Author's Note

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Hey readers! I am so sorry for the long wait, but don't worry. I have finished my chapter (on paper, of course) and I am in the process of typing it on WattPad. The reason to why it took so long was because I had a lot to do for my high school. Although you might be saying how there is always time to work on the story, my school is pretty heavy on the homework. I was able to make time before, but now, it's getting pretty serious. Luckily, I never break a promise to you guys, so pleas ebe patient. The chapter will probably come out by the end of the week, and if not, then the weekend. I haven't forgotten about you guys AT ALL. btw, thank you all so much for getting me to 3,600 reads!!! I never knew so many people would like my first book on Wattpad. To be honest, I was kinda afraid about what you guys would think, but the support has really helped me keep going. Thank you all so much and sorry for the false notification. I love you all!!! Stay tuned for the next chapter this week......

btw, HOW GREAT WAS INDESTRUCTIBLE HENRY PT 1?! Poor Henry for the stupid side-effect, him being indestructible will be the coolest thing ever! It would be a pretty cool power to add on with his indestructibility. Him being strong and a fire-breather...... What do you guys think? Leave your comments below and I'll check them out. I gtg finish my chapter for you peeps, so stay put. Until then, Jessy out ✌

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