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It was time for next class, maths.

I had walked away from Shane once he kissed me, I knew people had seen but my theory was that if I walked away fast enough, peoples minds wouldnt click.

I had been standing with Danny, Maddy and the others while the smoked funny things that got from the crazy man who stood down the street. Danny was always in a happy wee mood after break, im pretty sure it was some weed concoction in there.

We walked up to class, Danny basically, in his mind floating there, but none the less we were almost in maths and my heart started to thump in case people knew, the first person I would see as I walked in would be Shane, so it made it harder for me to stay calm.

My feeling were all over the place, I couldnt control the pounding urges I had ever so often to jump on Shane and kiss him. This might sound weird to you, after all I had been a cunt to him ever since my first year, but after saturday I was a changed man, I was pretty sure I liked men, but dont get me wrong, the tits are good too. I kept looking over at Shane, who would occassionally look back and smile, biting his lip.

Jaime was looking at me too, but not in a "I like you" way, it was the way he looked when he wanted to wind me up, so I stopped staring at Shane and focused on Jaime had to say.

"Hahahaha, I know the goss Drew, cant fu ck ing believe it!" he said as i gave him my full attention, he winked at me as one side of his lip curled up in a sideways smirk.

"Dont say anything eh?" I said, I was almost certain it was about Shane, besides, he would of been in the lunch hall at the time. So i'll confront him now and prevent him from spreading it any further round the school.

"About?" Jaime asked, leaning over the desk.

"About me and Shane, you know what I mean" I answered, but as soon as I finished that sentence, my heart sank, he didnt know anything at all, I had just told him myself.

"You fucking what Drew????? what about you and Shane, you kissed eh?" Jaime howled, the whole class turned round, that was thirty other heads staring at me and this time I didnt like the attention.

At the corner of my eye I could see Shane looking at me, I wanted out this class, out this school out this fucking town, out this bloody country! Im leaving after this period, Im leaving with Shane.

~Shanes point of view~

I knew damn well people would of seen and I never actually cared. I was glad Drew seemed embarrassed but I was proud with how well he had managed to control himself. He had mouthed to me that he wanted to leave after this period and I nodded my head, so I guess I technically agreed to have my first skive with him, this should be interesting.

We left the class as soon as the bell went and he marched straight through the fire doors, no fucks given what teachers saw him or what pupils would tell tales, he wanted out that school. We were soon standing in the lonesome playground no one ever really went out into apart from him and his gang. I looked straight into Drews eyes and he looked so lost, I just wanted to comfort him, but not at school again, no way. He pulled out his phone, I could see one small tear fall from his eyes.

"Im a laughing stock, I used to be the one who done this to people and now people are doing it to me?!" He exclaimed, showing me a broadcast on his phone, my heart sank as I read it, yet I wanted to laugh.

'Drew Woolnough kissed that Shane lad from our class! hahahah what a homosexDREWal'

We continued through the playground and then out to the busy roads, to town we go.

It was starting to rain, the wind was picking up and neither of us knew exactly where we were going to go, I mean, if we got caught for skiving, it was a weeks exclusion, but I dont think that was a worry going throughs Drews head as he stormed slightly faster ahead of me towards the bus stop. He had a jacket, meaning he wasnt as cold as me, he looked warm infact, I kind of wanted to hug him, but no, it was my fault he was in this mess and it is too soon to go hugging him. When we reached the bus stop, he checked the times.

"ten minutes? ten fucking minutes? are you kidding me? better off walking!" he complained about to walk out the other end of the bus shelter as I had just got in, feeling a sense of relief that rain was no longer splashing off me. He stopped and turned to look at me, seeing me shaking and hugging myself, my hands slipping on my soaking wet shirt. Drew opened his arms and invited me in for a hug, i'd never felt such relief. The next ten minutes were spent in each others arms, it was weird to think a week ago we couldnt stand the sight of each other, funny how fast things could change.

While we sat there, I couldnt help but think of if Drew was most certainly gay..or atleast bi..or was this just a game? a game that went to far and now he is stuck with me and the rumours? my mind was undecided but I needed to know.

"d-drew?" I stuttered

"Yes, shane?"

"I know its a bad time to ask and all, but..are you..gay?" I asked, Drew removed his arms from around me, exposing me to the cold wind the bus shelter couldnt protect me from. He looked at me,well, sort of, he was more looking at the ground.

"Im, bisexual" he announced "I've known for ages, it was my secret"

A sigh of relief came from me, but how long has he known? and why did he bully for me for supposedly being gay? there was so many questions I needed answers to before I tried to start something with him. I hugged him tight.

I think im falling for him to fast.

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