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My maids dressed me in a lovely red dress before leading me to the throne room. The night's air was chilly, and my tan cheeks took a rosy colour as I walked in the corridors. the guards turned my way, bowed before letting me pass. Even though i had my maids and some servants, i felt lonely. But thankfully, Joffrey sent a servant to tell me that my cousin Rington was comming to visit. Rington was my only and favorite cousin. We spent most of our early childhood together, giving food to the ones in need or hiding in the stables.

The creeking of the heavy doors snapped me back into reality. I stepped in the rooms, all stares on me. I courtesy before sitting next to the king. I fiddle with my hands as i feel his eyes on me. After some moment, he resumes to the kingdom affairs. 

I heard bits of the conversation, but since i had missed the beginning, i had no idea what the fuss was all about. All i knew was that the man infront of me was going to be decapitated infront of his family and friends. I look helplessly as the man was dragged away by some guards. 

"Next!" voricified Joffrey. Seconds later, a small girl, no older than 6 was dragged in by a fat man. The girl was wearing thin clothes and her sickly pale skin was shown. Traces of bruises were seen all over her. The man on the other hand, was wearing comfortable clothes, was as fat as a pig and arboured a big thick mustache.

"What's the matter?" Joffrey asks scanning the scene before returning to his grape filled plate. I wanted to run to the small girl, kiss her and just take care of her.

"This little twat stole my bread!" the fat pig snorted grabbing the girl's wrist tightly, as a sign of pain shot through her fragile face making it clear that she didn't enjoy being touched by the man.

"Who is she to you? " said Joffrey in a bored tone.

"My niece." the man replied. When he finished saying those two words, Joffrey's head snapped towards him. The king's face became red as he walked closer, the man taking a step back from the furibound king.

"Your Grace." Joffrey spat.

"Sorry?" the dumb man asked again. Joffrey's hand made contact with the fat cheek.

"You are going to adress me with 'Your Grace'. I am not a Peasant; Unlike you."

"Yes... your Grace." 

"You know what... I'm letting Galadriel take control over cases having a link to under aged people." The king winked at me before popping another grape in his mouth.

"Are you sure sire?" asked Cersei giving me a look.

"A king does what he wants." he whispers sharply before returning to his throne.

I clear my throat before speaking up. "I, Galadriel Annabetha Julie Cyprus, declare that everything i will say onward will be nothing but the truth. My actions will be pure and my descisions well thought." I recite. Back home, I was the one taking in charge of the kingdom's civil problems. I waited for the man to recite the pledge but he seemed confused so i carry on. I fired questions, making sure that he knew the facts.

"When did she steal the bread?"

"This morning.''

"She's your niece?"


"Where was she born?"

"King's landing."

"Your name?"

"Theo Banne"

"What's the girl's name?" 


"Gael what?"


"You hesitated." I point out.

"I forgot her full name for a second." he chuckled. But seing my serious face he quickly shut his trap and looked down to his feet.

"How old is she?" 


"Is she from your brother or sister's side?"


"Liar." His mouth dropped in realization. 

"I mean sister side." he covered up.

"Liar." the word rolled from my toung as he became more agitated.

"My sister adopted her..."

"Where is your sister then? Why did she leave you with the small child?" I ask looking at him in timidly.

"She died."

"Liar." He faced the floor and I got up from the seat. I snatched her arm before handing her over to one of my maids. I told the maid to take care of little Gael before turning to face the man.

"Theo Banne, 39 years old, parents, dead, brother in the north, sister steril, lives in the court." I read from the piece of paper, a guard gave me seconds before the interogations. He stares at me with a look of disbelief and shame. Not a shame of what he has done, no... he is too stupid for that. His look of shame is from getting ratted out by a woman.

"What do you have to say for yourself?" finally spits Joffrey after the man kept silent.


"Lock him up in the dungeon. We will decide of his sort later on." I croak before kissing the king's hand and leaving the room.

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