#2 My Cousin Arrives and Almost Bores Me to Death

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"Percy!", my mom yelled.
"Get the door!"
I didn't know why she couldn't just do it, but I also didn't want to anger her so I did what she asked.
This was gonna be awkward.
"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. Nice to see you again."
I thought maybe if I was polite, he might actually say something.
He didn't, just kinda stared everywhere but, not at me.
This was awkward.
I could hear the wall clock ticking tauntingly.
Then, my mother appeared, I was safe from anymore awkwardness.
"Oh hi Nico, nice to see you. Percy's really excited about seeing you again."
He nodded slightly and than stared at the floor.
My mom cleared her throat.
"Okay Nico, you'll be staying in Percy's room with him so if you'd just follow us, we'll show you where to put your things."
My mother, the perfect hostess.
He didn't look up, but pushed his black duffel bag through the door.
I reached out to grab it, so that he wouldn't have to, but he snatched it back and glared at me.
Startled, I fell backwards and almost hit the couch.
He giggled and then covered his face with both hands, when he saw that I noticed.
Slowly, I got up off the floor and showed him to my room.
Again, he kinda just stood in the doorway, staring at everything.
I sighed and plopped down onto my bed.
This was going to be a long week.
It suddenly got very quiet and I was positive he'd ran and holed himself up in the bathroom or something, but when I looked down he was sitting on the floor staring at the pages of some book.
My dyslexia prevented me from finding out what so, I had to ask.
"What ya reading?"
He looked up startled and I thought for a moment he might bolt.
Or cry.
Maybe both?
He didn't though, just pointed at the cover.
I squinted.
Nope, still couldn't read it.
"Um, could you maybe tell me? I can't exactly read English that well..."
It was true, not lie there.
Rolling his eyes, he nodded then spoke softly.
"It's The Maze Runner."
I had no clue what that was, but I also didn't want to bother him more, so I fell back on my bed and sighed.
He didn't seem to care that I was bored outta my head, or that I was ignoring him.
Wow, my mom was right.
This kid was very antisocial.
I began to bang my feet against my bed frame, hoping that would make him stop reading that stupid book of his and do something else.
Preferably, with me.
"Boys! Dinner!", my mom yelled.
I got up and ran out of there faster than what I was sure was humanly possible.
But, I wasn't human.
I was half.
I was just relieved to be out of there and didn't even care if he was following after me or not.
My mom did though, she saw I was alone and frowned.
"Where's Nico?"
I shrugged.
Who really cares?
I thought.
I want food.
But, my mom looked worried.
She ran down the hall taking my blue pasta with her.
"Nico? Nico? Are you in there?"
I sighed.
"Mom, I want food!"
She didn't listen to me.
"Now Percy, you know better. We have to find your cousin first."
I rolled my eyes.
"He's in my room. Reading a book."
She nodded.
"Nico? It's me Sally. Percy's mom. Do you want something to eat?"
There was no reply.
My mom threw open the door and Nico jumped off the floor and ran out of the room.
My mom sighed.
"Okay Percy, you can have dinner"
While I gobbled down my food, she went over to try and comfort our houseguest.
"Honey, what's wrong?", she asked, sitting down beside the hunched up ball that was Nico.
I couldn't be sure, but I thought he was crying.
His body was shaking violently and I could hear quiet sniffling.
My mom placed her hand on his back and began to rub in small circles.
"Shhh, shhh, it's okay", she cooed.
"It's okay now..."
Eventually, the crying stopped and she just kinda held him in her arms.
Then, I heard snoring.
Oh, great.
I thought.
He's asleep.
My mother picked him up and transferred his sleeping form over to my room, where she laid him on my bed.
Than, she drew the covers up around him and turned off the lights.
"Let's let him sleep", she told me.
"He's had a hard day..."
I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to live with Hades 24/7 and I didn't really want to.
We went back out to the kitchen and finished our dinner.
Finally, I just couldn't take it anymore.
I had to ask.
"Mom, why is Nico acting so...."
"Strange?", she asked finishing my question.
I nodded.
She sighed and got up to put the dishes in the dishwasher.
"Honestly honey, I couldn't really tell you. All I know is it's not easy for him to be around other people. He's used to being alone and neglected. This is all a lot for him right now, but don't worry he'll come around. We just have to give him time..."
I sighed.
I wanted to ask: How much time?
But, I realized that was a little bit rude.
She smiled at me then.
"Maybe tomorrow I'll take you boys to Sweet On America, so that we can get some candy and Nico can get out more."
I found it funny that my mother was referring to my cousin as a dog or something rather than a person, but I didn't say so.
It could anger her.
When my eyelids started to droop, my mom looked at her watch and said: "Time for bed, Percy."
She led me to my bed and pulled the covers down so that I could maneuver in beside my already sleeping cousin, then kissed us both goodnight and left the room.
I fell asleep, instantly.
All the while thinking of what a train-wreck tomorrow would turn out to be...

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