Nothing can part me from you Shane.

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I got home around about seven, the house smelt strongly of gravy and red wine. The kitchen echoed a whistling sound along to something being played on the radio, I walked through and there was my mum cooking away. She turned round and smiled.

'Hey Drew Hun! how are you?' she asked, giving me her full attention, I scanned through all the options of the words I could reply to her with, Good, Okay, Alright...

'I feel terrible'

My mum gave me another smile, this time more sympathetic.

'heyhey.. want to talk about it? I know, we could, sit you up on the bunker like when you were a kid with milk and cookies and talk over this? come on' she suggested, I was never good at letting out my feelings but today I felt too upset to care, I needed to vent everything out and let someone know how I really feel for once.

I nodded and she turned off the oven, poured some milk and rummaged for a pack of cookies then ushered me through to the living room, I felt like a little boy again.

We sat at the table that me and Shane ate at, my mum placed the cookies and milk down and sat herself on a chair opposite me.

'so what's happened?' she asked, starting on the cookies.

'Shane has left to Scotland, we are over and he is gone probably forever, all he did was leave a note and he went this morning, I never even got to say good bye? it is all my fault, I was so upset about dad leaving again that I took no consideration into how Shane would feel. He felt unwanted, so he left, I..I actually loved him you know' I ranted out, my mums eyes staring at me as she cup my hands in hers.

' Dad coming back was one of the best things to happen to us, you know that, what was in like before he came back? a mess. but he was so un accepting, you deserve a dad who loves you for who you are. I don't want to see you unhappy.'

My eyes were tearing up, my nose was blocking.

'I just feel like I have lost something that made me complete, I feel so empty, its been forty eight hours without Shane and I already feel like a lonely, useless, no body.'

'I..drew? do you know where Shane is in Scotland right now?'

'No, Kier does but he didn't want to tell me? he said it would be pointless not try get him back, I only want to talk things out..' I sobbed, taking a cookie and dipping it slowly into the milk.

'I want you to go up..find him'

'we have no money mum, I can't even if I wanted to' My heart started to beat faster. She got up and leaned over to the back of the TV to reveal a golden tin.

'this' she said, as she sat down and opened then tin 'was my honeymoon savings, we wanted to honey moon but I was too pregnant with you to we kept the money and saved it for another time, obviously it won't happen now. use it for me?' her eyes lit up as she pushed the tin of money over to me.

'y-yo- really????' I stuttered, my breathing becoming more frequent and my tears soaking my face.

would Shane really appreciate me doing this?

Three cookies and a gulp of milk later and I was one hundred percent sure with myself that I was going up to Scotland to talk things out with the help of the money from mum. In just didn't know where in the country he was if he would actually want to see me, but all I wanted to tell him was that, despite everything, I really, really loved him.

I ran up the stairs, drying my eyes with the sleeves of my black school jumper. So I ask Kier? would he tell me? use Google? Facebook? try and call Shane himself? I had no idea.

I opened the tin to see notes upon notes of money, my ticket to sort out this mess, but when would I be able to go? is tomorrow too early or..too late?

I called Kier, hoping he would at least give me a clue.

'oryte mate?' he asked

'not really, urm, tell me where Shane is?'


'yes, but where?' jeez I felt so left out of the secret.

''t think I should say' he hesitates

'please.. I have money, I need to get up there, sort things out'

I could hear him sigh over the line.

'Edinburgh, his auntie lives there, I will text you details and stuff, do not make a fool of yourself, I can't believe you are doing this!'

'it is because I love him Kier' I ended the call, waiting impatiently for the text to come through, as soon as I knew I could book tickets and leave, pronto.

My phone bleeped loudly and i grabbed it quickly to open the text..

"hey, Shane is going to be in town tomorrow till about eight, if you miss him, he stays in one of the old brown flats in Cockburn street."

i felt a rush of excitement, should i book it now? should i do it? yes.

~shanes pov~

I lay in my aunties guest bed in the small room of her flat in Edinburgh. I missed Drew already, his hugs were the best on a cold evening and now i would never get them again. I proceeded to curl my arms around the green satin pillow. "Hey Drew" I whispered in to the pillow as if it was him I was hugging, it felt sad but it kind of helped.

soon tears were building up in my eyes, good one Shane.

~Drews Pov~

I had booked my tickets and packed my bag, this could go well or i could be standing in a massive city, alone. It was four am and i hadnt slept all day, i was due to be in school in four hours but i was aiming to be on a train. My stomach was butterflying with the thought of doing this. I just wanted him to know i loved him no matter what.

My mother came in looking came in looking tired and weary with a cup of strong black coffee to give me some kind of boost for the train and a packet of cigarettes to tame my bad habits.

"Call me as soon as you get to Edinburgh, I don't want to be worried. It seems crazy that your doing this" she said handing me the items and running her hair through her long black hair.

" don't worry, I'll be fine, it's okay" I reassuringly giggled as we both stood awkwardly in my room.

There wasn't much else to tell her, I was due to leave soon, to go away and show the guy I loved how I truly felt. He'd be in his bed now, sleeping, dreaming of things. I remember him telling me about all his weird and wonderful exciting dreams, some with me in them, I wonder if I was in them now?

I downed the rest of the hot, bitter coffee and stuffed the cigarette packet in my back pocket, I'll set off now, better early than being late.

"jacket wooly!!" My mum reminded, jeez mum true men don't wear jackets..pfft..right okay I'll put a jacket on.

She planted a kiss on my cheek before helping me out with my things. I didn't want to waste my money on a taxi to the train station so a long and tiresome walk to a nearby bus stop is on my horizon. Good thing someone invented music.

The door was closed, I was standing on my stair. This was the beginning on a mission, a special quest for little wooly d. I lit a cigarette, inhaling the beautiful and calming fumes into my lungs as I started to lug my heavy bag on my shoulder. To Scotland!!

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