Chapter 4

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When I awoke the next morning, I smiled remembering the events of the previous night. Harry had kissed me. I must say, it was quite the kiss. Forget butterflies in my stomach, it was more like elephants stomping around. But it was perfect. My phone bleeped awaking me from by daydream. I opened my messages and found that Harry had texted me.

Wanna do something today? xxx Harry

Absolutely <3  I typed back. I got out of bed and went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast with my phone in my hand. Soon it bleeped again with another message from Harry

I’ll pick you up at 12? xxx

Sounds perfect! I replied. I glanced at the clock in the kitchen. It read 9:36 AM. That should be enough time to get ready. As I poured myself some cereal and milk, my mind drifted away to think about Harry again. Whenever I was with him, I forgot about James. He made me feel happy again, and that was really what I needed right now.

After I finished my breakfast I ran back up the stairs to get ready for my date with Harry. This is my first date with Harry I realized. I had to find the perfect outfit, so I called up Makayla and asked her for advice on what I should wear. “Hello?” She answered her phone. “Hi Makayla, it’s Kathryn. I’m going on a date and I have no idea what to wear.” I explained to her. “Oooh! Who’s the lucky guy! Please don’t tell me your back with James again.” I cringed at the mention of James and then quickly said, “No, not James. Harry. You know the one from Starbucks?” Makayla squealed on the other end of the phone. “OMG this is perfect, you guys look so good together!” I smiled and said, “Thanks, but I really don’t know what to wear. Harry’s picking me up at 12, and its already 10:30” I told Makayla glancing at the clock in my bedroom. “Go for a casual outfit! You should wear you studded shorts with that really pretty floral tank top you got at the mall that time, and just some flip flops.” I smiled, Makayla knew me so well. “That sounds perfect I told her. “Thanks so much!” Makayla giggled “No problem, Katy! Have fun on your date! I’ll think of a couple name in the meantime!” I rolled my eyes and hung up, that crazy girl  I thought to myself.

I was applying the last coats of my mascara, when I heard the doorbell ring. Smiling to myself, I hopped down the stairs happily. My hair looked fantastic, I had put in into a fishtail braid. I also had to give credit to Makayla, my outfit looked pretty hot. I had done my makeup, only putting on eyeliner, mascara, and a little dab of lip gloss. I opened the door grinning, “ Hello Harry!” He smiled back, “Hey Kathryn.” He extended his arms which held a beautiful bouquet of red roses. “Aww, Harry you are too sweet! You didn’t have to do this!” I told him. I led him inside, grabbing a vase from the cupboard to put the flowers in. “You look fantastic.” Harry said, looking me up and down. My cheeks blushed. Good thing I hadn’t applied actual blush to my cheeks, or I would be looking like a clown. “Thanks Harry, you look quite handsome, yourself!” Harry was wearing a dark blue sweater, with black skinny jeans and a black beanie sitting on top of his curls. Harry beamed at me and said “ Ready to go, Kat?” I started nodding but stopped when I realized what he had called me. “Did you just call me Kat?” I questioned him. He chuckled and nodded “ Yeah I did... is that alright?” I giggled and nodded, “I’ll be your little kitty, Kat.” Harry kissed my cheek, and said “Sounds perfect to me.”

Harry backed out of my driveway, and I asked him “Where are we going?” He glanced at me and grinned saying “It’s a surprise!” I pouted jokingly and said “I hate surprises, can you just tell me where we are going? Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please? Pretty pretty pretty PLEASE? Pretty pretty pretty please with a cherry on t-” I was cut of my Harry’s lips smashing onto mine. I was so shocked, but then started to enjoy the kiss. Harry pulled away, and asked me, “Are you done talking now?” I giggled and replied “For now...” He turned on the radio, and started singing along. “You have a lovely voice.” I told him. He grinned from ear to ear. “Thanks Kat.” We rode in silence for a couple of minutes before I started up again. “Are we there yet?” Harry replied “No.” “Are we there yet now?” “NO!” Harry exclaimed. “How about now?” “NO! “Now?” “Kat, seriously shut up!” Harry said jokingly. “Make me!” I fought back. “Fine.” Harry said as he pressed his lips softly against mine. I pulled back from the kiss, as much as I didn’t want to and said “HARRY! Keep your eyes on the road!” He frowned as I scolded him and then sighed. “Okay, okay, FINE! You win, but only because I’m driving, and I don’t want to get us killed.” I giggled and asked “What’s my prize?” Harry grinned and said “A kiss, but not now, later, I don’t want to get scolded again by you, for not keeping my eyes on the road.” “Deal.” I replied.

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