Chapter 5

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Charlotte runs through the heavy crowd and dodges eye contact from everyone she sees. Once she reaches the door to the school, she looks back into the crowd, then exits...where she wouldn't have to face pity ever again. Henry is quickly scanning the crowd, hoping to see a black/brown curly hair top bun in the sea of middle schoolers. Sadly, there's no luck.

Henry: (What could I have said to her? I feel awful, but confused at the same time. Ugh!!! Make it stop!) Hey Jasper?

Jasper: Oh, what's sup Hen?

Henry: Did you see Char anywhere? I feel awful.

Jasper: Why do you feel awful? It was all Kid Danger's fault.

Henry: (I never felt so much anger in one sentence...) What did I---he do?! (SAVED IT.)

Jasper: Well, for one thing: he didn't have embarrass Charlotte like that in front of the whole school. Everyone's going to pity her and feel bad for her, and that will only make everything worse. I would really hate to be in Char's shoes right now.

Henry: (If you hear that cracking, it was my heart breaking...) But, I thought--

Jasper: And besides, if Kid Danger knew about this, shouldn't he have just told her instead of embarrassing her in front of the whole school? I mean, he does protect people from getting hurt. Doesn't he?

Henry: (Don't I? Ugh, when you best friend make you feel some type of way, it's getting on your nerves. But I can't say he's wrong.) Yeah...I guess you're right Jasper. I have to go find Char.

Jasper: Alright, I hope she feels better. And you know Hen, the biggest jerk here wasn't just Brandon.

Then, Jasper walked onto the dance floor with his dates. Henry realized what he finally done wrong and leaves the dance to make things right, with his best friend. He quickly shuffles across the dance floor and exits the gymnasium. There, outside, he spots the back of Charlotte's head, she's sitting on the wooden bench. Her back is bent over.... Rising up... Then down....

Henry: (Aw man, is she crying?)

Henry slowly makes his way to Charlotte and slightly touches her shoulder. Her head jerks around, and says.

Char: Oh, what do you want?

Henry: (What kind of friend am I to make her cry? I feel awful...) Oh, um, nothing. I just love staring at the stars, aren't they gorgeous? (Stop beating around the bush! Just tell her, now.)

Char: (He's not even gonna apologize?) Yeah, whatever.

Henry sighs to himself.

Henry: (DUDE. NOW.) May I sit...with you?

Char: Sure. (This is getting awkward.)

Charlotte slowly moves to the space on her left of the bench and gestures Henry to sit next to her.

Henry: (And, go.) Charlotte, look. I am so so so so soo sorry for everything. When I---I mean Ray and I found out about Brandon, I didn't have the heart to tell you the truth. You mean everything to me and it hurts me when your sad. I just thought it would be better to show that no good, girl cheater, puppy eater, son of a---- (STOP. You're scaring her.) Anyways, I thought it would be better for me just to show that kid no mercy by embarrassing him on stage. You know that I would never ever want to hurt you, like ever. And if I did hurt you, may the God or Gods above struck lightning upon me right now and kill me instantly. Because I would never live with myself knowing that I've made you cry. Like, never ever. Okay?

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