The saperation

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Isabelle's POV-

I went downstairs. Richard was trying to talk to my Eva. She was hiding behind Anita.  I walked over to them. Anita asked me. "What did he say?"

"He already knew about him coming today," I replied.

"Maybe. But he doesn't know that your husband is not the ideal type. Look at him. He didn't even know that he has a daughter and now suddenly he is forcing that little child to start talking to him." Anita said. Her hatred towards him can be justified. No mother would want their child to face this kind of person.

"This is Xavier's house. If he doesn't want me here then how could I stay?" I said to her.

"That kid doesn't know what he wants or what is good for him," Anita said. "But in his heart, he knows that he will regret this." She continued.

"But none of this can change the fact that I am legally married to this man." I chuckled bitterly at my luck. I looked down. "Going with Richard is the right thing to do."

"Don't force her. If she wants to talk, she will." We heard a booming voice. We all looked towards the source of the sound.

"She is my daughter I will do what I feel to do." Richard said shamelessly, without considering Eva's feeling.

Eva ran towards Xavier and Xavier picked her up in his arms. This scene warmed my heart seeing how much she loves him.

Eva hugged his neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck. I can hear her muffled voice. It was not clear but I hear her saying something 'scary man, protect us' along the line.

"Princess, he is your father. He will protect you both. He promised me." Xavier told Eva.  With that, we all can guess what she must have said to him.

"No, you said that you will protect us. Mama said you should never go behind your words. God punishes them who do." Eva backed away from him and said.

Xavier put his hand on her cheek. "Mí príncesa, I will. I will protect both of you. I am just one call away. Whenever you need me I will come right away. Okay?" He reassured her. But I doubt that I will ever call him again. I have no right to ask for his help again. Especially when my so-called husband is now back.

"And what about that school you told me about. You said I will go to a new and big school after this vacation." She asked.

What school they are talking about? When did they have so much conversation?

"If your mother will allow, then you can go there." He said this looking at me.

"I will decide where my daughter will go and where not." Richard said.

The anger was evident in Xavier's eyes. I wanted to tell him that he has no right over my daughter but not now, not here.

"Okay, Anita. We should leave now." I said and hugged Anita.

I didn't bring anything with me so whatever I bought, I will leave it here.

"Donate everything that is in our room. And which can not, and is useless, you can throw it away. I hope that it is okay if I am asking you to do it. I can't stay here one more second. It is getting unbearable for me." I said to Anita still hugging her. Only she could hear me.

"I am waiting outside. Come soon." Richard said and left the house.

Xavier was talking to Eva. I moved to Ben. I smiled at him and said Goodbye. But he took me from shoulders and pulled me for a hug.

"I will miss you. You will call us and come to meet us too. Promise me." He demanded. He was behaving like a kid. I pulled myself away from him and patted his head.

"We will meet soon. I promise." I said. I knew that it was almost a lie. And maybe so did he.

I saw Lucas standing at the center of the hall. I walked over to him. I gave him a teary smile.

"I didn't get to know you more but I would have loved to. I hope you get sunshine in your life soon. You deserve it." I said. I put my hand to shake it with him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. He put his hand at the back of my head and pulled my face near him. Then he kissed my forehead. He sighed still close to me.

It was weird to be this close to some other but it was still not uncomfortable. Not as much as I will feel with Richard.

We heard someone growled. I looked there. It was Xavier. He was glaring at Lucas.

"Sorry Boss. It is your mistake that you are letting her go." Lucas said to Xavier. My eyes went wide.

After that Lucas left the hall and so did the other. Now only me, Eva, Anita, and Xavier were left in the hall.

I went up to Xavier, to take Eva from his arms. I didn't want to but I have to.

"Come, darling, we have to leave. It's our time to go." I said the last sentence looking at Xavier in the eyes.

Eva had tears running down her face. She was crying very hard. Anita came and took her in her own arms.

"It's okay love. I will come and see you soon." She took her to the sofa.

Now only I and Xavier was standing in front of each other.

"Thank you for everything that you have done for us. You have saved us so many times that I don't know how will I ever pay to you." I wanted to hug him so badly.

Seeing him standing in front of me and still feeling like he is out of my reach, was killing me inside.

"That's what I will do for all my life. It's a request that you will call me whenever you will in trouble. But I hope that it will never happen." He said.

I smiled at him. But it was a mistake because of the smile my tears started falling down.

I wiped them away hurriedly. I looked up again at him and what I saw made my heart crack again. I saw pain and helplessness in his eyes.

He never showed his feelings. It was impossible to say what he is feeling all the time. But right now it was clear as the blue sky that what he is really feeling.

I went on my tiptoes. I put a hand on his face and gave him a kiss. I intended it to be a peck but my lips lingered on his skin longer than appropriate.

I was about to move away when his arm on my waist stopped me from moving. He grabbed my hand which was on his face and squeezed it as his life depended on it. He closed his eyes and put his forehead against mine.

"No Quiero que te alejes de mí, pero estoy indefenso, Isabelle.

Mí amor, espero que me entienda." He whispered.


Hello, Lovelies.

I used Spanish here. Because Xavier is Spanish, so first some translations.

1. Mí príncesa - My princess

2. No Quiero que te alejes de mí, pero estoy indefenso, Isabelle. - I don't want you to get away from me, but I'm helpless, Isabelle.

3. Mí amor, espero que me entienda- My love, I hope you understand me.

I hope you like this chapter. See you guys soon.

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