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Grace sat down on cold tile as she thought of how everything was going so far.

"Let's see first I get kidnapped. Second I was told Cameron was to get me and now I'm left alone in a dark cold room. Perfect."

She thought of the possibility of Cameron coming to get her.

"Why would he come for me. He hates me know. Man, Im such a fool" she thought frustratedly pulling her hair back.

Grace slammed her head in the stone wall. She winced as the pain spread through her head.

Her eyes adjusted to her surroundings. The room seemed completely closed other than the door which she was pushed through.

She smirked to her self as she thought of a riddle she heard-

"A man was captive in a room of brick. In the room there is a table in the room with a mirror. How does he get out?"

She was interrupted by a bang on the metal door. She turned her head in the direction. She stopped breathing to listen.

Grace heard heavy breathing. She saw a dark figure by the door.

She was not only person in the room.

"Who is there?"she asked her voice coming out softer than she expected.

The person scurried back into the corner where their form blended with the shadows. Their breathing turned silent and their movements gone.

Grace stretched her legs and muscle. They hurt as they relaxed.

"How long have I been sitting down?"she wondered.

She got on her hands on knees and crawled over to the section of the room. Her knees and hands echoed on the cold stone floor.

"No. No. No. Stay away from me. Don't come any further" the person said in a feminine voice.

"I am not going to hurt you" Grace said realizing how scared the person was.

"That is was they always say. Im not going to hurt you. Its fun. Nothing is wrong" she said.

"I'm really not going to hurt you" Grace said stepping or crawling closer.

"Oh. Okay" she said crawling out of the corner." What's your name?"

"Grace Davidson. I was kidnapped and brought here" Grace started sitting down on the ground.

"Oh. My name is Beth Clive. I was kidnapped at 14 and now 17. I have been raped, abused and mistreated"

"Oh. I'm so sorry" Grace sympathized

"Its okay. Its my mother's fault any how. She and her boyfriend" she sighed then continued "That's how it goes".

Beth stood up and helped Grace to her feet.

Grace could see her aquamarine eyes shining in the dim light shining from behind the metal door.

She smiled brightly though her eyes seemed so hurt and sad.

"You want to break out of this horrible place?" Grace started

"Of course" Beth replied joyfully.

"Then lets think of a way"

The two sat on the cold stone floor thinking and brainstorming of a way out if the concealed stone cell.

Four hours passed by and it was silent until Beth broke the silence.

"I know the outside of the passage to the back exit. We just need to get out of here"

Suddenly there was bang on the door. A key turned inside the knob. The door swung open and the door creaked as the person's shadow who opened came to place on the floor.

The person came from behind the door and scanned the room for both women. Finally he looked behind the door where they sat in fright.

He walked over to Grace and grabbed her by her hair. He yanked her up to her feet.
He tightened his grip and pulled her out the room.

The bright light of the passage blinded her. She tried to focus on her surroundings.

They cane to a stop and she finally focused. A next door. Her capturer opened the door and shoved hr on the floor. He stepped in and closed the door behind him.

He pulled her by her hair and pushed on a bed near by. By this time she gained her proper conscience and pulled the nan over the bed and punched him in his face.

He winced in pain and covered his nose. He kicked hr of the bed and got up.

"You bit-"

Sf he punched him the crouch.
He stumbled. Over landing next to her. She stood up and he pulled her feet down.
He climbed in her

"You're going to get that back"

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