now he knows.

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"Drew?" My dad shouted as he stormed up the stairs, I almost jumped out of my skin at the tone he used. My door swung open fast and bashed off the cupboard, my dads face looked unbelievably confused and extremely angry. "Yes?" I shook, I'd never seen him so angry since when I was little. "Tell Shane to go home now" he demanded "then get your arse down the stairs" by this time I was shaking, what went wrong? Did he hear us? Has he seen something? What's up? He slammed the door shut and left me to lie on my bed and wait for Shane.

Only a mere minute later he sneaked in the door immediately diving to grab his satchel and jumper.

"I..I heard what he said..I'll leave now, text me later, I hope nothing goes wrong" he mumbled, pecking me quickly on the cheek "goodbye", the door quietly closed and I stood up, time to find out what was wrong with my usually calm father. I chucked my ipod on my bed, a sickly feeling surging through my body as I tried to walk down the stairs, jelly legs.

My mother was standing at the door, her eyes looking so deep and sympathetic.

"Don't worry, I've tried to convince him the rumours and taunts are wrong, you'll be okay tell the truth" she whispered, kissing my cheek. What does she mean? Rumours?

I opened the door of my living room and I saw my dad, he had a can of beer in his hand and another crushed and put to the side of his chair, he was drinking and I was scared.

"Sit down and tell me the truth" he demanded in a slightly raised voice, I did as he asked.

"Are you gay, Drew?" He enquired straight out, no warning, straight to the point, I felt as if I was going to throw up over the table. I could barely even think never mind reply,

"W-w-what?" I managed to squeak, I was confused as to how he got to this conclusion.

"People..recently, they've been taunting me with the fact you're gay? Don't fucking lie to me, if you are tell me now!" He shouted,opening another can of beer and crushing the other one up with anger. Boys? Danny? My..old friends? I was shaking.

- Shanes pov-

I was walking home in the dark, my parents were unaware I was meant to be coming home..they were drinking tonight but that was the last thing on my mind, I was deeply worried about Drew. Could it be his father found out? I couldnt bare to leave Drew, he was the only one I'd found solace in, in fact, I think I love him? But I couldn't take him away from that perfect family life he oh so craved for, I was the problem. My parents don't fully know I'm gay, but I got hurt for it before and I don't want Drew to be hurt, I'm not entirely sure what his dad is capable of, but I couldn't bare to see him hurt, why am I always such a fucking problem.

My phone beeped, a text, heart skipped at the thought of opening it but it must of been important.

"Have fun being 'gay' once Drews dads had his say ha ha ha fucking twat"

Oh no.

- Drews Pov -

"Fucking answer me!" He screamed at the top of his voice, my eyes were pricking with salty tears, I was unaware what to say or do, either way I'd be hurting someone.

"Fine then, I'm presuming you're gay, well.."

"Yes. I am. Don't hurt me but its true, in fact I'm bisexual" I blurted out loudly, my mum coming in and staring at me, her mouth wide open. "With Shane"

My dads face went a shade a plum, he downed his drink and chucked the can on the floor.

"Well then, you know exactly what I think of this, I'm out, bye" he shouted, storming out and leaving me, for how long I didn't know, but right now the only person on my mind was Shane.

I made my way up the stairs, past my mum and the first thing I did when I reached my room was pick up my bass. Shane always told me that when I felt low and sad, I was the play the instrument that meant everything to me. Deep down I wanted to call him but then again I wasn't sure what was going to happen next, I strummed away on my bass not even trying to make music, I just needed a distraction while I stared into space, well, my mirror. Was my dad coming home? Has he left because I'm not straight enough for him? Because I lo- no don't be silly Drew you don't know what love is..or do I..

My mum came in, perching herself on the edge of my bed, no words were exchanged, just looks back and force with every strum of my bass.

"I love you just the way you are, I know its cheesy but its true." She said,taking my hand and holding it tight. "I've been the worst mum, but I'm getting better, I'm drinking less, I'm going out..I can support you I swear and I will help you no matter what, sexuality is a big thing and I love you for coming out" she babbled, more tears came from my eyes, my mother cared about me finally after so many years of letting me drink and stay out all night, she now cared.

"I'm sorry for being a terrible son, I'm a waste of time don't waste yourself on me" I whispered, taking my hand away from her grasp and strumming a string.

I was prepared for emotional chat, I needed Shane, I was wish he was here, but no, he's sat in his dangerous alcoholic non-family home..while I nervously wait to see if my father will come back. Mother left me in my room and I sat there, all night..strumming my bass.

- shanes pov-

The only thing I could think of was Dannys text and what Drew must of been going through right now, all I really wanted to do was run over to his house and see him but that wouldn't be aloud. I sat on my bed, my parents screaming drunkenly at each other from downstairs, not caring about how I may feel at this moment in time. Why was I always such a problem when it comes to liking someone? In primary, little Susie's parents made her move because I was weird..and now Drew..well I don't know about Drew. My eyes were fixed on that one photo of us in my room, Kier had took it while I showed him something on guitar, it made my heart melt inside, it made me feel good. He looked so happy, we all looked so happy and now everything is going to go wrong. My feels were now all over the place, we hadn't been to together long but I truly felt I loved Drew? I must do..the way I am around him, when I get to hold his hand, just be with him, I'm really into him but will be so into me now? What if he sees how stupid he's been and goes back to the old Drew? What if it goes back to the taunting bullying days where I sat in my room crying most nights, I couldn't bare that, I need to see him now.

It wasn't long before I found myself fully dressed and ready with my phone to my ear, Kier would be up, his parents would be sleeping and we would get away with sleeping at his for just one night, so I could speak to Drew properly. He picked up the phone.

"Shaaaaane what's up?" He asked

"We all need to come to yours" I demanded, he laughed and then two others laughed in the back ground.

"Everyone is here apart from you and Wooly..get your arses up here!" He agreed, a sigh of relief came from me, now to call Drew.

I dialled his number in and lifted my phone to my ear, hearing my call ring out, my heart sort of sank, he was ignoring me.

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