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So ... I didn't get to meet Skyler. She had a flight to catch.

I'm devastated.

I was so close. There were only 53 people between me and her.


I don't even know what to say.

I'm just gonna sit here and eat some fries and try to pretend I didn't just miss out on a once in a lifetime chance to meet my shero.

Here's a gif of Queen Firestone from Firestone Two, when Crystal died and she did that epic ugly cry.

That's my feels right now, you guys.

That's my feels.

I hit post and put my phone in my pocket, and commence operation Pretend I'm Totally Not Dying On The Inside. "I hope Jase isn't a douche to Charlie today."

Jamie holds his camera up and snaps a photo of me, then rests his arms on the table and leans forward. "Me too. But you know him. Once a douche, always a douche."

I tap my fingers rhythmically on my glass of coke. "I know. But she was so looking forward to coming here. This was supposed to be her time to shine. It's not fair that he shows up and now suddenly she's got to accommodate him."

"It's more than unfair, it's archaic." Jamie shakes his head. "But she can handle it. She's smart. Much smarter than Jase."

The waitress walks over to our booth, carrying our food. "Veggie burger and fries?"

"That's me," I say, raising my hand like I'm in school. She places the plate in front of me.

"And double bacon cheeseburger with chili cheese fries." She slides the plate in front of Jamie, who gazes down at his meal lovingly.

"Sweet lord, have I missed American burgers," he says, gently picking up his burger and admiring it up close.

I scrunch up my nose at it. "You're going to have a heart attack at eighteen."

He takes a huge bite and moans theatrically. Then he slowly raises his eyes to mine, deadly serious. "And it will be absolutely worth it." Grease runs down his chin, and he licks at it with his tongue. "Besides, I've been eating fish and chips and shrimp on the barbie for the last four years. I deserve this."

"First of all." I cross my arms over my chest. "You know we don't call it 'shrimp'. It's prawns. Secondly, I have never eaten prawns, let alone put them on a barbecue. And lastly, we have plenty of good burgers in Australia!"

He raises his eyebrows and waves his burger at me, dripping mustard on the table. "It's not a burger if you put pineapple and beet on it. Weirdos."

Before I have a chance to defend my country's culinary preferences, he drops the burger onto the plate. His eyes trace the table, and then the tables around us. He wipes his meaty mouth on a napkin and looks at me. "You don't have ketchup. I'll go find some."

He slides out of the booth and walks to the other end of the diner, on the hunt for tomato sauce.

A young couple walk in holding hands. The girl is in Queen Firestone cosplay, just like me. She slides into the booth in front of ours and her boyfriend goes to the bathroom.

I look down at my fries, smiling to myself, feeling so lucky to be here at SupaCon, surrounded by people who are just as passionate about Queen Firestone as I am.

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