Friends Are The Family You Choose

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Three Weeks Later
Aria's Pov

Our baby girl turned one month old a couple days ago. I can't believe it's already been a whole month since I was in labour at the hospital, time sure does pass quickly. Piper is the light of both me and Ezra's lives, she brings us more joy than I could've ever imagined. She already smiles so much for such a young baby, and seeing her do so makes me extremely happy. She gets mesmerized by the sound of Ezra or I's voice, and loves to listen to either of us talking. Of course she still enjoys breastfeeding, although only from the left side, might I add. She's getting a lot better at laying on her tummy and lifting her head up, and no longer cries the second I lay her on her stomach. A few things haven't changed at all, like how she hates things on her head, and loves being swaddled in a blanket. Piper already has so much personality, and I'm absolutely honoured to be her mother.

"When are the girls getting here?" Ezra asks as he walks into the room.

"They should be here in fifteen minutes." I reply, looking down at Piper sleeping on my chest. My friends are coming over to hangout, although I know that they're mostly focused on seeing Piper. They all love her so much, but I definitely don't blame them.

For the next fifteen minutes, Ezra and I just relax on the couch, waiting for my friends to arrive. I gently rub Piper's back, hoping she won't wake up and start crying when my friends get here. Although she's becoming a lot better at not getting upset when she's taken out of Ezra or I's arms. For the first little while, if Piper was awake when she was being taken from one of us, she would immediately start crying. We're still working on it, but she's definitely gotten a lot better.

There's a knock on the front door, which Ezra volunteers to answer. I stay with Piper on the couch as he lets my friends inside from the crisp February air, quickly shutting the door behind them.

"Alright, where's my little Pipey-Wipey?!" Hanna asks excitedly as they walk into the room.

"Shhhh!" I say "She's sleeping. But she's right here if you wanna hold her."

"Is that even a question?!" Hanna shrieks. I shoot her a look that says shut up! all by itself.

"Uh—I mean is that even a question?!" She whispers. I just chuckle, then carefully give Piper to Hanna. Luckily, she doesn't wake up.

"You're just so cute!" Hanna whispers to Piper "The cutest and prettiest baby in the entire world, for sure. You're my favourite niece, Pipey-Girl."

"She's your only niece, Han." Emily chuckles.

"I know, but no matter what she'll always be my favourite niece." Hanna explains.

"But what about when Emily and I have kids one day, how do you know that they won't be your favourite?" Spencer questions jokingly.

"Because," Hanna replies "There's no way any niece or nephew could be better than Piper."

"That's true," Spencer agrees "Piper is the best baby in all of existence, hands down."

"I honestly can't get over how adorable she is." Emily gushes. I look at my sleeping daughter in Hanna's arms, cracking a smile that I know I wouldn't be able to contain if I tried.

"Yeah, she's pretty special. I don't know what I would do without her." I admit.

"Is it bad that Piper's giving me really bad baby fever?" Hanna asks "Like she's seriously making me want to have a baby right now."

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