Chapter 8

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So, this is where we left off. Henry and Charlotte are going out to pizza, and her little friend Dylan tags along. Good? Good.

Henry: (There's something up with this Dylan kid, but I can't put my finger on it... I mean, he's just checking his phone like he owns the place. Wasting up all the WiFi for himself. The jerk....) So, Dylan! It's your first time here?

Dylan: Yep. Aren't I lucky to have someone to show me around Swellview?

Dylan walks up to the counter where Charlotte is ordering and puts his arm around her. Henry marches back to his booth in frustration and snuggles his head down into his arms. Later, he felt a sudden tap on his shoulder. He frantically looked up to see Charlotte.

Charlotte: Hey, sleepyhead? You alright?

Henry: Yeah...just, yeah. Alittle tired though.

Dylan: Well, you can always head home if you want.

Henry: (He's trying to get rid of me, isn't he...) NO. I'M FINE.

Henry moves over into the booth to make a seat for Charlotte, and pats it down to motion her to sit. Charlotte sits down and moves into the grinning Henry. The gang begins to eat and talk.

Dylan: Wow, I never realized how much better Swellview pizza is to New York pizza.

Charlotte: No way! You've been to New York?

Dylan: Yeah, for about a year. New York is so beautiful at night. But, not as beautiful as Swellview.

Dylan begins to slowly stare deep into Charlotte's eyes. He runs his hair through his messy brown hair, and flashes Char a sweet smile. Henry punches his thigh to resist the urge, and quickly glances to the arcade at the back of the pizzeria.

Henry: Whoa.... Charlotte!

Henry anxiously nudges Char to get her attention, once he spotted the zombie attack video game they used to play as kids.

Charlotte: Would you st-- Whoa!! Zombie Slayer 4!! We haven't played that since! You still owe me that revenge round from 5th grade.

Henry: Hahaha. I knew you would remember. Come on, let's play!

Henry and Charlotte slid out of the booth and ran to the arcade. They inserted the quarter, grabbed their guns, and started the game.

Charlotte: Aw man! This is awesome! We always made a pretty good team, don't we?

Henry's face grew hot at the comment. They were always a good team.

Henry: Yeah, we are, aren't we? (Charlotte is right, isn't she? I mean, we're like the perfect duo. Maybe I shouldn't be jealous of this Dylan character changing anything. Everything will be fine.) Charlotte and Henry. Henry and Charlotte. Chenry? Harlotte?

Charlotte: Don't get a hold of yourself dude.(He's adorable, isn't he?)

Shooting zombies and winning points, round after round, Dylan stood up from the booth and watched the dynamic duo play the game. Then he said,

Dylan: You know Henry, you could get way more points using your bazooka as a weapon, instead of a small arm.

Henry: *clenching his teeth* I. know. how. to. play.

Charlotte: Really? I had no idea. Thanks Dylan.

Dylan: Anytime. You know, I've played a couple of rounds back in my day. My friend still call me the Prime time.

Henry: *mutters* You mean Passed Your Prime time.

Charlotte: Oh really? Well, Primetime, why don't you take a crack at this? Hear, take my spot.

Dylan: You know, maybe you and I could be a duo.

Henry: (Umm, what's he doing?)

Charlotte: Oh, sure. Hen, you don't mind, right?

Henry: Umm, no, of course not. Here's the gun.

Henry keeps a grip on the gun, as Dylan tries to pull it from him. Suddenly, Henry lets go, and Dylan plays....with Charlotte. Minutes past and Henry grows alittle too impatient, and very jealous.

Henry: Hey Charlotte, it's getting late, we should get out of here.

Dylan: Hang on, dude.


Dylan: Chillax bruh. This is our last round.

Henry: (Bruh?)

Charlotte: Yeah, almost done Hen.

Henry: You've said that for the past 20 rounds so far.

Dylan: It's not our fault we make a pretty good team, right Char?

Henry: HEY! I call her Char, not you. And you know what? Have fun! Cuz I'm out of here.

Henry runs out from the arcade and storms out from the pizzeria, slamming the door behind him. Charlotte looks back and sees Henry outside.

Charlotte: Um, excuse me for a second, Dylan.

Dylan: Sure, I get it.

Dylan pauses the game as Charlotte drops her gun on the ground and runs after Henry. She swings open the door to see Henry nervously combing his hair with his fingers.

Charlotte: Why? *Henry swings around*
Why would you do that?

Henry: What did I do? You're the one spending your whole time with that guy!!

Charlotte: Why are you acting like this? You're acting you're jealous.

Henry: What?! Noo!! I' you even hear youself? I'm not jealous!

Charlotte: Well, there's no other reason to why you're getting all mad, just because Dylan and I were talking and playing Zombie Slayer--

Henry: Which used to be our thing before your little LIMP buddy came over!!

Charlotte: IT'S NOT CALLED LIMP!!!! *breathes* Look, why don't you tell me the truth? We're supposed to be best friends?

Henry: We are Charlotte! You know that!

Charlotte: Not today! You're acting like you can't tell me anything anymore!! Just tell me the truth, please!

Henry: want the truth?

Charlotte: More than anything in the world.

Henry walks up to Charlotte, grabs her by the waist, and moves the hair from her big brown eyes. Then, he kisses Charlotte passionately under the bright moonlight...outside the pizzeria. With the wind blowing and howling, neither of them seemed to care. Charlotte's hair blew behind her as Henry's hand slowly caressed her hair. Charlotte's arm rested Henry's shoulders. As Charlotte broke off the kiss, Henry stares deep into her eyes. Charlotte stood, worried, afraid. Could this really be the end of their friendship? It couldnt. Charlotte wouldn't let it. With the moment gone, and the wind died out, Charlotte stepped back and ran home. Henry stepped back and faced the wall. There, he kicked it with all his might. Leaning against the wall, he slowly sat to the ground, with his hoodie up, and covered his head into his arms.
~Faith is inevitable, you learn to live with it. But it's worth the risk~

Hey readers!! Sorry for the late update and short chapter. But what did u guys think? Leave your comments and votes below. And until then, Jessy out ✌



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