Daddy's Little Disappointment

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Three Days Later
Aria's Pov

"They're here!" I say excitedly to Ezra. I stand up and wait by the door for my parents and brother to knock. We invited them over to see the house and so we could catch up. Mike has already been here plenty of times, but my parents haven't. In fact, I haven't even seen my dad since I got kicked out, only my mom the other night.

I pull the door open as soon as I hear a knock, revealing my mom and brother waiting with smiles on their faces.

"Come in." I say excitedly, ushering them inside. My mom immediately hugs me, her fingers pressing comfortably into my back. When we pull apart, I hug Mike, who stands with an excited smile on his face.

"The bump's getting big, Aria." Mike states as he stares at my stomach.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I laugh, rolling my eyes "I feel like I swallowed a watermelon."

"On the bright side, there's only one month left." Ezra reassures me. I smile as I look down at my bump, imagining the day when we finally get to meet our little girl. It's not going to come soon enough.

"So do you want a tour mom?" I ask, noticing her peeking into the living room.

"I'd love one." She laughs "But I do have to say, you and Ezra have a beautiful house from what I've seen. It seems perfect for you guys, down to the location and everything."

"Yeah, this place is really starting to feel like home." I reply "We absolutely love it here." Ezra nods in agreement.

"So, how about that tour?" Ezra asks my mom. She nods excitedly, and we walk into the living room. As my mom looks around the room, I realize something. My dad isn't here.

"Mom?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yeah honey?" She replies, looking away from a picture of Ezra and I.

"Where's dad?" I ask. The colour drains from her face, and she stares down at the floor to avoid eye contact with me. I don't know what I expect her to say, but I know it probably won't be good.

"Don't get upset," My mom says "I really don't know how to tell you this nicely, but your father didn't want to come. I guess he just needs more time."

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Aria..." My mom sighs, walking over to me "Please don't be upset. He just needs time to think. But I know he'll come around, sweetie."

"But I-I've given him so much time." I choke out "How much more does he need? I thought everything was finally going back to normal, I thought dad would be here today."

"Everything is going back to normal, we just have to give it a little more time." My mom explains "Your dad just has a lot on his mind right now, but I know that he's going to come around." I can feel tears welling in my eyes, so before they spill down my cheeks, I hurry to the bathroom and lock the door behind me.

The second the door shuts, I burst into tears, sinking down to the floor and curling into a ball the best I can with my huge stomach. How can my dad still refuse to see me, even after everyone else in my family has forgiven me? Does he still feel disgusted and disappointed every time he thinks of me? Maybe, I'm no longer daddy's little girl, but instead, daddy's little disappointment. It's too much to comprehend, so I let my head fill with the sound of my pained sobs to distract myself.

I hear a knock on the door, but choose to ignore it. All I can think about is my dad's hatred toward me. Toward his own daughter.

"Aria, please unlock the door." My mom begs "I want to talk to you about this." I cry even harder, letting the tears pour freely down my cheeks and drip onto my shirt.

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