Chapter 8

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Sasha's POV

My legs have started to burn we have been running for ages now. I tried to ask these strangers who they were and where they were taking me but they never replied. They just kept on running and I just followed them and if I tried to stop for a brake they'd grab onto my arms and push me further. It was infuriating me. Finally one of the strangers came to abrupt stop and made me crash into him. I got up from the dirt covered ground and looked around me it seems like we had come to another mansion. What's with all the random mansions in the middle of no where? I asked myself.

The place that was standing before me was one hundred percent a mansion that being said it was a very old and broken down mansion. The strangers started to walk the long path up to the front steps and I followed suit. The stranger looked at the door before opening it, with strangely a shaking hand he reached for the brass coloured door knob. The door knob had blackened over time but you could still see the etching of a very intricate wolf. From what I could see nearly all the windows where smashed and there were a few bits of graffiti on the crumbling walls. The stranger opened the door and stepped foot inside. There was a strange beauty about this abandoned mansion. The floors had a light spray of dust on it giving the black and white marbled floors an abdicated look. There were foot prints on the dusted floor that looked newly made. These people must have only just started to live here I thought as I started to walk around my footsteps echoing around the space. I see yet another chandelier hanging from the ceiling. There was such a graceful look about it even though there was a bunch of cob webs hanging from nearly every light. You could tell by looking around, that this place used to be extravagant with lots of people and bustling noises but that slowly faded away with time. I wonder what happened to this place?

“You like it?” The stranger asked.

“Can you tell me who you are now? And why you brought me here?” I asked wanting to get all my questions answered

“That, I fear I can only answer one of the those questions” He said with a slight British accents. “I am Jasper and this,” he pointed to the other stranger now sitting casually on the dusted lounge chairs to the side of the room “is Jackson.” Jackson looked up to the sound of his name. This was the first time that I actually got a proper look at both boys. Jackson being slightly more attractive but Jasper did have very nice features to look at with his snow white hair, piercing blue eyes and porcelain skin. Jackson was almost the complete opposite with completely black hair and aquamarine eyes, he had quit a tan too. They both had incredible builds and you could see there well defined chests through there shirts. Over all they were very, very handsome men.

“Why can't you tell me why I'm here?”

“Because we have been instructed not to” Jackson said in a gruff voice.

“By who?” I asked

“By someone who you really don't want to meet.” he emphasised the really making me shiver slightly. If these two strong men are terrified of him then I won't stand a chance.

Ashton's POV

We have been searching for days, this is no use! I almost gave up three time today before I realised that my mate might be being abused right now. I can feel that we are close but still no where near close enough. This is so frustrating. I've been trying to go to school and act normal but it's difficult for me to be away from my mate for long periods of time. I can feel my wolf getting restless. I need to find her fast-scratch that- I need to find her now! With that in thought, I changed with some reluctance into my wolf. I hated changing into my wolf because it hurt so god damn much but I did it anyway. With me being in wolf form it will be easier for me to track her down because of my heightened senses. I began to sniff the area and I finally caught onto that amazing scent that is my mates. I started to run as fast as I could when I came into a clearing with a mansion. I almost felt like banging my head on a tree. Of course! How could we forget about checking there pack house. I paused before I wanted to get in, I needed a plan. I used the pack link and told everyone to meet me at the 'big tree' this tree is a massive tree which is right between the two pack lands. Everyone knows it by the 'big tree'. I started running towards it, it only took me ten minutes to get there and another ten to wait for that pack members who offered to help find my mate. There was around twenty people everyone was keen to meet there future luna I guess.

Sasha's POV

The room was unusually quiet and the only noise echoing around the large space was a clock perched just above to fire place. There was an unusual tension in the air which seemed to pass through both Jackson and Jasper. I was sitting on a large couch which had golden thread woven through the material, it was so elegant yet so...old. There was dust everywhere in this mansion! I was sitting rather stiffly on the couch, my eyes darting between the two men. I kept on thinking that if I looked hard enough at one of them they might just spill out the reason I'm here. I think back to a week ago where non of this had happened. I was so happy and ignorant back then I wish I had known what the hell I was doing; well if I had I wouldn't be in this situation now. My head snapped to the door when a loud banging sound came from it.

“He's here,” Jackson said his voice wavered a little “He wasn't supposed to come for a few more days.” He's eyes wider then usual from what I could only guess as fear. With Jackson reacting that way I started to feel really scared and uncomfortable but I didn't let it show. I didn't want them to know that I was scared of them. I heard the deafening foot steps in this silents, coming our way. Then I saw him the man that terrified these two beautiful men. He looked both terrifying but he gave off a sexy bad boy vibe.

Hey guys!! please don't kill me!!! I'm so so sorry that i haven't updated in aaaaaages!!! anyways I hope you guys like this chapter!! I have more thrilling twists on the way so keep reading and find out what they are!!! also please remember to like, comment and follow me!! I'll try to keep updating as regularly as possible!!

<3 Georgia

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