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Hello love.

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Xavier's POV:-

I took her hand in mine and told her to wait in my car. She and her daughter sat on the back seat. As I was about to close the door, she looked at me. I can see the question in her eyes clearly. She looked worried. Holding her daughter with one hand and another was holding mine tightly.

"I'll be back. I'm just going to talk to my men then come right back. Okay?" I assured her. I took her hand and put it on her lap. She was still looking at me with those helpless and scared eyes. I gave her a last smile and closed the door.

Ohio and Mark were standing at the factory gate. They understand that girls should not see the men. They will be more scared.
"Let's take them to our dungeon. I'll deal with them there. Right now taking the girls away from here is more important." I ordered them.

I entered the car, Ben was driving it. I looked back and asked, "Are you both fine?"
"Yes, we are fine. She slept after crying a little." Isabella replied.

I looked at her daughter.  She indeed was sleeping. I looked at her, she was bleeding. I told Ben to wait. Her wounds need first aid.
I get off the car and took out the first aid kit from the back seat. She was continuously looking at me. I sat beside her, bring her face closer to me to get a better look at her wound. Her forehead was scraped, blood was coming from the back of her head and there was a cut on her lips. I don't think that the first aid could help. I told Ben to take us to the nearest hospital and drive carefully. I cleaned the blood as much as I could. I put a band-aid on her forehead. Put a lot of gauze to her head to stop bleeding. I put my one arm around her shoulders and on the other hand, I was holding the gauze. So it was that kind of position in which I was practically hugging her. She got frozen. She didn't move at all for a long time.

After like an eternity, she loosened up to me and put her head on my shoulder slightly. I can understand, she must be hell tired by now. She went through so much within two days.

Within 20 minutes we were in the hospital. The Doctor was treating Isabella and her daughter was in my arms.

If someone would see me like this, my terror would end within him.

It's amazing how can she keep on sleeping after so much movement. It seems like she is a heavy sleeper.

I look at the mother and then the daughter. I feel like I'm looking after two kids.
The doctor gave her a prescription and did the dressing of her injuries.

The doctor said she needs a full rest. When there, I told the doctor to take look at the little weight in my arms. She was not harmed, but still, a doctor can tell better.

"She is totally fine. How did these get injured?" The doctor asked.
"Accident," I said. Can't tell the real reason.
"She is fine, but I don't think that your wife can walk right now. Because of the head injury and the painkiller she took just now, she will be sleepy." I looked at Isabella and as the doctor said she was sound asleep.

Only Ben is with me, I can't leave her here. She is fast asleep and her daughter is too young to be left alone.

What the hell I should do?

"Ben, take the girl. Get in the car. I'll carry Isabella and come." I handed the kid to Ben. He took her and left right away.

I thanked the doctor and took Isabella in my arms, she is very light. I can't believe I'm doing these types of things.

I saw the car at the front gate, I put her in the back seat. Her daughter was already there. I put her daughter's head on her lap and sat beside them. She was not conscious so I could not take a risk to let her sit alone.  She can hit her head again.

As before I put her head on my shoulder. She and her daughter slept the whole way to the house.

What should I do now? She will live in the house. A little kid will be there too. Our line of work is not suitable for anyone of them. Isabella has a job. What will happen to her job?

She must stay in the house. Nowhere else is safe for them. It's just one, there are so many others who want to take revenge on me. This city is full of enemies.

I'm afraid, I'll become the cause of their problems. I should take care of them.

I'll have to tell the boys to bring all the work in the main office. These two should not witness the bad, that happens all around me.

I have decided. They will stay with us until it's safe outside.

We arrived at my place. They both are still sleeping. As before, we both took the girls inside.

Before reaching I called Ohio, they are already here.

Anita, Ohio's wife, opened the door for us. She looked at both of the girls in our arms. She directed me where to take them. She ready a room for them.

I placed Isabella there. Then Ben puts the kid near her. I left the rest to Anita.
I stopped by the door. It was just me, Anita, and those sleeping beauties there. Anita looked at me "Don't worry boy, they are all right. I'll just try to make them comfortable. You go and do your work. Those bastards are downstairs. Make them pay for what they did with them."

I remembered that. With blood in my eyes, I went to the dungeon. There were already painful sounds coming from there.

I entered and both men, who were doing numbers on them, step back.

The night had just started.


Hello, lovelies.

Sorry for the late update. I was working on my other stories.

But from now on every Monday, I will update a chapter of this story.

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