Chapter 4

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Sasha's POV

“WHAT?” I screeched at him “You didn't bring two tents?” What if this guy is a murderer of something? I thought. I cant' believe I agreed to this. I'm going to die out here and there is no one around to hear me scream as I start dying slowly.

“Well I'm sorry it's meant to be a date so I only brought one.” His voice snapped me out of my stupid thoughts. “If it makes you feel any better I brought two sleeping bags.” I guess that did make me feel a little better but that doesn't mean I'm going to tell him that. “Stop being such a grumpy pants- I'm not going to hurt you,” he said pushing me lightly. I didn't realise how close I was to the lake and I fell in. The ice, cold water gave me such a shock as it touched my skin. I stayed under the water for a second before an evil plan came into my mind. I came above the water and gave a loud and dramatic gasp.

“Help, I'm drowning!” I went back under the water for effect.“I Don't know how to swim,” I said in gasps as I broke the surface again while flailing my arms above me like a mad person. I went under again, then came back up just in time to see the gorgeous boy ( without a top I might add) doing a perfect dive into the lake. I felt him grab my waist and I jumped at least a metre. I turned around in his tight grip to face him. I burst out laughing. “I can't believe you fell for that!” My voice was coming out in pants from laughing so hard. His smile on his face dropped open into surprise then shock then a grin stretched over his face.

“Well, it would be really shocking if you died on our first date.” His face then turned serious, all laughter gone now. He then said in a deadly tone “You'll pay for what you've done.” I screamed and started swimming away. He let me swim from him, no doubt in my mind or his, that he would catch up to me in at least two seconds. He then started his predatory swimming towards me. When he was close enough to catch me I splashed him in the face and swam away. Not before I saw another shocked looked covering his features before returning back to the deadly look. He swam after me again and this time grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him I shrieked and then I started laughing along with him. His face turned serious again and he started leaning into me oh no I thought I can't do this, I can't trust him I don't know anything about him. I wiggled out of his grasp and  heard a low moan come from his way as I swam to the shore and got out. My clothes felt heavy and hard to walk in and my shoes squelched with every step- damn and new shoes as well!

Once we were both dry we built a fire and sat around it,putting marshmellows on a a stick and roasting them until they were gooey enough to fall off the stick. We took them off the stick and ate them quickly otherwise they'd fall to the ground burning our mouths in the process. We started talking about random things. I found out that his favourite colour is blue and that he likes the same type of music as me. We started singing again and I felt myself being really content with the turn of events. We looked up at the big, giant full moon. The sky was so pretty out here with no lights or clouds to cover up the beauty. After a while I gave a loud and probably really dramatic yawn. “Come on lets go to sleep.” Ashton said in his usual sexy voice. We unzipped the tent and went inside I went to one of the sleeping bags and pulled inside. Once we were both in our sleeping bags the thought came rushing back to me Is he going to kill me? What happens if he rapes me? More thoughts circulated my brain as I subconsciously moved further away from him. After a few hours I heard his snores before sleep came over me. Faintly falling  asleep to the sound of... Tearing?

The first thing I noticed when I woke up was the fluff in my hair. I sat up and looked around the tent. How could I not hear any of this happening while I was asleep? I saw Ashton's sleeping bag torn and stuffing was falling out. That's probably what's in my hair. The front of the tent looked like it had been ripped apart and the tent material lay around the tent in random places. I stood and walked out of the tent to see the camp fire that was previously lit last night was now black and charcoal was surrounding it while trails of smoke came up from the centre. I looked around and saw the place is a mess. Where's Ashton? Did he get taken by a bunch of bears? Fear started going through me. Holy Shit what do I do?

Ashton's POV (from picking Sasha up to go to their date)

I couldn't wait to see my beautiful angel this weekend. The week seemed to drag on because all I wanted to do was see her. Finally the day arrived and I drove to her house as fast as could. I walked into heir nice cottage-like home when Sasha came crashing into me. When I looked into her eyes, I made my decision then my favourite colour was now blue . After blinking a few time to get myself out of these weird thoughts, I cleared my throat and said “We should probably get going, it's quite a long drive to the camp site.” We went to my car and I heard her scream

“OH MY GOD” she squealed in delight which made me grin “how can you get something like this? I've always wanted one but it's SSOO EXPENSIVE!” she said to me in such an excited voice. “I can't believe you have a black Skylar C12 Zagato!!” She said when we were finally settled into the car I stared at her wide eyed.

“You know cars?” surprise evident on my face.

“yep,” she said popping the 'p' “I've loved cars forever.” I can't believe how perfect she is! She knows cars! I love women who know cars. That means I can talk to her about it without her getting bored, I thought. I continued to stare at her thinking how amazing she is and then she said “now are you gonna start the car and drive? or are you just going to sit there? If you are then we may as well change spots because I wouldn't mind driving this baby.” I snapped out of my thoughts and turned on the car. The awkward silence was killing me. She then reached for the radio and Bruno Mars turned on. She started singing along. God, she is incredible- what an amazing voice! I decided that instead of looking and listening to her like a creep I joined in with her. It was a really nice song and we finished in perfect harmony. After the long drive we made it to the camp site. This has always been my thinking spot -when I had a problem I'd come here and walk around to get my mind off things. I've always loved this place. Of course I usually come here in wolf form. I saw Sasha look at the place in wonder and I knew instantly this camping trip will be just what we needed to get to know one another.


BTW i decided against having a cast so you can all use ur imaginations! i hate when i read a book and i have the character that they want as that person instead of my mind creating the person when i read different books. Thats just my opinion, but let me know if you really want  a cast then I'll make it!

thanks guys remember to vote, comment and follow!! 

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