Chapter 1

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Hey guys! this is my first story on Wattpad!!! WOOW any ways i hope you enjoy the first chapter!! i'll try to upload every couple of weeks i don't want to keep you guys from waiting!!! Warning mild cause language and violence.

 Sasha's POV

‘BEEP BEEP BEEP’ uch stupid noise, I thought as I rolled over in bed and smacked my alarm to try and turn the horrible beeping noise off so I could go back to sleep. Five minutes couldn’t hurt anyone. I lay my head back on my pillow and it started up again. Note to self-throw out my alarm clock, I thought as I slowly got out of bed. Stupid first day of school, I grumbled in my head as I got up and picked a random outfit off my messy floor. I looked at myself in my mirror just to make sure I at least looked ok for my first day. I wasn’t the prettiest person in the world. I had long, brown, wavy hair, blue eyes and skin that needed more tanning. There wasn’t really anything special about me. “Sasha, you’re going to be late for your first day of school if you don’t hurry up” my mum screamed from downstairs. I snapped out of my daze of looking at myself in the mirror and ran downstairs. I grabbed an apple and walked out of the house

“Bye mum” I called out before leaving my house. I faintly heard her reply as I started walking to school. It was a fifteen minute walk but I liked the fresh air. I arrived at my school, people screaming and hugging each other and asking about their holidays all around me. I walked up to my best friend,Amber. I hugged her and we started walking to class just as the bell rang. We sat in the middle of the class. Not at the back because that is where all the jocks and rebels sit and not at the front with the nerds. We sat in the middle, we weren’t popular, but we weren’t loners either. We took our seats and talked for a bit before the teacher walked in. He wrote his name on the board and the started to talk.

“Good morning class. Welcome to your first class for the year. I am going to be your teacher for history. You may all call me Mr Smith,” he said. He was a little old man, he had very little hair on his head except for a few wisps of white hair here and there. He had small glasses perched on the end of his nose. He had small blue eyes and wrinkles all around his small face. He then continued to say “We have a new student in our class. His name is Ashton Woods. I would like you all to make him feel welcome.” As soon as he said new student every face in the class snapped up to look at him. He looked hot, were the first thoughts that entered my head. He was tall and very well built, he had black, floppy hair and green eyes. I apparently wasn't the only girl to think about this because I heard all the girls whisper about his looks. The jocks in the back had different thoughts.

I heard Austin, one of the main stars on the football team whisper “we should ask him to try out for the next football season.”

“You can take the seat next to Sasha” Mr. Smith said pointing at the seat at the end of the row which was the only remaining seat in the class. Before he walked over to me, I mean the seat next to me, I saw a few girls looking at me with jealousy. I averted my gaze back to the new hotty. We locked gazes and I felt a shiver go down my spine. That was weird, I thought. That has never happened to me before. I looked at Ashton and saw the same expression on his face. Although he seemed to know exactly what had just happened. What is going on with me? I thought. Ashton casually walked over to the seat and dropped his bag next to his desk. When he was seated he winked at me. I felt my cheeks warm up at this and looked at my notebook, probably looking like I thought it was the most interesting thing in the world. I can't be thinking like this. I don't want to get played and hurt again. I don't want to like or know another player! I felt tears welling my eyes but I was trying to be strong. I wouldn't let them spill.

“Hey Sasha” He said to me with a smirk on his face. He had an amazing voice, deep and sexy. So smooth and melodic. I wanted to hear him speak again. What was wrong with me? I don't want to think these thoughts! I thought. My face once again heated up as I looked at him. I felt like he was trying to read my mind with those bright, green eyes. He looked so happy to see me like I was his best friend.

“Hi” I said in such a small voice I wondered if he actually heard my reply. I cleared my throat and was about to say more when the bell rang. I quickly got up and grabbed my books I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I didn't want to face him. He's scaring the shit out of me. I heard my name being called out and saw one of my best friends walking towards me. “Hi Zoey” I said in a bright voice and hugged her.

 After asking each other about our holidays,Zoey asked me “Did you hear about the new guy? Apparently he is extremely sexy.” Of course she knows about Ashton already. Gossip moves fast at our school.

“Ye,” I said “He was in my history class”

“Really!” she exclaimed. She wanted to know all the details about him so she asked about every little thing. Finally  I got sick about talking about him. The one person I was trying to avoid!

“Can we stop talking about him? He's not even that great! Ashton seems so arrogant” I basically screamed at her. I just wanted her to shut up! jeez this woman never stops talking! She looked a bit taken aback. She frowned and before she could start up again and ask me why I screamed at her, I heard someone clearing his throat behind me. From the look on Zoey's face I knew exactly who it was.

I turned around to meet a pair of green eyes looking straight at me. I swallowed hard and tried to speak but no words came out.

Hey guys so thats the end of the first chapter! let me know what you think!!! please vote, comment and follow. 

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