i dont like surprises

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- Drews pov -

I'd ran home as fast as I could, swinging my door open and shutting it slowly, standing in my hall. I could hear talking from the living room, a deep manly voice and a sober mother, my first instinct was to go in. I opened the door to reveal something I really wasn't expecting. My mum was dressed, sitting up on the couch drinking coffee..next to a man, but not just any man, it was my dad. He looked up at me as I stood there with my jaw wide open.

'hey Drew!' he exclaimed, smiling softly in my direction

'h-hey d-d-dad' I replied, I felt so shaky, how and why was he back?

He looked so different from a few years ago, less hair, a moustache, a little skinnier and a lot healthier. Part of me wanted to hug him tight but the other part of me wanted to shout and question him about leaving me to deal with a depressed woman for the supposed best years of my teenage life. I slowly backed away and closed my door, I needed to talk to Shane.

-Shanes pov-

I was just home from a day with my best friends, I hate to say it but it got so much better once Drew left. Although I would of liked him to call and apologise for leaving me so quickly. My dad was sleeping and my mum was making dinner, she had been a lot calmer recently and it made me feel a lot comfortable around her.

I sat down on the sofa closest to the stairs and took out my phone to check for messages, I had one, from drew.

' hey Shane! Im sorry about earlier, but will you maybe come round or meet me in half an hour? I came home and my dads here, I don't know what to do, I love you x'

I shoved my phone in my pocket and checked the time. He'd sent that message half an hour ago- I'd need to get moving. Pulling my shoes back on I ran downstairs, doing my best to avoid my parents, and left the house.

The words in Drew's message were still puzzling my mind. His dad was back... what did that mean?!

I wasn't going to lie to myself, but I was scared. If he had his dad back did that mean he wouldn't need my help or support any more? Would he go back to being the cocky and confident bully he used to be?

I couldn't help thinking of the negative effects this could have on 'us'- despite the fact that this was probably brilliant news for Drew. I felt selfish for thinking of things from this perspective but I couldn't help it. I couldn't afford to lose what I'd only just managed to get.

Keeping my face down and expressionless, I continued walking until I bumped into a warm, soft figure, making me jump. As I looked up, I saw Drew, his expression a mixture of excitement and panic. I swallowed, trying to shift the lump in my throat.


Drew smiled up at me and fumbled for my hand. I let him take it reluctantly, still terrified of what was going to happen.

"Hey. Come back to mine, I want to talk to you."

I walked back to Drew's house, our hands intertwined but I wasn't feeling the connection so much this time. Drew was rambling on about things, about his dad and how he was excited to see him and how he thought that things for him and his mum could finally change for the better. I smiled warmly at him, although underneath I was dying a little. I was terrified that Drew would no longer want me.

Drew pushed the front door open, dropping my hand as he did so. I shoved my hands into the pockets in my jumper and followed him in.

"Heey! Drew!" An unfamiliar man walked to the door to greet him home, open armed. Drew walked straight into his body, and he pulled him into a tight hug, ruffling his hair. Drew's smile stretched from ear to ear. It made my heart melt to see him smile like that- I was certain that I'd always be the only one who could make him do that.

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