It's a Fitz Thing

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Two Days Later
Aria's Pov

Just a I finish washing the last dish, I hear my phone vibrate from the windowsill. I drain the sink and dry my hands off, picking it up and reading the message from Emily, Spencer, Hanna, and I's group chat.

Banana🍌: Before summer ends we should all go camping or to a cabin or something??
Em🐬🏊🏼😍: Yessss that'd be so much fun
S-Money💸💸💸: Maybe we can go to my aunts cabin, the one on the lake😍😍
Me: Count me in👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

"We're back!" Ezra yells as he comes through the front door. He walks into the kitchen with Piper strapped to his front and three grocery bags in his arms. I quickly take them from him, much to his relief.

"How was she at the store?" I ask as he unstraps Piper.

"She was a little angel." Ezra replies "Didn't make a single peep. She just sat there contently strapped to my chest as I walked around and got groceries. I think we should have eight more."

"Babies?!" I question with wide eyes.

"If they're all as good as this one, why not?" Ezra shrugs only half sarcastically.

"Because that's nine kids." I say "Nine diapers to change, nine mouths to feed, not to mention how we'd literally get no sleep. Also, we'd need a bus to go anywhere."

"I know, I'm joking." He grins "But besides, it's not like they'd all be babies at the same time."

"Still, it's a no from me." I chuckle "The one who has to carry and birth them all."

"That's good, because I really don't want nine kids either." Ezra says "And come to think of it, maybe we shouldn't have any more at all. Piper's such a perfect baby that maybe another one would just disappoint."

"Don't say that." I laugh.

"Kidding." He replies "Although Piper is still the perfect baby."

"Agreed." I nod, reaching for her "Come to Mommy." She happily reaches her arms out for me to pick her up, which I do so right before kissing her cheek.

"Did you have fun at the store with Dada?" I coo, my tone causing her to grin. Her adorable two-toothed smile puts one on my own face that I couldn't hold back if I tried.

"Oh yeah!" Ezra says suddenly "I almost forgot, Piper got something for you while we were out." He reaches into one of the bags and pulls out a small brown paper bag, which I immediately know what's inside.

"Awww, you shouldn't have." I smile, the smell of the cheese croissant filling my nose "Actually, you should've, these are amazing." I lean up and kiss his warm lips, smiling at the thought of him making an extra stop at my favourite bakery just to be nice.

"It wasn't me who got it." Ezra says with a grin "It was Piper, remember?"

"Right," I nod "Thank you Pipey, this was a great surprise. You can even try a little piece if you want." I rip a tiny piece from the soft inside of the croissant and hand it to Piper. She immediately brings it to her mouth, chewing it with a worried expression.

"It's okay," I laugh "It's yummy." Since introducing Piper to solids nearly two weeks ago, we've been trying to integrate as many different foods into her diet as we can.

I hear my phone buzz from the counter, turning around and checking the message from Spencer with my free arm.

S-Money💸💸💸: My aunt is down to let us use the lake house!! What about next weekend? Check with significant others too!!😆

"Wanna go to Spencer's aunts lake house next weekend?" I ask Ezra, setting my phone down and switching Piper to the other arm.

"Yeah, that'd be great." He shrugs "One last fun getaway before school starts and I go back to teaching."

"Oh yeah." I frown "It'll just be me and Piper all day. Not that I don't love quality time with her, we're just gonna miss you."

"I'm gonna miss you both too." Ezra smiles "I won't be able to get you two off my mind all day." I walk forward and pull him into a one armed hug, holding Piper in the middle of us with the other arm.

"Piper-oni sandwich!" Ezra chuckles, looking down at our daughter. I laugh at his mixing of Piper and pepperoni, adding that to the mental list of nicknames.

"Piper-oni baloney." I giggle, kissing Piper's forehead.

"Piper-oni baloney macaroni." Ezra continues.

"I didn't realize her name rhymed with so foods." I laugh "Hmm...what's another one? Piper-oni baloney macaroni...guacamole?"

"That's so good!" Ezra exclaims "But I think I gotta pull out Google now." After looking at his phone for a moment, he whips his head up with an excited smile.

"Piper-oni baloney macaroni guacamole minestrone!" He says proudly.

"Wow." I say with wide eyes "I think I need Google too." After a few seconds and a food in mind that rhymes with the previous ones, I look turn back to Ezra.

"Piper-oni baloney macaroni guacamole minestrone ravioli!" I huff, proud of myself.

"This is getting insane." Ezra chuckles, although looking back at his phone. After staring at the screen for a minute, he puts his head up and sighs.

"I can't find another one." He says.

"Here, I'll say what we have so far, and you say what first comes to mind." I offer "Piper-oni baloney macaroni guacamole minestrone ravioli..."

"Shetland pony!" He adds with a laugh.

"I think that finishes it off." I chuckle "There's no way we can top that anyway."

"Not a chance." Ezra replies "And I honestly don't think Piper would want us to."

"What do you mean, of course she would." I say sarcastically "Isn't that right Piper-oni baloney macar—"

"Shhhhh." Ezra places a finger over my lips "Save our daughters young and fragile ears from hearing that again." I grin, looking at Piper's innocently curious face and wide blue eyes.

"Oh Piper girl," I sigh, smiling "Sorry you're stuck with us weirdos as your parents. But you better make the best of it, because you're stuck with us for a long while."

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