Chapter 5

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“Oh my gosh!!! I love bowling!” I shouted in Harry’s face as we arrived in the bowling centre. He smiled and said “I’m glad.” and kissed my cheek lightly. I blushed and said “Let’s go get our bowling shoes!” I ran over to the desk and Harry said “One size 9, please.” Then he looked at me and smiled “What size are you?” “Eight.” I replied.

Once we got our shoes, and put them on, we headed towards our bowling lane. “Lets make a deal,” I told Harry. “Whoever gets the highest score wins and loser has to buy dinner.” Harry smiled mischievously and said “Deal.” Harry let me go first saying “Ladies first!” which by the way, sounded extremely adorable in his cute british accent. I took my shot and watched the ball roll down the lane, hitting the pin in the middle. “STRIKE!” I shouted. “HA, beat that Curly.” Harry fake pouted and stood up to take his shot. Only one pin fell down. Harry blushed. “Aww is someone sad? Sad they can’t win a simple game of bowling?” Harry expression changed. Now he was angry. “I was going to go easy and let you win, but now, I will show no mercy!” I laughed. “Okay! My turn!”

The game had been super close, but I did end up beating Harry by 4 points. “I WIN, I WIN, I WIN!” I shouted at Harry as he drove.  Harry fake pouted again, and stomped his foot like a little kid saying, “NO FAIR, YOU CHEATED!” “You wish.” I replied. We fought all the way to the restaurant we were going to for lunch. When we were seated, Harry and I decided to play 20 questions, to get to know each other better. “You first.” I told Harry. “Okay, how old are you?” “19.” Harry beamed and said “Me too!” “Okay my turn, what’s you favorite color?” “Hmmm blue.” I smiled. “What’s your favorite color?” He asked me. “Green,”I replied, but I would never tell him it was my favorite color because of his beautiful green eyes. “What are you studying in college?” “I want to be in the music business.” He said. “Well, you definitely have the voice for it!” I complimented him. He smirked. We would have continued our game, but our waitress came to take our orders. “I’ll have the shrimp linguini please” I told her. I wasn’t even sure if she heard me because she was too busy staring at Harry and drooling over him. Harry must have noticed because he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his, over the table, in plain sight. The waitresses cheery smile, soon turned to a frown, when she saw us holding hands. “ And what would you like?” She asked Harry. “ I’ll have the spicy chicken fajitas please.” She smiled politely and said “I’ll be back with your order ASAP.”

I frowned and looked away, but still holding Harry’s hand. “What’s wrong Kat?” Harry asked. I looked at the waitress, who was all the way across the restaurant, taking another table’s order. Harry must’ve followed my gaze, because he said “Is someone jealous?” with a smirk on his face. I smiled at him. “I don’t go for girls like her, besides I already have my eye on you.” He held up my hand, which was still intertwined with his. He brought it to his lips and kissed it gently.

The rest of the lunch was amazing. The meal was delicious! Harry was driving me back to my house. While we were driving I asked, “ When do I get my reward?” He smirked and glanced at me while we were stopped at a red light. “Soon.” He answered. “You know I’m not very patient Harry.” “Too bad, Kitty Kat.” I fake pouted, “Hmm you’re a meanie.” Harry gasped “You’re a meanie!” We bickered all the way back to my house.

Harry opened the car door, once we got to my house and jogged around to the other side, to open my door. “Such a gentleman!” I said, as he pulled open my car door. He smiled and walked me to the door.

“You’ve been very patient, Kat.” Harry told me. I smiled and nodded. He leaned in to kiss me, but suddenly the front door opened. I spun around to come face to face with Makayla. He eyes widened when she realized what was about to happen between me and Harry. “Oops, sorry guys, carry on.” She said embarrassed as she closed the door.

Harry smirked and chuckled, “Where were we?”

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