Feast and feet

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"There you are! Gal, get yourself freshened. Your grace, please proceed to the feast. Kids, time to sleep."

I got up from my cozy position and followed the maid to my chamber. She tutted on disdain at my appearence before pushing me into a hot water filled tub, scrubbing me from head to toe.

Maiden Luni was my nanny since my birth. She knows everything about me and I can allow myself to be immature in her presence. Being away from home did make me miss her, even though she was strict, her love and loyalty were proven after the passing of my parents.
And to that, we owe her a lot.

"Come on little Gal, hop in this." She helped me in a teal dress and quickly combed through my hair. "Still not comb-able." She gave up, tied everything with a ruban and we made our way back to the feast.

"Ah miss Galadriel! Always so charming and ravishing in your fine dresses."

"Thank you sir Winver. It does help when your silk comes from the best silkeries in whole Westeros." I wink and he laughs. Winver of Darwin was head of the silk industry after his father passed away. We have a close relation seing as he was 3 years oldrr than me.

"Hop along now little one, your king is awaiting."

"My lady"

"My king..." I curtisy and take my seat next to him.

The feast regrouped all the high people from the nearby cities. They all came in hopes of being picked. Picked to be married to Martin. He had everything, the charms, the looks, the brains, the power. Everything execept a queen.

"How about that lady over there?" I nudge Martin while he stops his coversation with Lienard about horse breed.

"Beautiful but not enough brains. And besides, not of nobel family."

"True, true..."

"Make way make way! For the hudson troup!"

A group of dwarves dressed in obnoxious colors barged in. They charged at random people and threw eggs. Some of them started juggling and chanting in their voice while others kept tourmenting others.

"Hey!" I kicked under the table but my dress was once again pulled up.

"What do you think you're doing scum? Attacking a future queen in front of her king?"

Joffrey spat and grabbed the dwarf by the shirt and hoist him up by the lenght of his arms. He threw him to the ground and everyone stopped whatever they were doing. You could hear a pin drop.

"How about we cut your little feet so you won't be snooping around under YOUR future queen's robes?"

"Mercy my lord! Mercy!"

"You'll hear about mercy!"

With a slice, the dwarf fell on the floor without his feet. His horrible screams filled the hall and a few ladies fainted.

"How could you..." I leave the room while Joffrey pleas of me to stay echos.

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