It is Christmas

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Xavier's POV-

It was beyond embarrassing. I was dragging Isabelle with me all the time.

The boys must be laughing at me. How did I not realize that I was holding her?

I was in my thoughts when I heard her.

"Tomorrow is Christmas. Why no one is preparing for it?" She asked Anita.

"What? Tomorrow is Christmas? My daughter will be here by tomorrow then. I totally forgot about it." Said Anita.

"Oh. Then we should hurry. We don't have much time to decorate this place and to decorate the tree. I don't think we could find the real tree this late. I think we should go and buy an artificial Christmas tree. That will do for now." She told Anita.

Everyone was looking at her. Anita looked at me and the others too. They know we don't celebrate it.

Is she 5 years old or something? How can she still celebrate Christmas? Isn't it for the kids?

"We don't celebrate it." One of my men said.

"Yes, we never did. Anita makes a tasty feast that's all. And yes her daughter comes on every Christmas holiday." Said another.

"But it's Christmas. How can you never celebrate it?" Asked Isabelle.

I was standing there but it doesn't concern me so I went to my office.

Ohio was already there. He looked troubled.

"What's the matter Ohio?" I asked.

Now what? Every day is like some kind of war these days.

"We got the Indian's deal." He said with very depressed emotions.

"That's good but why are you telling like it is some bad news?" I asked him.

"I confirmed who attacked them and why?" He told me.

With his expression and the news he just told me, I got it who did it and why.

"We had our doubts on the Eagle gang but ow we are confirmed." He said.

"So it was the revenge for the Indian deal that we got." I said. It was clear as the blue sky that they did it.

"Yes. And...and Xavier there is something more." He said. Something is troubling him.

Why is he so hesitant about it? What is the matter?

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Our informers found out some inside information. From the day of the attack, Letty is on the move. She has called someone. We have not confirmed who the person is. And one more thing. There are some movements noticed around Isabelle's house. We have the information that someone entered her house." Ohio said.

"You mean to say that they are planning something for Isabelle. They will hurt her again." I asked.

I will never let that happen. Not again. I bring her here to protect her not to put her in danger again and again.

"We are not sure yet. But you should be careful." Ohio said.

Just then there was a knock on the door. It opened a little and a cute little face showed up.

What is she doing peeking inside of a Boss's office? How could someone look so cute while doing something so stupid?

"What are you doing there? And are you really that brave to peek into my office or just stupid?" I asked her and her face looses all colors.

I didn't mean to scare her. I was just... I was just joking.

"Xavier, you are scaring her." Ohio whispered.

"I was not planning to. She is just... Forget about it." I looked at her.

"Come in." I called her in.

Ohio bid his goodbye and left. Ohio stopped by Isabelle. He patted her shoulder and left the room.

"Xavier, I need to ask you something. Can I go and buy a few things. It's really urgent. Anita is busy in the kitchen." She asked.

"What? Are you out of your mind? You were attacked just yesterday. You could have died yesterday. It was just yesterday. Mark is still unconscious because of his wounds. And you are asking me to go outside." I can't believe this woman. I took my hair in my hands.

I just heard Ohio telling me that she is in danger and here she is. Asking for her own death wish.

"Yesterday you went through that all and today you are asking me to go out again. You are out of your mind. Don't you think before you talk?" I said. I don't understand this woman.

I looked into her eyes, then I realized that she had tears in her eyes.

Did I say too harshly? I should not have scolded her like that.

I took one step towards her but she backed away from me.

"I just wanted to buy something. That's all. It is very important for the Christmas celebration." She said.

Can't she understand? Her life is in danger. That Letty os planning something against her. I don't know what she is up to. I don't know when or where she will attack again. How can I make her understand all these?

I took her shoulders in my hand and shook her hard to wake her up from her dream that she still is in her normal life. Where nothing bad will happen to her.

"Who am I to you? Should I send all of my men after you so that you could go on shopping? You really have lost it." I poked her head with my finger so that she could understand what she is saying is bullshit.

"I am sorry. I am very sorry. I didn't realize I am such trouble for you. I just wanted to buy some decorative things, that's all. But you are right. I am stupid. How can I even think of putting another life in danger after what I did to Mark? I am very sorry Xavier. I am... I... Am sorry." She started sobbing.

No, no, you did not hurt Mark. It was not your mistake. It was mine. I should have been more careful.

"This whole thing is killing me. You will be the death of me. I am so much frustrated just by the thought of you getting hurt. If something really happened to you, I don't know what I will do." I said taking her in my arms. I hugged her very tightly. I thought she will complain about it but she didn't.

"What happened Xavier? Did something bad happen? Please tell me." She asked still in my arms.

"Nothing. Nothing bad will happen. I will protect you and that little princess of ours. I will protect you both with my life if needed, I promise." I said. I kissed over her head.

I need to take some actions before Letty could do something.

I left her in my office and took my phone and get out of the room. I need to go to the main office to handle everything. It's a celebration mood in here. I will not ruin it.


Hello, lovelies.

Sorry for the late update.

Let's see what is Letty is planning in the next chapter.

Wait for it.

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