Ticket Out of Hell

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Aria's Pov

"You don't understand, I might be able to prove we're innocent!" Ezra yells at Officer Fuentes. He just stands with his back to us, pretending he doesn't hear a word.

"Listen to me!" Ezra screams "We're not guilty and I can prove it! Let me show you!" Still, the police officer pays no attention.

"You can't do this to us!" He continues to scream "We're innocent until proven guilty! Do you hear me?!"

"You are proven guilty!" Officer Fuentes finally answers, although not with what I was hoping "Now I advise you to calm down before I call someone to escort you to a more isolated cell."

"I won't calm down!" Ezra yells "Not until you listen to what I have to say!" From all the yelling, Piper wakes up and starts wailing loudly. I lift her from her car seat, cradling her against me. Ezra looks at me with pain in his eyes, before turning back to Officer Fuentes.

"Listen, I don't care anymore, do whatever you want with me." He says defeatedly "Just let my fiancé and daughter go. She's not even two months old, she can't live in a jail cell. Please, let them go."

"I'm sorry Mr. Fitz, but I am unable to do so." The officer replies "But your daughter won't grow up here, I can promise you that much. In the state of Pennsylvania, jail prisoner's babies can only stay with them in jail until the age of one. After that, they go to an orphanage or a family member who will raise them until the parents' sentence is over."

"What?!" I cry, not believing what I'm hearing. They can't take Piper away from Ezra and I, we're her parents.

"That's not gonna happen!" Ezra scoffs "No way you're taking her from us."

"We don't need to discuss that now," Officer Fuentes says "We have more current things to worry about."

"You're right," Ezra replies "Like the fact that we're innocent and I can prove it."

"Listen, I'm not interested in hearing any of this." Officer Fuentes says angrily "So shut your mouth or you're getting moved to a new cell." Ezra stares silently down at the ground, the only noise Piper's soft cries. I rock her carefully, knowing it'll make her fall back asleep. As I stare down at her, my eyes begin to water at the thought of her being taken from us. It's one of the worst thoughts to think, I don't ever want it to happen. A few tears fall as my mind wanders to my mom, and that same tight feeling pangs in my chest again. It still hasn't sunk in that she's gone, and I don't ever want it to. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Ezra's voice, which is directed frustratedly at the cop.

"Just let me ask my neighbours to see their security cameras!" He pleads "Hell, I don't even need to go, you can go see for yourself!"

"That's it," Officer Fuentes says through gritted teeth, pulling his walkie-talkie off his belt. He holds it to his mouth, talking so quietly that I can barely make out what he's saying "Davies, do you mind coming to cell fourteen and escorting Ezra Fitz to a vacant cell in the D wing?" My eyes widen at his words, and it takes everything I have not to yell at him. It's bad enough that we're here, but separating us makes it even worse. Ezra comes and sits beside me, his head in his hands.

"What'd I do?" He asks frustratedly "I'm only making things worse."

"No you're not," I choke out "If he would just believe you and look at the tapes, he would see we're innocent. It's our ticket out of here, we can't stop trying."

"We're gonna get out," He says reassuringly "I can promise you that much." I sob onto his shoulder, knowing we only have a short amount of time before he's taken to another cell. I hug him tightly as I hear the footsteps coming from down the hall, not wanting him to leave. Ezra gives me a sad look, before pressing his lips to mine.

"I'm sorry." He says between kisses "If I just kept my mouth shut, we could've stayed together. There's so much going on, I want to be able to comfort you."

"It's okay Ezra." I reply sadly "You were just trying to get us out of here." He doesn't say another word, but instead just holds me as I cry into his chest. There's too much going on, too much for me to handle. My mom being killed, us charged with her murder, finding out that Piper will be taken from us; I can't comprehend the thought of it all.

I hear the cell door open, but I don't look up. I'll take every last second with Ezra. Their footsteps get closer and closer, until they're standing right beside us. I force myself to look up, tears still falling from my eyes. Next to a cop I've never seen is Toby, dressed in his police uniform.

"Toby," Ezra says, sounding surprised "You have to go to our neighbours house and ask to check their security cameras. They might have recorded—"

"Oh give it a rest!" Officer Fuentes interrupts angrily.

"No, let him finish." Toby replies, waving his hand at his coworker. He looks back at Ezra, waiting for him to continue.

"Our neighbours across the road have security cameras, one of which might be aimed at our house. It could prove that we're innocent." Ezra says.

"That's perfect, we'll go check." Toby says while trying not to act excited.

"That's not your call to make, Cavanaugh." Officer Fuentes adds firmly, his mouth pressed into a line.

"Well, I guess I'll just have to talk to someone who's call it is to make." Toby replies matter-of-factly. Officer Fuentes just stares at him coldly, before turning to face the other cop.

"Davies, please take Mr. Fitz to wing D." He says. The man nods, before walking into the cell.

"That won't be necessary." Toby states "I can assure you that Ezra won't bother you anymore." He glances back at Ezra, who nods agreeingly. Officer Fuentes just stares at Toby, the same stern look on his face. For a moment, I think he's going to say no.

"Fine." He sighs "But if he annoys me anymore, he's going straight to D wing." Toby nods, clasping his hands together. He turns to face us, a small smile on his face.

"I'll go to your neighbours house," He says "Hopefully I'll find what we need." I nod, smiling excitedly. This could be our ticket out of this hell.


Two Hours Later

I awaken to the sound of a door opening. I quickly realize where I am, in a jail cell, and sit up frantically on the bed. Ezra's eyes spring open, first looking at me and then to Piper asleep between us. The uncomfortable bed is small for all of us, but I can't complain. I'm just happy that Ezra's still in the same cell as us.

The cell door is open wide, and a tall figure stands in the opening. Ezra and I both stare as they walk closer to us, not saying a word. Finally, a light turns on, revealing Toby.

"We found the tapes," He says "They know you're innocent. You're free to go home."

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