#7 Fate Bites Me in The Butt and The Boy of My Dreams Comes Back in My Life

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< Time Lapse: 3 years later...>

"Hey Perce, what's up?", asked, my best friend Grover Underwood as we sat in our desks at Yancy Academy.
It's a boarding school for juvenile delinquents, that's what I supposedly am.
I sigh, and kick my feet against my desk.
A lot has happened since that year.
The year, I really got to know my cousin.
The year, I confessed my love for him.
The year, I wished that I hadn't.
"Nothing much", I say, and it's not a total lie.
My life is pretty dull.
"You excited to go back to camp?"
Oh yeah, so Grover's a satyr and we go to this summer camp every year called: Camp Half-Blood.
Now, I've known I was a demigod for a long time, but I only started going last year.
While I was there, I saw that Annabeth girl again and she didn't seem to remember me.
I've made a few friends and done some pretty cool things, but it's still not that exciting.
I mean, once you've been to Hades's realm at least a gazillion times, it begins to lose it's shock effect on you.
And whenever I went, I was always nervous I'd see Nico and that in itself was enough to swallow my other fears up.
That was why on our way back to camp, I suddenly got nervous.

"What's wrong?", he asked, giving me a worried expression.
Grover knew I was nervous.
I mean, he's a satyr after all, he knows all my emotions.
Or so he claims.
Somehow, I manage to speak.
"Grover, is there someone new coming to camp this year?"
He nods.
"Yes Percy, there is"
Again, with the satyr's intuition.
He strokes his faintly visible beard and begins to contemplate my question.
"Someone from the Underworld, I believe", he says, still stroking his chin.
My breath hitches.
What if....?
I tell myself.
Don't think about him!
Don't you dare think about Nico Di Angelo!
"Something wrong, Perce?", he asked.
I shook my head.
"No, I'm just a little bit worried...is there a monster following us or something?"
Grover shakes his head.
"Nope", he replys, popping the 'p'.
I sigh.

When we reach camp my stomach feels like it's doing backflips.
My heart pounding louder than the drums in a marching band.
Then, my heart stops.
It's him.
He's standing over by Thalia's pine tree and is leaning against it.
I want to run over and tell him how disrespectful it is for him to do that to something so valuable to camp, but I can't move.
I'm pretty sure, any second now he's gonna look over and notice me.
Then, I'm screwed.
But he doesn't, just keeps talking with a guy with blond hair standing across from him.
He's the Son of Zeus and a somewhat friend of mine.
Why would he talk to him?
Well whatever, it's none of my business.
"Hey Seaweed Brain, what ya looking at?"
I'd barely noticed that I'd been staring for well over a minute.
That is, until I hear Annabeth's voice behind me.
"Oh, um nothing, just admiring the view"
She laughed.
"Some view. If I wasn't a child of Athena I'd think you were staring at the new kid"
I shook my head, vigorously.
"No, no. I'm just trying to figure out what Jason's doing"
She sighed, clearly bored.
"He's talking to Nico. Duh. Honestly, you really do have a Seaweed Brain!"
I didn't reply, but instead reached back to slap her.
Then, I quickly pulled my hand back when I saw them.
They were walking side by side and coming towards where I was.
"Uh, Annabeth. I gotta go. I'll see you tonight at dinner. I wanna talk to you about something then..."
She nodded and smiled.
"Okay Seaweed Brain, we'll talk. Bye!"
Then, I ran off so fast to the Poseidon cabin, it was a wonder my lungs didn't burst.
I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling.
I was safe.
Well, at least for now...

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