Chapter 8

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The next morning, I woke up in Harry’s arms. I smiled and looked up at him. Harry was twirling my hair around his finger, and grinning down at me. “Were you watching me sleep?” I asked him groggily. He had a smirk on his face now, “ I couldn’t help it, you’re just so beautiful.” My smile turned to a frown, “Harry, remember what I said, I’m not ready for th-” Harry interrupted me, “I know. But just remember what I said, I’ll wait for you.” I smiled and looked away, staring out the window, which the sun was pouring into. “I want to take you out today. As friends.” Harry told me suddenly. “Okay.” I agreed. “Where are we going?”  “It’s a surprise.” He replied.

When Harry said that it reminded me of our first date, when I wouldn’t shut up, just so Harry would kiss me. What was I thinking? I clearly wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. I felt bad admitting it, but I was kind of using Harry to get over James. Well, at first I was only using him. But, it was only afterwards, that I realized that I actually liked him. I liked him as more than a friend, but I would never admit it. I was even having trouble admitting it to myself.

I got up to get ready, and Harry grabbed my arm, and pulled me back towards him. He looked deep into my eyes. His eyes were so amazing. I had never seen a color like his eyes before. They were so perfect. And his lips, they were the perfect shade of pink.  They looked so kissable. Harry brushed my hair out of my face. We were both looking deep in each other’s eyes. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I started leaning in, waiting for my lips to meet his, but then I stopped myself. I opened my eyes and saw that I was about 3 centimetres from Harry’s face. He was looking down at my lips. He wanted to kiss me too.

Harry’s POV

I was staring at her lips. If I moved forward just a little, I would be kissing Kat. I wanted to so badly. But, I didn’t want to take advantage of her. She was so fragile and broken, it wouldn’t be right to play with her feelings like that. So I waited to see what she would do.

Kathryn’s POV

I pulled away quickly, and brushed it off like it was no big deal. “I’m going to go get ready.” I said to Harry. He had an expression of disappointment and sadness on his face. I ran into my bedroom and quietly shut the door behind me. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked horrible. My mascara was running down my face, my eyeliner smudged on my cheek, and my eyes were extremely red and puffing, from all the crying. I removed my makeup and redid it. Next, I found my outfit and got dressed. I was way too tired to do anything with my hair, so i just put it in a simple ponytail.

When I walked out of my room, I saw Harry in the same place as I left him, he hadn’t moved an inch. I felt bad that I led him on. “Ready to go?” I asked him. “Yes let’s go.” He said snapping out of his day dream.

“A picnic? In the park?” I was so excited, that Harry had planned a picnic. As a child, I had always loved having picnics with my parents, in the park. We used to have peanut butter and honey sandwiches, with lemonade. Once Harry parked the car, I ran out yelling, “Wooohooo!”  “Is someone excited?” Harry asked me. “Yes! I love picnics!” He smiled and replied, “Good! I packed lots of food.” He pulled out a HUGE picnic basket from the back of his car.

I helped Harry spread out the picnic blanket on a nice patch of grass, in the side, by some trees.

All of the food was delicious. “Mmmm! These strawberries are delicious!” I said. I took sip of my fruit juice, and it spilt all over my shirt. I looked down on my shirt and saw a red stain in the middle of my bright white shirt. “Oh crap!” I exclaimed. “I think I have another shirt in my car, I’ll go get it.” Harry said, as I tried to clean my shirt off.

When he came back, he took off the shirt he was wearing. I couldn’t help but notice his 6 pack. Harry waved his shirt in front of me and said, “Here take this one, it’s probably cleaner.” Then, he slipped on the shirt that was in his car. “Thanks.” I said taking the shirt. But then I realized I couldn’t put that shirt on, without taking off the one I already had on. “Go on, I won’t look.” Harry told me, looking away. I looked around to make sure nobody else at the park could see me. When I didn’t see anyone, I quickly slipped off my shirt and put on Harry’s. “Okay, you can turn around now.” I told him. I scrunched my other shirt up, and put it in my purse. Harry smiled and said, “You look nice in my clothes.”  I blushed, “Umm, thanks Harry.”

The rest of the day at the park was filled with laughter and jokes. Harry was absolutely hilarious, and every time he would laugh, his dimples would appear on his face. We played soccer on the field, and Harry even gave me a piggyback ride or as he liked to call them kitty back rides. “Come on Kitty Kat, get on my back.” he said. I giggled and hopped onto his back. He ran around the field, and spun me around. I was extremely dizzy by the time I got off his back. Once I had regained my balance, I said, “Hey Harry, I’ll race you to the top off the hill.” He shouted, “ Okay, 1...2...3.. GO!” I sprinted up the hill, and when I saw that Harry was in front of me, and gaining a lead, I sped up a little more. We were both so close the top of the hill. We were running side to side, our arms brushing against one anothers as we ran. We both reach the top of the hill at the same time, and fell onto each other, laughing and trying to catch our breath at the same time. I saw that the sun was already setting. The sky looked beautiful, it was blue, purple, and pink. Harry got up from lying on the ground and sat down next to me. I turned to him and said, “Thank you for today Harry, I had a lot of fun.” Harry grinned and replied, “I had lots of fun with you, Kat.” “Tonight was perfect.” I said quietly.

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