It hurts, Xavier

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👹Violence Alert👹
👹Violence Alert👹
👹Violence Alert👹

Isabelle's POV-

It hurts. I didn't know what part of me was hurting. It was everything.

I felt something heavy on me. I didn't know what it was. My mind was all blurred. I could not open my eyes.

I tried but my head was aching too much. Then suddenly I felt burning pain on my forearm. It was too severe that made me scream.

I opened my eyes and saw him. He had pinned down on a bed.

Why I am in a bed? Why...why is he here? Why I am naked?

Please... Please, it can not happen again. I can not let him touch me again.

Xavier, where are you? Why are you not coming?

Tears started to flow down from the corner of my eyes. He laughed.

"So you are up. It's good. There is no fun when I can not hear you scream. You know that I love it when you cry and scream when I have fun with you." He said sadistically.

"Please Richard. Please don't do this. What have I ever done to you?" I begged him.

"You have been a bad wife. You went with another guy to his house. You let him touch you. Even knowing that you have a husband. When I was not there, you must have warmed many men's bed." He said,  putting his smoldering cigarette on my bare stomach.

I screamed in pain. I tried to push him away but I realized that he had my hands tied to the bed and so did my legs.

I pulled my arms and legs with all strength but it was of no use. He went aside from above me.

He brought a knife with him and sat beside me. My heart sank deeper. This is the end of me.

"I should punish you for your disloyalty. So tell me where did he touch you first? It must be your hand." Then he put the tip of the knife on the back of my hand. He put a little pressure on it. I could feel when it cut into my skin.

I screamed again. I tried to move my hand away but because of that movement, it cut in deeper. My whole arm started to ache. I couldn't feel my hand.

"Oh!!! Is it paining too much? But honey, the fun has just started. So where next? He must have to hold your waist too. Right? From where?... Here?" He said and then put that knife against my ribs, I shivered from its cold touch or from fear, and then he dragged that knife cutting my skin from there to down my waist.

It hurts... It hurts very badly, Xavier.

I didn't realize that I said Xavier's name out loud. By the look on his face, I could tell that I made a huge mistake.

He punched me in the face one after another. It pained so much that at a point I felt I will die there.

When he went out of the breath he gets up and stood beside the bed. He started to strip his clothes. Coldness settled in my heart. When I thought it could not get worst, my ugliest nightmare came and stood in front of me.

No... Not this again. I could handle the lain but not this. God, are you not up there, seeing this all. Am I that bad of a child that you are turning away from me? Please. Don't let this happen.

But none of my pleas were heard by anyone. He ruined me. Again. When he was done, he left the room.

I could not breathe. I didn't want to breathe. I wanted to die but could not. My head was spinning. Everything started to blur.  But then I heard a cry.

Leah. Is he... Is he doing the same with her too? That poor child. We are going to die here. No one is coming. He is not coming.

The world around me went black.


I heard a loud scream that woke me up from my unconscious state. I don't know what time is this but it was still dark outside.

It was not a girl or kids. It was of a man. I didn't know what was happening out there but I was praying that none of the kids or Leah was safe and not hurt.

Nothing happened. I thought that this torture would continue for long but it stopped. The whole house was in dead silence.

I tried again to free myself but it was of no use. It was a few hours later that I heard someone coming near the door. I heard a groan. It was of a man.

He is here again. I should be scared to death but I felt nothing. It was like I stopped thinking about what is going to happen next.

I heard the door opened. He came in with a murderous look. He was holding his head. I could see the blood.

"Your daughter.... and that boy. I will kill them. They hit me. You see, what will I do to them. Especially your daughter. You would not be able to see her end. I am so angry right now." He was pacing back and forth in the room. Then he looked at me.

"I had a deal to hand you over to that Letty. But still, I can have my fun before tomorrow morning, when she will be here to take you away." He smirked and came over to me. He took that knife again. He started slicing my stomach in some pattern like he was drawing something.

I was in immense pain. But no voice came out of my mouth. I had no hope, that someone will come and rescue me.

Because no one will come. I was not his responsibility to start with.

I felt nothing when he rapped me again and again. I was dead from the inside. There was nothing left in me that could be saved.

You are not here.



In the end, Xavier is late.

This chapter was the hardest to write. All the worst nightmares for any female happened to our Isabelle.

I know you all must be hating me right now. But life is never easy for anyone.

The good news is, everything will be good from now on.

See you guys soon.

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