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AN: This be the end. But, there's probably gonna be more Pernico/PJO/HOO stories in the future from me cause I'm gonna be reading the rest of the Percy Jackson books soon! (Gotta get caught up on the Throne of Glass series, first...)
As for now though, this is the final chapter.
Thanks again everyone who read this story and made it so overwhelmingly successful on here! I look forward to bringing you all more about Nico & Percy someday, soon! : )

Enjoy, friends and fellow Pernico shippers! :D

I woke up in cabin 13 to the sound of Chiron banging some sort of gong really loudly outside of the door.
Groaning at the dull clang that seemed to be released each time he hit them, I buried my face into the first pillow I could find, and prayed to the gods, whichever ones were listening that the gong-banging would cease, soon.
I didn't even know why he was doing it, or why I was not in my bed in the Poseidon cabin, but rather in a much darker looking one.
Well, the sunlight made it slightly less dark and dense, as it streamed in through the window, but the walls were not aquamarine like they were in mine, so I knew something must've happened late, last night.  
I sighed, throwing an arm out in front of me, as I stretched, hoping to rouse myself at least somewhat before I had to get up for breakfast. But, as my arm shot out, it hit something that definitely was not the fabric cloth of a pillow case, rather it felt like human skin. Well, as human as you could possibly get here at Camp Half Blood.
A shudder went up my spine and I was about to pull my arm back and away from the foreign thing in the bed, when I glanced down at the small body of an oddly familiar figure, whose back was turned ever so slightly, so that I could just see the pale, ghost-like complexion of his face.
I smiled, inching closer as I realized who it was and what must have came about for me to end up here.
"Neeks? You up?", I asked, cautiously reaching out to lightly shake my boyfriend, as he grumbled tiredly under his breath.
"No, Perce."
There was a pause, and I faintly thought I heard Chiron's gong playing, again.
"I'm sound asleep."
I laughed, as he flipped himself over so that his entire backside was facing me. His ebony, dark locks of hair falling limp against the pillow.
I asked, again.
"Neeks? Neeky? Nico? Nica? Nico-poo? Are you up?"
There was a slight movement beneath the covers, but the Son of Hades, my cousin and now once again boyfriend, refused to stir.
"Percy, please let me sleep!", was all I got as a reply, as he tightly pulled the blankets over himself, so that they were basically covering his face. Disabling his breathing.
Panic surged through me and I immediacy threw them off of him, as he sat up angrily, glaring daggers at me.
"Why'd you to that?!", he spat, clearly finding my assistance unnecessary.
"Y-You were gonna die if I didn't do something! Nico, I HAD to get that blanket off of you!"
Nico just rolled his dark, brown eyes.
"Honestly, you REALLY think I'd let something like that KILL me?! Perce, I know when I'm suffocating and can no longer breathe! I'm the Son of Hades for crying out loud! I don't need you waking me up like that and throwing the blankets off for no good reason! I let you sleep here last night cause we were dog-tired when we got back to Camp and I didn't want to be alone after all...that. But, if you so much as talk to me today, I just might send one of my father's hell hounds after you to bite your head off! Now then, what was SO important that you had to wake me up this early?"
I shrugged. Suddenly, I had really NO clue what had been the reason I'd woken him up. So, I instead, went with the best answer I could think of.
"I was lonely!"
Nico laughed at me, getting up to fix the bed.
"Perce, you're being overdramatic. Again." he said, shaking out the large, black, fuzzy throw blanket which had fallen to the cabin floor.
"I am NOT being overdramatic. And...what do you mean, AGAIN?!", I demanded in reply.
He giggled and instantly I felt all the muscles in my face, soften.
It was the cutest sound EVER.
Like, EVER.
I swear, that boy could make me do practically ANYTHING for him, if he just let out a small giggle.
That would drive me into action, ANY day.
Finally, I sighed, letting my face relax into a contented, lazy smile, as I extended my arms out to him in a early morning hug.
"C'mere, Ghost King..."
Another giggle erupted from his throat and I pulled him closer to me, wrapping my strong arms around him in a protective gesture.
"Mmmm, Seaweed Brain..."
This time, I didn't angrily push him away when he said it. Like, I had at the hotel... Instead, I reached up to grab handfuls of his silky, smooth, dark hair, as I held strands of it between my fingers, watching as they fell like ribbons through the gaps and then fell back against his head, all flowing in a fluid motion back down to where they usually rested. They just touched the tops of his bony, pointed, slightly jutted out shoulders, covering the state of them partially from view.
"Babe, you really should eat more.", I commented rather plainly, earning an unimpressed grunt from him.
Then, he pushed me roughly away from him and started walking towards to what I guessed was his bathroom, before pausing only a mere foot or so from where the equally as dark of a door was, to fix me with a imploring look.
Nico sighed and folded his arms across his chest, still staring pointedly in my direction.
My cousin just sighed again, this time sounding annoyed and impatient.
Finally, he spoke, when I made no move to get up from the now newly made bed.
"You coming?", he asked.
I gave him a look of complete disbelief and my mouth opened in shock, slightly agape.
"You-you want me to...?", I managed to stammer out and he nodded before emitting another adorable-sounding giggle.
"But, of course, Perce. Why wouldn't I want you to?"
I was pretty sure that my heart was pounding now, no doubt on the verge of popping out of my chest if I even took one more breath of air.
"I-I don't know.", I stuttered and inwardly cursed at my pathetic response.
He laughed and began walking back over to me, his hand outstretched to take hold of mine that was currently trembling with extreme amounts of excitement and anxiety.
It was then that I realized something. Well, two things.
The first being, that I had the most amazing boyfriend ever and the second, that I couldn't imagine a life without my pretty, beautiful boy.
Perseus Achilles Jackson...

AN: I went with the happy ending.
Ha-ha. Sue me. (Jk, don't do that!)

Bye 4 now!

-Purple Passion💜

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