The long wait

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Isabelle's POV-

It's been 8 months. He told me he will come to us in a few months. It is almost a year now but he still is not here.

New York is good for us. I am working as a manager in a small cafè. The job that Xavier arranged for me was too much of a headache so I didn't join there. The boss of the company I was supposed to work in, was Xavier's friend so he arranged this new job for me.

I come in the morning and work here till 6 in the evening. It is best for us all.

So much has changed after we came here. Eva is going to school here. Even Chase started his school.

Chase is living with us. He decided to come with Eva.

I remember clearly how Eva was crying so hard when she overheard Chase and Leah talking about leaving. She came to me crying.

Chase came after her but she didn't allow him to get in the room. The door was open but he still didn't enter because Eva didn't want him to. That was the first and last time I saw Eva upset with Chase. But that lasted for only an hour after that Chase told us his decision. It was hard seeing him part with Leah but we all know that Mark will take good care of her. That's why Chase agreed to leave his sister in hands of a man.

Chase missed some years of his education, so I talked to his teachers regarding his lack of education but they informed me that he is a brilliant student. He is coping with everything perfectly.

He always seems to be studying, Eva also follows him and study hard. They seem to grow closer.

Lucas takes them to school and picks them up too. Lucas has changed a little. He shows more emotions now. Like he laughs whenever he is with Eva. And his laugh is very...what can very monstrous. I mean when he laughs it's like the whole house is shaking. I think you get the point.

I was checking on today's special menu when Lucas entered the cafe. He came after dropping the kids at the school.

I looked at him. He seemed worried. I knew instantly he must have got information from Xav...

No, Isa. Don't think about him.

I have been trying to ignore his topic. I know if I started thinking about it I will call him and ask him to come to me in a moment. But he is on a very important mission, I can not interfere in it.

I am very angry with him. But I understand what he is doing is also important.

I hear news of Mexico all the time. I hear how many people are dying there in the war between the police and gangs.

There is news of wiping out a whole gang every other day. All this news shook me to the core. I pray every day for his safety.

I don't know much but I know that he is helping the Mexican police to end all the major gangs in Mexico. It's all over the news channels but his name never comes up in any incident.

Lucas looked at me and gave me a faint smile and went to sit on his usual seat by the end of the roof-to-floor window.

His smile means that 'he' is not coming again. At least he is safe. I nodded and get back to work.

I will do what I do usually, get myself busy with work. I started talking to everyone who was in the cafe. Even to random customers.

I saw from behind the counter that Katty,  the owner of the cafe, was talking to Lucas. They both were looking at me. Then she gave me a sad smile. I smiled at her back.

I started working again.


Xavier's POV-

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