#10 I Get Drugged By Aphrodite, Tell Her the Truth and She Gives Us Something

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AN: Also in Nico's POV... :)

"Now then", she told me, looking intently into my eyes.
"What's seems to be the matter?"
I just sat there, having no urge whatsoever to spill my life's story to her, but then...
There was a literal shift in my mind, I could feel it.
Suddenly, I wanted to tell the goddess everything I knew, everything I wanted, everything I dreamed...
Quickly, I adverted my gaze from Percy and tried to will the thoughts of telling her the truth, away.
I couldn't.
Every time I looked her way, she was smiling and appeared to be urging me to tell her just with those stupid blue eyes of hers.
Dam, her.
I thought.
Dam her, and her ways with mortals and demigods!
So, I took a deep breath.
"Um, if I tell you...can he go somewhere else?", I gestured in Percy's direction.
She laughed and shook her head, making her platinum hair shake.
"Nope. There's nowhere else any of you can go, until you both tell me the truth."
I saw Percy's face pale even more, if that was possible.
I sighed.
Alright than, best get this over and done with.
She grinned like a crazed maniac.
"So...", Aphrodite drawled, playing with her bench again.
"Who are you?"
I looked taken aback.
That was her first question for me?
This was too easy...
"I'm Nico Di Angelo, Son of Hades and I live in the Underworld."
She nodded.
"Anything else?"
"A satyr came and forced me to come to that camp. Camp Half-Blood."
The goddess sat in silence and thought of what to ask me next.
"Do you have anything personal to tell me?"
I nodded.
"When I was younger, I met my cousin Percy for the first time. Then, when I was much older, I went to stay with him and his mom Sally for a week. Well, it was least than a week, actually. While I was there, we got closer and a few days later, Percy confessed that he loved me...", I stopped then, and watched her expression.
She was emotionless but, I thought I saw a tear in her eye.
I couldn't blame her.
Recounting what could have been between us and than what wasn't, was the one of the saddest moments in my life thus far.
I sighed and continued.
The potion didn't allow me very long breaks between my words.
"The day after he told me, I told him that I didn't love him. That I wasn't even gay for that matter.", I take a quick glance at Percy, he's quiet and doesn't look up at me.
She nodded her head and the tear that had been there, slid down her cheek.
"Then, I left. Packed up all my things and was gone after that."
A butterfly near her, held out a Kleenex to her on it's wings, she took it and blew her nose.
"So, that was all in the past. What's wrong, now?"
I took another cautious glance at Percy, he still won't look up.
All I hear is small rapid breathing from him.
Is he crying?
No, I think.
He wouldn't cry for you.
The goddess looks at me, expectantly.
I sighed.
Now or never.
"Well, it's nothing really. I-I'm in love."
Her head shoots up so fast, it makes me dizzy.
I nodded.
She squealed like a little kid getting ice cream, or in my case, a happy meal...
"Who, who is it?!"
She's up from her bench now and is jumping up and down in front of me, like a five year old.
"Um well, it's-it's P-Percy."
She smirks knowingly at my cousin and than looks at me.
Percy is now staring at me, in shock.
He looks so utterly confused.
"But, but, I thought you said you didn't love me? Cause, you were straight?"
I want to slap myself across the face.
Of course he'd remember that!
I shook my head.
"No, I'm not. Truth is: I actually was in love with you even back then, Perce. I just couldn't bring myself to admit it. I feel terrible for the way I treated you and-", suddenly, the urge to talk more was gone.
The goddess of love was smiling and blowing her nose with another Kleenex.
Percy got up off the ground and took a step towards me.
He was smiling as he grabbed my hand.
"I-I love you too, Nico. That day when I said that I didn't love you anymore, I-I was lying. I actually never stopped loving you, even after you left, I couldn't stop thinking about you..."
My heart was racing and I was pretty sure I was dreaming.
"B-but, what about Annabeth?", I asked, fearing his response.
He laughed.
"What about her? I love you, Nico Di Angelo. I don't care about Annabeth Chase, all I want is you!"
And like that, we hugged.
I was so happy, that I didn't even notice Aphrodite applauding, I also didn't notice she'd opened the gate to her enchanted love garden.
Nor did I care.
Percy Jackson loved me and I love him.
My world was bright and new again.
I could smile and actually mean it.
Nothing else mattered and I was extremely glad I'd been chosen for this quest.
When we pulled apart, he kissed me.
It was wonderful.
I missed the way he kissed me, how happy he made me feel...
So without hesitation, I kissed him back.
He grabbed me behind the neck and pulled me closer, his fingers knotted in my hair.
Finally, she spoke.
"Listen boys, much as I love this love fest you got going on. You really should think about getting outta here and getting on your way to the Underworld."
We looked at her slightly embarrassed and confused.
"Oh yeah that's right, I didn't tell you...", she pulled out something from that giant apple tree of hers.
It was my father's helm.
What the heck?
"I bet you're wondering why I have this...", she said, gesturing to the item in her hands.
We nodded.
"Well, I took it. But, I did it for a good reason. See, I knew you two were not really speaking to each other and all, so I took the helm from the Underworld... Well, actually Persephone brought it to me... Anyways, I did it so that you two would be forced to come here...", she gave us a weak smile.
"No hard feelings?"
I nodded.
"Nope, actually I can't thank you enough!"
Percy smiled and nodded also.
"Me too"
So, we set out after that for Los Angeles, only this time, Perseus Jackson the boy of my every waking thought and dream, was back in my life...

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