Chapter 9

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Recap: “He's here,” Jackson said his voice wavered a little “He wasn't supposed to come for a few more days.” He's eyes wider then usual from what I could only guess as fear. With Jackson reacting that way I started to feel really scared and uncomfortable but I didn't let it show. I didn't want them to know that I was scared of them. I heard the deafening foot steps in this silents, coming our way. Then I saw him the man that terrified these two beautiful men. He looked both terrifying but he gave off a sexy bad boy vibe.

Sasha is basically about to see the man that kidnapped her for the second time.

Sasha’s POV

“Long time, no see,” says the mysterious man as he makes his way across the dusted floor and sits right next to make, making me feel really intimidated by him, but I don’t let it show. I gave him a confused expression as he proceeded to talk. “You see I have been working on this rather long and elaborate plan to get you here, ”he continued to speak “you see you might not recognise me but I am the one who brought you to Jett,” He paused to let me process this, it took me a few minutes to comprehend his words…but it couldn’t be, could it? Not the creepy guy that took me away from the campsite and civilisation and brought me to this strange world with these exceedingly old mansions.

“H-how is that possible?” cursing myself for stuttering showing my fear, he smirked at it noticing that I was indeed terrified of this man.

“Well, my dear, have you ever heard of makeup, dress up and just a little trick of light?” he asks me rhetorically. “Do you have any idea how close I was to killing Jett? He’s weak and insufferable, thinking he’s better than everyone. My plan was to be his assistant and take you when he least expected it. Now that I have you my plan is almost complete. I just need to make sure that no one finds you and that you stay alive…for now” he laughed a little at the last part making me shiver. What the hell? I thought why does he want me? No scratch that! Why does he need me?...I need to think of an escape plan to get me out of here! I suddenly came up with a plan in my mind, let me just hope that it will work.

“Ok…” I said still trying to get my head around this, “So basically you kidnapped me for Jett, but why didn’t you just take me with you then and there? You know without taking me to Jett” I asked not really sure why he did, what he did.

“Because this way it will take him longer to find you and by the time he does, my plan will be complete” he said giving me an evil smirk.

“But what is the pla-“ he cut me off

“I really must be going now, I have a lot of work to do, and by the way, I’m Damon,” he paused for a moment thinking, debating on telling me or not “but call me Hunter, that is what Ashton knows me as, I don’t want him knowing my real identity.”

“Then why would you tell me?” I questioned.

He just shrugged and said “I trust you,” he pauses then quickly adds “besides you’re not going to be around much longer” he says evilly walking out of the room and sending shivers down my spine. His footsteps carrying a resounding essence of evil, and leaving with it the tension that was in the room before he entered.

Once Hunter left the mansion, the two boys relaxed, both letting out a sigh in relief. “Well, I’m glad that’s over!” Jasper said breaking the tension that had been building up. Jackson let out a little snort looking at Jasper, amused. “Hey!” Jasper exclaimed, “I’m hungry, do you want food?” That is how I ended up having dinner with two extremely sexy guys, not as hot as Ashton my subconscious mind said to me, I almost rolled my eyes at the statement.

The three of us were sitting at a large mahogany table, all of us sitting at one end. The place was lit by candlelight because this place was probably too old for there to be anymore electricity running through it. “I was just wondering,” I said breaking our comfortable silence, “What happened to this place?”

“Well, there used to be a pack here,” Jasper started to explain

“A pack?” I asked

“Boy, has lover boy really not told you anything?” Jasper asked

“Well, to be fair he didn’t really have the chance to tell me anything” I stated almost sarcastically, giving both boys pointed looks.

“As in werewolf pack.” Jackson said, thinking it would help me understand, only for me to be more confused than ever.

“Werewolf?” I snorted nearly laughing out loud at the absurd comment. I looked between the two men but neither of them had the slightest look of a joke on their faces. “Wait…you’re serious?” I questioned completely shocked. Are they high? Do they need medical help? I thought.

“Yes, quite” said Jasper. I crossed my arms over my chest, not believing a word they said. Both men looked at each other, having some kind of secret conversation about me. “Alright you don’t believe us then?” he questioned. Up until that point I was so sure of myself but now…I wasn’t. Could they be? It would explain the amount of random mansions in the woods. Or it could be just some rich people who like serenity. I don’t know what to think anymore. I looked at both of them, confused.

Jackson sighed “We can show you if you want.” He stated blandly like he was talking about the weather. Show me? How in the world will they show me? Still not saying anything I looked at both of them still with a lot of confusion but also a bit of fear and excitement.

“Ok” I scoffed; I wonder how the hell they will pull this off. They pulled me into the large area that we were waiting in before Da…I mean Hunter showed up. We all stood awkwardly in the room, not saying anything. Can’t they just get on with it? I thought in a sudden rush of anger. Suddenly they both burst into wolves with a blaring growl. Making me scream out in shock and fright but then I took a second to look at them knowing they would not hurt me, well until Hunter gave them an order to. They both had luminous eyes that glowed in the dark light of the mansion and pointed, sharp teeth that looked like it could cut through anything. They had different fur though Jackson with midnight black fur and Jasper with a stunningly white fur. They were each both terrifying and beautiful at the same time.  I was at a loss for words when suddenly everything went black the last words that I heard before I fell unconscious were

“Oh, shit” as two blurs of fur reached my side.

I literally have no exuses beside the fact that i am lazy. I'm so sorry for the delay!! I know i hate it when people don't update often!! I just kind of got out of habit! :P anyways I hope you enjoy, i don't really know how i feel about this chapter...please let me know if it is too confusing. Hunter is the guy who takes Sasha from the camp site to Jett and he has been acting like a spy for years but actually hates Jett's ass and is basically/nearly taking Jett's plan. Anyways please don't forget to like, comment and follow me

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