Arriving after the king

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We quickly arrived to the castle where we left our horses. My servant quickly grabbed the two steads and gave them water. I was grabbing the two older kids while Lienard went to sleep.

I walked with the two of them towards the adoption/care center i funded. I leave them with Annie. Annie is one of my most trusted servants. She had dark brown hair and brown eyes. You could say that she was a bit chubby but she married Mr. Parkinson and together they form the happiest couple you could meet.

I also promised the 3 children i left that i'd come and read a bedtime story later on. I had a priority and that priority was Martin. I run to the main part of the castle and enter the throne room. It's floor were hidden by orange carpet. The ginormous walls were painted white and had chandeliers hanging.

In the throne room you would find 4 thrones. Martin's, Lienard's, Sarah's and mine.

Martin's is a big and solid throne made from hardwood. It had gravings on them and looked full of power.

Lienard's is a kind wooden throne with a sword graving on it's back.

Sarah's throne is a playfull orange one with a pastel pink cushion for her little bum.

Mine was a light blue throne with a black drawing of an eagle spreading it's wings on the back.

We all had an eagle on the back of our chairs because it's the sign of our family. Normally the thrones were placed in this order:


It used to have Mom and dad in between me and Martin but when they died, the thrones was placed in my parent's chamber.

The guards opened the door and let me in. I walked in and saw that we had visitors! Oh how i wished that i had worn something more... un-revealing... I was wearing a slim light blue robe with men shorts underneath.

I walk towards them using the Cyprus lady walk my mom showed me. It consisted of walking while waving your bum slightly and looking like you weight nothing.

When i got closer to them i saw that it was none other than the graces. Joffrey andhis mother Cersei. I bite my lips nervously before courtesying.

"Your grace.." I mumble suddenly noticing how interesting the carpet looks.

"Get up." ordonned Cersei.

"This is my sister, Galadriel." announced Martin.

It was quite weird seing the royal family here. Martin was sitting on his throne, Cersei was on Sarah's while The King was sitting on mine...

"Sister, get ready for dinner. And I hope the hunt was productive." winked Martin making me smile lightly.

I courtesy once again before making my way to my chamber. My maids were already waiting for me. There was Lucie a blond originated from the North and Cecilia a brunette from the king's landing.

They cleaned me and dressed me in a white innocent dress with a small brown belt. They then proceed to tame my curly hair before throwing me a pair of shoes. They then place on my head a light tiara.

I exit my room before entering Lienard's chamber. He was putting his shoes on. He was quite handsome with his short curly hair. He smiled as he saw me. When he finished we race to Sarah's room.

We enter without knocking and see our ravishing young sister in a similar dress as mine. I take her hand as 2 guard accompanies us to the dinning room. The places were:


Me                             Cersei

Sarah                         Lienard


We ate in an uncomfortable silence when Cersei broke it.

"We made a pact with Alexandra, your mother, that our oldest son would marry her youngest daughter."

When i heard this, my glass broke and spilled it's wine on the table. Lienard choked on his wine, Sarah didn't listen (she was too concentrated, eating her chocolat cake) while Martin sat still.

I knew that he knew that i knew that he knew what she was going to say. That little traitor! I stare at the queen for a few minutes making sure that i herd correctly.

"That can't be right! There must be another solution!" I stutter wiping my hand on a cloth.

"There is one... Another woman can take her place but she has to stay in the King's Landing." smirked Joffrey, looking as cruel as ever.

At that moment i knew that every one was staring at me. That was their plan. They knew that i would say that. They knew it all along!

"Then so be it. I'll prepare my luagage tonight." I decided getting onto my feet, courtesying them once more before leaving them in silence.

I ran to my room, got changed before going to the adoption center.

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