Chapter 2

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Head was pounding as I rolled over looking to see the curtains were still covering the sun. What the hell happened last night. Looking next to me Justin clutched the pillow snoring soundly still sleeping, well maybe I'm the only one up. Crawling out of bed staggering to the kitchen to get some advil for this headache. Thank god for no hangover. Opening cabinents I finally found it, popping out two pills I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge taking the pills then drinking down the whole bottle.

I've been sitting on the counter waiting for somebody to wake up it was already two in the afternoon. Laughing to myself I sang the lyrics It's nine in the afternoon and your eyes are the size of the moon. I know its not nine but those lyrics get me every time. Shooting a text to Jess and Becca to have one of them pick me up at Gabes would be great. Sitting there for a bit longer I got a text back from Becca she was on her way to get me. As I waited I made some toast just to get some food into my system. "You're up early?" Jack spoke coming through the kitchen door before grabbing some cereal "What are you talking about? I'm up before all of you." I laughed as he sat down at the island "I've been up for about two hours now waiting for your lazy ass's to get up." he laughed taking another spoonful.

"Becca's here. Tell Kellin I'll bring him the folder from Feldy later okay?" Hopping off the counter I grabbed my phone, keys, and wallet. "No problem. Also D, don't let Alex get to ya okay. I'll see ya later this week." giving me a side hug as I walked past. "Thanks Jack, see you guys later." I waved bye as I opened the front door walking out to see Becca, and Luke in the car waiting. "Rough night?" "You could say that, lets just go."

Back at the house I finally got to shower, Jesse texted me that she was headed home with the guys and that they would be here soon so I should be dressed. Throwing on some clothes, and brushing through my wet hair I started to finish my packing. Battery pack, chargers, clothes for the bus, extra money, wallet, bathroom necessities. Alright I about have everything for this tour. "Dani! Were home." I heard Jess call before she left for her bedroom, and bathroom.

"Hey boys, want to play some video games?" I asked as i stepped out to see them already playing on my xbox one. "Already playing. Grab a controller." Calum spoke tossing one to me. Seeing they were playing call of duty zombies. "Zombies?" I asked setting up my guns before joining them "You know it."Mikey smiled as we went to get through the hordes of zombies, and levels.

It must've been hours when Luke, Ashton, and Becca all showed up and started hanging out with Jesse while we played. "Dani its Kellin." Jesse switched me as I answered the phone "Hello?" I asked hearing mumbling in the back then Kellins voice and there managers. "Hey Dani, so change of plans were leaving tonight." he spoke as I sighed looking at everybody. "Okay, want me to drive to the garage?" I asked walking to my room to grab my shit. "No we will just drive the bus to your house. I'm sorry Danielle. I know you wanted longer time with your sisters." he sighed on the other line. "It's alright we are both leaving our families it's fine Kells. I'll see you whenever you get here." I half smiled even though I knew he couldn't see it. He was the one who understood the most. He was leaving without his family also it was hard to just get home, and then leave again for months on end. "Bye D, see in an hour." We both hung up as I stood in the doorway seeing the dorks eating and cursing at each other for dying. I was going to miss my family.

Pulling my bags out of my room I realized I did pack a lot of stuff, maybe the boys were right. But it never helps when they run out of shit so I have to be assistant and go get shit for them. Laughing Jesse looked over to see my bags by the door, and me sliding on my shoes. "Dani, leaving already for tour?" she walked over helping me "Yeah change in plans I guess. Kind of bullshit. But hey I love my job, just think I'll be with you next month on tour." I smiled hugging my little sister. Stepping on to the patio we had I lit up a cigarette before the boys would get here. "It won't be to bad but I need to talk to you."

I explained to her what Alex Gaskarth said to Kellin about what I was to the bands, and why I traveled every where with different bands. Kellin tried to explain it to him, and it seemed he understood but not fully. "I just guess he is weary about me you know." "You have nothing to worry about Alex, and you will totally get along. Now go the boys are here. Don't forget skyping at least every time your in a new place. I'll see you in a month. I love you sis." Jesse and I hugged for a long time before I hugged all the boys then Becca. "Want to help D?" Jess asked as she grabbed a bag then Cal did.

Heading to the bus we loaded everything as I held my carry on bag for the bus "I'll see you in a month, and you guys in three. Love you guys stay out of trouble okay." hugging one last time I stepped on to the bus to be met by the guys playing video games or talking. "Here Kells, this is for you from John." Handing him the envelope Kellin pushed it away "I don't want it. He can have that back." he sounded pissed as he shoved the packet away. "Kellin is everything okay?" i set my bag in my bunk before coming back out "We will talk about it later down the road. But we are all on tour! Time to party!"

The boys sat around sharing stories as I read some of the tweets fans sent to the boys some made me laugh others creeped me out. "You're like 12 calm your tits child." out of the corner of my eye I saw Gabe look over reading it as he laughed "That's for sure." he smiled shutting my laptop and handing me a cup "No work, just relaxation Dani. You know you work to much." he smiled as the other guys agreed. "Well you guys are crazy so I have a lot to handle." I smiled as we felt the bus stop outside a grocery store. "We are getting food. Come on, also stick by me ATLs bus is behind ours." Justin spoke as we got off.

Getting off the bus I stayed by Justin as he told me the places we were going this month. It seemed like we would be all over the place, looking down I forgot I was wearing my pj shorts, and a tank. "Justin hang on I need to grab a hoodie." running back up on to the bus I opened my bag grabbing my all time low pull over. "Need anything in there?" I asked our bus driver before I got off "No, but thank you for asking Danielle." he smiled as I waved bye getting off again seeing Justin and Jack from all time low talking. Pulling down my shorts I walked over to them "Hey ready Dani?" Justin asked as we headed inside. "Nice tattoo, is that a blink 182 lyric?" Jack asked as I grabbed a cart while Justin magically disappeared. "Yeah.." i smiled looking back up at Jack before looking down the aisles stopping to grab water. I felt a hand touch my thigh tracing my tattoo. "It's awesome." he stopped tracing it as heat ran through my body.

"Ugh..thanks." I stuttered putting the two cases in then walking off to another part of the store before seeing Gabe, and Nick actually getting food other than Justin, and Jacks cart with alcohol "Hey we need to stay stocked. Good idea water bottles." Jack smiled cheekly before looking past me to see Jack behind me "So what else do we need?" I asked grabbing myself some food "Kellin is getting the rest. Do you think were good?" Justin asked looking at our carts "Definitely." Paying for all the food we loaded it up on the bus as Kellin came back with Alex, and Rian. "Hey you must be Danielle. I haven't met you yet." "Nice to meet you Rian." I laughed finishing unpacking.

"Where are we eating tonight?" Alex asked as he sat on the couch as we all looked from one another then looking out at the choices around us "How about bdubs?" I asked looking from the boys as they all agreed. "Alright well I need to change I'll meet you right over." I smiled as they got off. Finally alone I could think for myself Jack felt up my leg what the hell was that? Putting on my other shorts I put on a cardigan instead with a tank before heading out to meet the boys over at the bdubs. Sneaking a cigarette I stood behind a van taking in the nicotine before blowing the smoke out trying to relax my nerves. "Dani, I knew you didn't stop." Justin spoke taking my cig away before taking a drag "It's hard man. Anxiety, and stress."

We headed inside to see the guys seated as we all ordered and waited for our food. The boys chatted about the different cities as I played with my straw before getting nudged in the side by Jack F. "Hey barakat hasn't kept his eyes off you all night." he whispered as I looked up smiling to myself to see he was right. "He wants you girl." he chuckled before taking a sip of his beer. After eating we headed back on the road to the city we would be playing. Laying on my bed I couldn't sleep, slipping out I headed to the back of the tour bus opening the door so I could sit on the couches back there. Opening the blinds I looked at the night sky as the moon shone through the little bits of clouds. I couldn't get attached to a band member it would mess up everything. What was I going to do, I'll just have to see how this month plays out as I turned on my playlist starting with Throne by bring me the horizon. Laying on the couch I fell asleep singing to myself.

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