Christmas Surprise (Pt.1)

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Ten Days Later (Christmas Morning)
Aria's Pov

"I have one last present." Ezra tells me, picking up a small box from under the tree. He gives it to me with a smile, and I slowly unwrap the gold coloured wrapping paper, revealing a small turquoise box with the words Tiffany & Co written on the top. I glance up into Ezra's eyes, which hold an excited expression, before opening the lid.

Displayed delicately inside the box is a beautiful necklace. Attached to a thin chain there are two small silver circles, one diamond encrusted. I feel my mouth part and my eyes widen as I lay my eyes on the stunning piece of jewelry, and for a second, I can't look away.

"Is this for me?" I ask quietly, looking up into Ezra's deep blue eyes.

"Of course." He replies "Do you like it?" I widen my eyes even more, not believing he could ask a question like that.

"Ezra, I love it." I say "I don't even know what to say, it's absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much." As I lean forward and hug him, I feel tears welling in my eyes.

"Don't cry." He says, wiping a lone tear off of my cheek.

"I-I'm just so happy," I stammer "The necklace is so beautiful, I just don't know how to thank you enough for it."

"Aria," He says, kissing my forehead "I got the necklace to thank you. For loving me, for being the mother of my daughter, and for just...well...being you. You mean everything to me. I love you so much, Aria Montgomery."

If I wasn't crying before, I sure am now. I hug Ezra tightly, pressing my face into his chest as the tears soak into his shirt. How in the world did I get so lucky as to end up with Ezra?

He carefully takes the necklace out of the box, and I lift up my hair as he fastens the clasp at the back of my neck. The two small intertwined circles hang at a perfect spot on my chest, not too high, and not too low. I stare down as the shiny silver reflects the twinkling Christmas tree lights and causes the diamonds to sparkle. I hug Ezra again, not able to think of a way to thank him for the beautiful necklace.

"I love you." I say into his shirt "And I love the necklace. It's beautiful, it's perfect."

"You're perfect." He replies, kissing the tip of my nose.

"And you're being cheesy." I laugh, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"No, I'm just stating a fact." Ezra shrugs with a grin. I chuckle, and for some reason, more tears of happiness threaten to spill from my eyes.

"I don't know why I'm crying so much," I say "But can I blame it on hormones?"

"Hmm...let me think about it..." Ezra replies sarcastically "Okay, but only this time."

"But what do I blame my tears on next time?" I ask "What happens if we watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas again?"

"Okay, that movie is sad, tragic definitely, but it's not a tear-jerker." Ezra says.

"It is for me!" I retort "Bruno dies so tragically! But I think it's fair to blame my crying on hormones. I've watched that movie twice since I've been pregnant and I've cried both times."

"Well maybe try watching it again after Piper's born and see if you cry." Ezra suggests.

"Sure, I'll take any opportunity to watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." I laugh "But I do think my out-of-whack hormones are the reason I cry at the end. Because honestly, sometimes I question why I'm even crying."

"It's all good," Ezra chuckles "You can even cry next time we run out of blueberry yogurt, I won't judge."

"Ezra!" I laugh "I wasn't crying, did you see tears on my cheeks?"

"Well, no." He replies "But you looked pretty damn close."

I pretend to look offended "Hey! It's not my fault that our daughter loves blueberry yogurt. I crave it because she craves it."

"Oh, that's how it works, is it?" Ezra jokes.

I chuckle "Just you wait. One day, Piper is going to love blueberry yogurt, and I'll be able to say 'I told you so!' to you."

"Okay, fine." Ezra sighs "But does that also mean she'll love barbecue chips dipped in Nutella?"

"Well, not necessarily..." I say "But don't look at me like that, it tastes good!" He just raises his eyebrows.

"Hanna, Emily, Spencer, and me all tried it and came to an agreement that those two foods are a horrible combination." Ezra chuckles.

"Yeah, well how about you try being pregnant, then check back with me about which food combinations are good and bad." I say.

"Sorry," Ezra replies lightly "And I'll get right on that."

"You better," I joke "Because you're really missing out, you know. Back pain, morning sickness, random cravings for the weirdest foods. You get to enjoy all that when you're pregnant."

"Where do I sign up?" He replies sarcastically. I laugh, placing my hand on my stomach.

"I think I've got the baby-carrying duty covered for us." I chuckle. Ezra leans forward and kisses me, and I notice his smile as our lips connect. His breath is warm, tasting slightly of the coffee he was just drinking.

"And you're doing a pretty damn good job." Ezra says, his lips only a few inches from mine.

"Now what do you and Piper say to some banana pancakes?" He asks.

"We'd love that." I reply, a small smile still on my face.


A Few Hours Later
Ezra's Pov

Everything's planned out perfectly.

Aria and I are going to leave the house at exactly 1:00, then drive to the top of Beacon Hill, a place where we often go to have a picnic lunch. Sometimes, we'll go up there to watch the sunset, and have even gone a few times to see the sunrise. It's become a special place to Aria and I.

"Okay, I'm ready." Aria says as she walks down the stairs. She's dressed in her puffy maternity winter jacket, along with a white knitted toque that contrasts beautifully against her dark hair. Her baby bump, as always, is adorable.

"Let's go, beautiful." I say as I take her hand. We walk out to the car together, the snow crunching underneath our feet. Luckily, it's no longer snowing, and there's even a little blue in the usual grey winter sky.

"Hopefully it'll be warm enough for us out there." Aria says, glancing out the window.

"Yeah, but I made us both teas so we have something warm to sip on." I reply, motioning to the two travel mugs in the cupholders.

As we drive toward Beacon Hill, I can't help but nervously run through the plan in my head. Spencer, Emily, and Toby will make sure no one's at the top of the hill. Caleb, Hanna, and Mike will set up hidden cameras in the bushes. Which leaves me and Aria.

We're the centre of the plan, the reason that it even exists. If all goes well, everything will operate smoothly, just the way we planned it. And though I'm almost positive everything will go perfectly, I still can't help but be slightly nervous.

As the hill comes in sight, my heart does a giddy leap. This is it. This the the moment my life will change forever.

I discreetly pat the small lump in my pocket, just to make sure that the box containing the engagement ring is still there.

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