Chapter 1

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In Swellview Junior High, Charlotte and Jasper are talking about the school dance next Friday; near the lockers. Suddenly, Henry walks over to them..

Henry: Hey Char, sup Jasper.

Jasper: Hey Henry, we were just talking about--

Char: Nothing much, really. So what's up? (nailed it)

Henry: Just wanted to know your plans for the dance.

Char: (damn it)

Jasper: Well, I'm thinking about bringing these two girls I met at my Bucket convention.

Henry: That's... great dude. (When will he get over this dumb phase?)

Jasper: Thanks! So, I assume your bringing Bianca. (Hen is so lucky, Bianca is so cute)

Henry: Oh, right. I didn't tell you guys. The think is... Bianca broke up with me. For Mitch. (What an idiot)

Char: Aw, sorry dude. (There was always something off about her)

Henry: Thanks Char. Speaking of, who are you bringing next Friday? He says annoyingly poking her.

**bell rings**

Char: Sorry, can't talk! I'll tell you later! (Or never...) She quickly walks into a classroom.

Henry: Charlotte! (What's up with her)

Jasper: That was strange...

Henry: Maybe it's some girl thing. I'll talk to her later. See ya Jasper.

Jasper: Later Henry!

Charlotte sticks her head out of the classroom (they're gone). She walks out, opens her locker, and gets her books. Maybe Henry won't find out, she said to herself. Then she walks into the classroom.

---Last period--

Once the bell rings, Charlotte quickly puts her books away and walks out of class.

Char: (I have to wait for him, but what if he brings up the dance again?) She quickly dodges the idea and runs out of the school building.

*10 minutes past*

Henry: (where is she? Did she leave? Maybe Ray needed her.) Henry continues to wait for Charlotte, who had just arrived in the man cave.

--At the Man Cave--

Charlotte: Hey Ray.
Ray: Charlotte? Where's Henry?
Char: Oh, he--

*Henry comes in from the tube*

Henry: Charlotte? What are you doing here? We were supposed to walk to work together. (What's going on with her?)

Char: Sorry, Hen. (Aw man, I'm such a jerk.)

Hen: *sigh* It's cool. (I can't get mad at her. And when she feels bad, she pouts. And that's adorable) So, back to our conversation.

Char: (I thought he forgot! Why does he keep bringing it up?)

Char: Right... Um, (What do I say? I can't hide it any longer.) There's this guy...

Hen: Oooo!!!

Char: DON'T. And, he asked me, and I said yes.

Hen: So, who's the lucky guy? (He better not be a douche.)

Char: Brandon...

Hen: (I stand corrected.)

Author's Note:
Hey readers! This is my first time writing a story on wattpad. So I just wanted to clear some things up. First, when a character has (this), it means what they are thinking In their head. So, u can read what they say and their thoughts. Another thing, I have a pretty tight schedule, so a daily update isn't a guarantee, but I'll try to at least every week or so. And this all. Please comment what u think and I'll take ur feedback into consideration for future chapters. This is jess, signing off. ✌

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