Chapter 6

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At breakfast everybody sat around just talking and laughing enjoying there food. My eyes scanned over everybody seeing Gabe and Jess sit next to each other chatting away. Michael, Calum, and Becca had to leave heading back to L.A. early this morning to start tour. Barely touching my food I excused myself heading out of the hotel I stuffed my hands in my pockets walking down the barren streets. We were now in North Carolina for another show tonight. Only a week left then I'll be with Pierce the Veil, Adam, and Jessica. I was excited, but why did I feel like shit today.

Sighing I strolled to a park that I saw while walking yesterday while Jess and I explored the city. Keeping my head down I moved over to a tree as the summer heat started warming up the air as I sat here plugging in my headphones. Closing my eyes my thoughts started to drift making my nerves enhance with every image that played behind shut eyes. Getting lost in my thoughts I didn't realize somebody sitting next to me till my eyes opened to be met with brown ones "Hey Alex. " I laughed taking out my ear buds putting them in my pocket. "Why did you leave?" he asked as he sat across from me picking at the grass "I wasn't really that hungry." I spoke looking down playing with the grass "Bullshit...but I won't argue with you. Anyways want to go get coffee." standing up I followed Alex to this coffee shop. "I hate that you guys are so tall." I laughed nudging his arm before sitting down "Well you are taller than Vic." cutting off Alex I glared at him "Seriously you are six foot, then there is Austin, and Jack. Then the 5sos boys." I laughed drinking my mocha "Don't start with me about not being that short Gaskarth." I laughed putting my phone on silent.

"Where are you headed next?" Alex asked finishing his coffee "Well I tour with Pierce the Veil over in the UK then I'm on break for the rest of the months till Warped Tour. That should be interesting." I laughed remembering last warped when all of us had walkie talkies and we got in trouble with security for being annoying. "Really damn that must be nice." he spoke looking at me then out the window "Yeah, but then for the next year I won't be home till November." sighing playing with my cup. Touring was great, but I missed seeing my family so this break will be great. "When is your guys break?" I asked looking up "Umm when your's is honestly but we will be in L.A. mostly writing and just relaxing. We should hang out." Alex spoke his eyes lighting up smiling at me "Yeah have a beach day." I smiled back.

Back on the bus Gabe, and Jess were cuddled up watching some movie as the rest of the guys were know where to be seen which made me quite nervous. "They're out getting tattoos Dani. Chill go take a break. Go hang with Jack." Gabe laughed trying to get me to leave. "Fine. No sex got it you two." I said pointing at my sister and best friend before heading to All Time Lows bus seeing nobody on it. "Jack?" I called stepping further on to the bus before seeing him walk out in boxers. Fuck. "Hey Dani, what's up?" he asked sliding on basketball shorts before sitting on the couch "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" I asked nervously taking a step closer. Jack stood up walking over his hands touching my shoulders moving down my arms to my hands "Hey, don't be nervous. I'm not going to do anything you don't want to, okay?" his smile was warm as I just nodded before sitting down on the couch next to him.

We sat there watching movies as I cuddled into Jacks side feeling his hand rub my hip. Looking at the time I realized it was already two in the afternoon. The boy's needed to get ready for sound check. Sighing as I stood up I felt arms pull me back "Jack I have to get the boy's ready for sound check." I laughed feeling him kiss my neck. "Only an hour more. It's not like we are going to be late for soundcheck." he whispered against my neck leaving goosebumps behind. Biting my lip thinking about what he said it was true. We didn't have to be at the arena for another two hours. "Fine..but we can't run late okay." Looking up at him I leaned up kissing his lips feeling his hand wrap around my neck pulling my body closer. Moving to straddling his hips my heart raced as I placed my hands on his chest pulling away "Jack..I can't yet." I spoke breathlessly looking away from his gaze nervous of his reaction "Dani, look at me. It's okay, I don't want to rush you into anything you don't want to do." feeling his thumb rub my chin relaxed my nerves just a bit. "Okay..sorry." "Don't say sorry. I don't want you to regret anything, or think you have to do something to make me happy." taking his hands in mine I kissed his knuckles softly before looking up at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2015 ⏰

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