(11) Only in a Lifetime

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Chapter 11

Jesse’s POV

I spent a further two days living at my mom’s house. She has been really nice to me, nicer than she has ever been before. Yesterday she took me out to some posh restaurant and paid for it all, and we went to the movies. She asked me about Charles and how our relationship was going. I had to explain everything to her about how we broke up and I knocked up a girl who I don’t even love, how I’ve been the worse boyfriend anyone could ever be. The only thing I haven’t told her is about my drinking problem, the fact I’ve drunk constantly since Charles and I fought; technically we aren’t broken up though, no one declared a break up. ‘Jesse, honey. What would you like for breakfast?’ my mom asked as she walked into the lounge where I was watching Jersey Shore; Kayda loves this programme, I’ve never really understood it.

‘I’m not really hungry, I might go for a run actually,’ I decided as I stood up. ‘Thank you for offering anyway,’ I smiled. I walked away from the lounge and out of the trampy apartment.

‘Make sure you’re home by five, Darrel is taking us to my new house,’ mom beamed. I couldn’t help but smile back at her, how happy and nice she is when she is off the booze and drugs. What changed her?  

‘Can you get me some whiskey please, I have thirty dollars,’ I handed the scruffy looking man my money as he gave me a not before walking into the shop. I slouched outside as I let on the window before pulling a cigarette from my pocket and placing it in my mouth. I took my lighter and lit it quickly before taking a long, much needed, drag.

‘Here you go, you didn’t get any change,’ the scruffy man lied as he limped away from the shop with his two bottles of alcohol in his hand. I opened my whiskey and took a large drink before putting it into my rucksack which was on my back, I then left the shop.

                The beach was pretty empty when I got there. There was about two couples and three families. I continued to smoke my fifth cigarette of this trip as I slowly dragged my feet through the sand. ‘Catch the stupid ball Geoff!’ I heard the all-too-familiar voice of Charles behind me. I turned to look at me and our eyes met. I smiled slightly; I didn’t need him to know I was hurting. I put the cigarette to my lips and breathed in the smoke.

‘Jesse Taylor, what the hell are you doing?’ Callie squealed as she ran up to me before pulling the cigarette from my hand and stubbing it out in the sand.

‘I wasn’t doing anything, I promise,’ I said defencelessly. ‘Why’d you do that? I wasn’t finished,’ I sighed as I crossed my arms.

‘Since when did you start smoking?’ Callie questioned as she mimicked me and crossed her arms firmly.

‘Since I had nothing else to do,’ I admitted truthfully. ‘Anyway you might want to get back to your game. Those two look pretty pissed,’ I said and I nodded in the direction of Charles and Geoffrey who were both stood watching us.

‘Jesse you have to quit smoking,’ Callie insisted.

‘No I don’t, I have no one to quit for. The only reason I stopped the first time was for Charles,’ I confessed. ‘Now I don’t have Charles so I don’t give a damn.’

‘Don’t ruin yourself over Charles, I know he is important but his isn’t worth hurting yourself for him,’ Callie told me.

‘Why isn’t he? He was basically my life, now I’ve hurt him I deserve to get hurt back. Now go have fun!’ I exclaimed as looked back at Geoffrey and Charles who were still watching us. I gave them both a friendly wave before proceeding to walk down the beach. I lit another cigarette which was poking out of my pocket and continued to smoke it whilst walking way.

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