2 months strong.

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~Drews POV ~

I lay on my bed, the only noise in the room was the quiet buzz of the amp I hadn't got round to turning of yet. 

It had been two weeks since my first band experienced and we'd been practising almost everyday. It also meant that mine and Shane's two month anniversary was coming up, in two days. I felt as if we should do something together, I mean its not the biggest achievement, its only like sixty days together, but we didn't do anything for our month and I feel it would be nice for him. School was hard for me now, I barely talk to Amy of my old friends, its now kind of me and Shane against the world. He needed something special to take his mind off the taunts as he walked down the corridor and I was the one to give him it. 

My front door slammed shut, my parents were home from their daily walk, my dad believed that a small walk everyday would clear my mothers head of the thoughts of alcohol and so far it was working.

'Drew? you home son? ' my dad shouted from downstairs. 

'yeah dad, in my room' I replied, standing up and opening the door knowing I would be shouted to come down for tea as I could smell food from my bed.  

'get down here, we got an Indian' He shouted back, so I made my way down to be blown away by the smells of spices and curry, it was unusual for them to bring a takeaway home, but that's what Kier and the lads had been ordering in lately, so I wasn't complaining.

~Shanes Pov~

I trawled down my stairs, there was no smell of food, no one in the kitchen, just the strong scent of whisky wafting through the air but my parents were already in their bed, so I could make some food for myself. This had been the first time in at least a week that I had been home at dinner time, constant take aways and beer were being given to me from Kiers parents pockets, so there was no need to come home. I mean who'd choose beans on toast over pizza?

It drifted through my mind that me and Drew will have been together two month on Friday, I wanted to do something about it but I knew romantic sates weren't really his thing, so I quickly dismissed the idea and poured the beans in to a pot ready to be heated.

After five minutes I settled down on the sofa to some beans on toast, a regular dish in the Sumner house hold, but not the nicest. I couldn't count the amount of times i'd settled for beans this month, It was far too often. My phone started beeping, a sign that it was time for my daily heart to heart with Drew, my favourite time of the day, apart from being with him of course. I put down my plate and picked up my phone, clicking to read the message which was indeed from Drew.

'hey! make sure you're free on Friday please my dad wants us to help him out for something!! xxxxxxx'

I let out a heavy sigh, he definitely didn't realise that Friday was a special day, but nevertheless I agreed and chucked my phone on the sofa next to me, oh Drew.

~Drew pov~

So many ideas were running through my head for Friday, Kier was helping me out the best he could and had suggested I cook him a meal at my house, so I decided to get Shane to come to mine thinking we had to help my dad, but I would surprise him with an empty house and a hot meal. I was happy with this and I was happy that I would surprise him for once. Just as I put my phone down, I received another text, from Kier.

'would you feel comfortable..you know..doing stuff with him?' it read, my heart skipped a beat..was I?

I'd never thought about doing stuff with Shane, I never thought he was into that, would we want me to do stuff with him? does doing things prove I love the boy?...I put my phone down, not replying, I needed to think.

~Shane Pov Friday Morning~

In usual fashion I'd made it to school just early enough to make it to the class for quiet time before everyone else piled in and ruined the silence. I just had to chuck some things in my locker round the corner, a few books and then I could relax. The corridor was pretty much empty, no one else really came in this early, just me..and usually Drew, who hadn't met me at the bus stop earlier so I left. I opened up my locker, photos of band members and writing all over the door, I'd had that locker since year seven, it held a lot of memories, from my first boyfriend..to my..well first boyfriend. I slammed it shut, just before a pair of hands came behind me and covered my eyes blocking my sight.

"Guess whhooooo?" a soft voice whispered from behind me, I knew exactly who it was, but to stop the disappointment, I pretended to be surprised

"oooh, could it be..Drew?" I asked, gasping.

Drew moved his hands from my eyes and laughed before I turned around, flowers being shoved in my face and a smiling boyfriend waving them in front of me

"happy 2 months!!" he chirped handing me the flowers and watching me blush, it was then that everyone started to stare., not that it bothered me much, in fact I kissed him hard on the lips, they could stare all they wanted, although it was none of their business.

With Drew giving me flowers, it gave me some hope that maybe he was taking me out or something, but then I remembered, he wanted me to help him and my dad.

Let the music guide you Drew.Where stories live. Discover now