#5 I Tell My Mom That I'm Gay, She Accepts It, and Hugs Us Both

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"Mom, can I talk to you about something?", I asked her, that afternoon.
She was folding the laundry and placing it neatly in a big yellow plastic bin.
"Sure honey, what is it?"
I bit my lip and thought of how to go about this.
What was I supposed to say?
That I thought there might be something wrong with me?
That I had accidentally fallen in love with my male cousin?
No, none of those sounded right.
So, I took a deep breath and just started talking.
Besides, it was better if she knew anyway.
"Um mom, remember when you said that I'd meet a pretty girl someday?"
She nodded and smiled.
"Yes, I remember...have you met her yet, Percy?"
My mother looked so hopeful, so excited for me, how was I gonna live with myself it she resented me for what I was about to say?
"Well uh, I think I've met them."
Her head shot up so fast, I thought it might just snap her neck.
"That's great, honey! I'm so happy for you!"
Before, I could say anything more, she grabbed me in a tight hug.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him standing against the wall, looking at me.
There was something about his gaze that I couldn't quite explain properly.
I sighed and waited for my mom to release me.
She finally did, but immediately started asking questions.
"Who is she? Where did you meet her? When can I meet her? Does she know you like her?"
I shook my head.
"Mom, listen to me. It's not a uh, girl. I-I think I might be g-gay. I'm in lo-"
She went and hugged me again.
Whatever thoughts I'd had of her resenting me went straight (no pun intended) out the window.
Then, she laughed.
"So, who is he?"
I felt my face get hot, no matter who I liked, my mother was still going to pester me for details.
"Percy, who's the boy you're in love with?"
But I wasn't listening to her anymore, I was gazing longly at my cousin who was still leaning against the wall, only now a look of shock was plastered to his face.
"There.", I said, still watching Nico by the wall.
"That's the boy I'm in love with."
She looked to where I was looking and gave a sort of squeal/gasp then, she ran really fast over to Nico and scooped him up in a hug.
He looked terrified, but didn't refuse my mother's embrace.
I tried to think of what he must be thinking.
Tried to imagine what he thought of me right now.
After all I was just a stupid boy, who had just confessed his love for another less stupid boy.
I'm pretty sure that he hadn't seen that coming.
Once we all settled down, my mother went over the new list of rules for me and our houseguest.
"I'm fine if you share the bed, I mean-", her voice caught.
"You're just kids after all..."
I nodded.
"Don't worry mom, we're responsible."
It was true, in some aspects.
Finally, when we'd gone over most of the important stuff, she asked: "Sweetie, do you wanna call your parents and tell them the news?"
Nico shook his head, vigorously.
"They're probably busy"
She smiled and nodded.

That night, was different.
I'd woken up terrified about my future and now I was no longer scared.
My mom had taken the whole thing better than, what I thought she would.
I guess, she realized that things like this just happened and that they couldn't be stopped.
We were all on the bed now (hers), discussing what would happen in the future.
"Oh honey, I'm just so happy for you.", she replied, ruffling my hair.
"You're gonna grow up and get married, possibly to him.", she gestured at Nico, while also ruffling up his hair.
He whined.
"Ugh, stop that!"
She laughed.
"Not a chance, sweetie. Your technically family now."
I didn't bring up the fact that Nico had pretty much ALWAYS been family, but I'm sure he sensed that also.
Then, she looked him in the eyes, with a seriousness that was so unlike Sally Jackson.
"If you ever hurt my Percy, I will personally get Poseidon to drown you.", she tried to make it sound like a threat, but the smile on her face gave it a more joking manner.
Then, after a few more crazy 'in the future stories', she sent us on our way to bed, but first kissed us goodnight.
As I felt my eyes shut, I looked down and saw Nico's head resting against my shoulder.
He was already sleeping, and looked so peaceful.
I had a strong urge to kiss him, so I slowly leaned down to his sleeping body.
He was beautiful.
I knew that now, if not before.
Slowly, I took a deep breath and leaned a little closer.
I didn't know what I'd do if he suddenly woke up and saw me.
I didn't want to think about that either.
Gently, I touched my lips to his, then pulled away quickly.
My heart was pounding, rapidly.
He'd never remember it in the morning, but I would.
Smiling to myself, I pulled the covers up and cuddled up to him.
We were technically boyfriends now.
Even if he hadn't really said so.
Typical Nico...

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