant be good!

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