Chapter 6

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Henry is walking back to his house after what appeared to be a very long day. Not just for him, but for his best friend, Charlotte. He inserts the key into the keyhole and turns the doorknob to an outrageous and chaotic party. And guess who's hosting it....

Piper: PARTY!!! Come on, girls! Don't we look fabulous with our makeup on? Let's take a couple of selfies.(UH OH. We're totally busted.)


Piper: Ugh, fine... (What a party pooper.) Okay girls, I'll see you next week at Marla's house. Thanks for coming! And get rid of that goat in our bathroom.

Henry: OHMERGERD. (A GOAT?!) Yeah, yeah, get out!!

Henry opens the door and gestures all the kids out of his house, followed by a crowd of dancers and two goats soaking wet from the bathroom. Once the house is empty, he slams the door and lets out a heavy groan. He drags his lifeless body to the couch and plops on the cushion to watch some T.V and get rid of some of this drama.

Henry: (I don't think I feel this way, don't I? I mean, sure, Charlotte is my best friend and all, but this is crazy. Maybe I just felt that way cuz--- I don't know, she felt vulnerable and hurt at the time. I just wanted to make her feel better. And, of course, she looked gorgeous. I mean, really gorgeous. Sexy, even. Her cute curly top bun wrapped in a purple sparkle ribbon like a gift on Christmas morning. Her short sleeved purple satin crop top, with a black ruffle skirt. And who could forget her big brown eyes... I swear, you can get lost in them. I never really noticed how taller she looked at the dance, or just have been her heels. She was always a little shorty, but she's my little shorty.. Ahhhhh. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. BAD HENRY. BAD BAD BAD HENRY. No more Charlotte! Just watch some TV to calm down...)

Henry grabs the remote and puts on some new drama he's been watching for a while.

TV: Previously on 'High School Drama'...

Henry: YES! A new episode!

TV: Jason is just dumped by his S.O right before the dance.

Henry: You and me both, Jace.

TV: He decides to have a little fun with his friends at the dance instead. Suddenly, he sees his best friend, Jordin, and she looks stunning. It's then, now, that he realizes how much he's in love with her....

Henry: OH SHOOT... (NO NO NO NO NO.)

TV: We are now left off after Jason approached Jordin outside on the courtyard.

Henry: Maybe Jason realizes he was wrong to be in love with Jordin cuz their BFFs and all. It'll be weird, he'll figure it out.

Jason: Wow Jordin, you look incredible.
Jor: So do you.
Jason: So, where's your date?
Jor: What? AW MAN? I forgot! I was so into planning the dance, I didn't even think about bringing a date.
Jason: Oh, that's cool. Bringing a date isn't nothing, I mean, look at me.
Jor: Oh...right. I'm sorry about Cheryl. If it makes you feel better, I think she missed out on a great guy.
Jason: Wow...thank you Jordin. You know, I never noticed.
Jordin (blushes): What?
Jason: Your eyes....they're.... wow.
(He leans into Jordin and kisses her.)


Piper: Henry? What's your problem?

Henry: (I can't tell her; she'll just gossip. But, she is a life coach... Let's see if she'll help.) Uh, Piper? I actually do have a problem, can I talk to you about it?

Piper: Let's see, you turned down my party while I was Turnt up! And you let all my friends leave. So, thinking... thinking... thinking...NO.

Henry: Okay, that's cool.

Henry pulls out his cellphone and dials 4 on his speed dial. 4 for Mom.

Henry: You know, I wonder what mom and dad are going to think about you when I tell them about your party. Maybe you'll get punished for lying behind their backs. I should convince them to turn off the WiFi and take away your phone and computer, should I? And wait until they hear about THAT GOAT? This is gonna be goooooooooddddd. (Still got it. )

Piper: (He's bluffing, no way he'll tell.) Yeah right. Hearing that changes nothing.

Henry: Okay

Piper: (Don't let him break you.) I bet your phone isn't even on.

Henry: That's cool. (She's gonna snap!!)

Piper: You probably do have mom on speed dial, but I don't care!! Tell her!
(Oh god, don't tell her.)

Henry: Really? Okay.

Henry slowly lowers his thumb to the CALL button. In the air, Henry feels Piper's cold hands grasping his thumb, pulling it up to stop him.

Piper: OKAY!!!! I'LL HELP!

Henry: (Bingo.) Great. Come here.

He walks to the couch and gestures for Piper to take a seat.

Piper: What do you want?

Henry: (don't tell her the Truth.)
I need your opinion on something REALLY important... For my friend. His name is... Bob. And he has a best friend, named... Barbara.

Piper: (you've got to be kidding me.) Go on.

Henry: And the thing is... Bob thinks he is like..."in love" with Barbara. But Bob doesn't know if she feels the same way. Should he tell her?

Piper: (Aw, Henry likes Charlotte! He doesn't fool me for a second.) Well, this is the classic "Stuck in the Friend Zone" situation. Where one guy or girl like their best friend, but wants to avoid ruining their friendship. Hmm, if I were to help... I'd say... You should find out if she likes you. Although it's dangerous to keep your feelings bottled up inside you, you need to find out first so things don't go bad with Charlotte.

Henry: (Oh no.) Whaaaattt? You think--what??? No. Okay, no. I don't like Charlotte, you--silly goose. It's about Bob and Barbara, not me and Charlotte. Jeez.

Piper: Okey then. I just thought that--

Henry: Of course you just thought!! That's all you do! Assume things! You don't even have the balls to ask me before you start assuming stupid chiz like me and Charlotte. I can't believe this! I'm going upstairs.

He jumps up from his couch and marches to the stairs. Up to his room, he turns around, comes down the stairs and says,

Henry: Piper? What's your advice again?

Piper: Try to find out if she likes you, but low key, you know?

Henry: Got it. I mean, me and Charlotte!? HA! In what century, am I right?

He storms up the stairs and midway to his room, Piper yells,

Piper: Good luck with Charlotte!

Henry: (I can't anymore.)
*walks down the stairs again*
Please don't tell anyone.

Piper puts her finger and thumb to her lips and zippers her mouth shut. Henry flashes her a thumbs up and goes back upstairs. Piper grins to herself and says,

Piper: What a heartthrob idiot.

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