Okay, Another ANOTHER Announcement

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So, I started my jaele story, but I wasn't feeling it. So I deleted it. I think chenry is a way better topic for a fanfic, and besides, jaele is too complicated to make a story about them 😂. So, I'm in the process of making another chenry story. I'm really sorry if you liked my jaele story, but personally, I couldn't continue it, it was waaayy too long and hard to start off.

Anywho, I'm actually typing a chenry fanfic as we speak, or read, or whatever you want to call it. So the wait for a new chenry fanfic won't be long, I promise. Plus, it's spring break, so I'll have more than enough time. Expect a new update for the new fanfic tonight or tomorrow. Until then...

Jessy, out. ✌

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