Chapter 7

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Henry was up awake thinking about the advice Piper gave him. He glued his eyes to the ceiling, lying on his back with his hands folded behind his head, wondering if it was worth the risk...

Henry: (Maybe Piper was right. I can't just attack Charlotte by telling her how much I like her, that's weird...and creepy. It's creepeird. I mean, let's just say she is actually in love with me, won't that ruin things? Everything is perfect, and I don't wanna change stuff between us. Perhaps...I should just forget the whole thing with Charlotte. By tomorrow morning, everything will be back to normal.)

Henry took off his clothes, folded them, and put them in his dresser. He slipped into his pajamas with fatigue and sunk into bed. Everything will be back to normal, right? not exactly...

Henry: *sigh* Nice, real nice. Ahhh, please, don't stop...OH! *heavy groan* OH YEAH! That's it Charlotte, THAT'S GOOOOODDDD. (talking in his sleep)

Piper slowly opens the door with caution and sees Henry asleep, but hears EVERYTHING. Henry cuddles and hugs his pillow and slowly kisses it. Piper picks up her phone to press record, but hesitates once she sees the time. 8:30 AM.

Piper: (Aw man! Henry was suppose to wake me up an hour ago for school! We are so late.)

She creeps in this petty pace and approaches Henry. She begins rattling and shaking him to wake him up, but stops when she hears this:

Henry: NO CHARLOTTE! Please don't leave! Come on, one more round! We have allll night.

Piper stifles in her heavy laughter and continues her attempt to wake up Henry, and finally, his eyes shoot open.

Henry: AHH! What the-- Piper? How did you---Why did you-- WHAT TIME IS IT...

Piper: Well, thanks to you and your little sex dream with Charlotte, you forgot to wake me up for school and it's past 8:30! Thanks alot!

Henry: (Whoa, I got it bad, don't I? I told myself everything will be back to normal by this morning. Now I just had the weirdest dream, and to make things better, Piper heard everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.) Ohh, you know...about the *clears throat* dream?

His cheeks grew hot with embarrassment.

Piper: Henry, all of Swellview heard about the dream. They all woke up to your groaning. Must have been a fun dream, huh? About time you spanked that...

Henry: You have no id---HEY! Knock it off! Come on, let's get ready before we're even more late for school.

Piper: Are you sure you can WALK to school? Your legs look a little sore. (HA! NAILED IT!)

Henry: (oh my...) HAHA, real mature Pipes. Let's head downstairs.

Piper: OKAY, but just one question.

Henry: Ugh! What?

Piper: Do your knees hurt too? HAHA!

Henry: JUST GO!!

Henry pushed Piper with red hot fury out of his room and quickly slammed the door. Trying to get that *dream* out of his head, he quickly brushed his teeth and parted his hair. Grabbed his cleanest flannel from last week out of the closet, he rushed down the stairs with his bag in one hand and his Vans in the other.


Piper: I'm not ready yet! Beauty takes time.



Henry: (What? Did you hear all those sex jokes? She was just asking for it.)

Piper: AHHHHHH!!!!!!

Henry: What? Did you look in a mirror or something?

Piper threw her arms in frustration and stormed down the stairs. She approached Henry in the kitchen while he was eating a plate of fluffy pancakes in a rush.

Piper: You have to go without me, I am putting on my makeup and it could take a while.

Henry: *looks up and down at her* Trust me, it will. Now are you sure about this?

Piper: Yes yes yes!! Just go!

She grabbed his phone and book bag to the door and threw it outside. Then, yanked at Henry's wrist and pulled him to the doorway where she slammed the door in his face.

Henry: Well... (Women, am I right?)

Henry picks up his phone and bag that Piper abruptly threw and started walking to school. Once he got to the school entrance, he caught Charlotte running anxiously through the halls, while peeping through the glass door. He opened the door and immediately yelled out Charlotte's name. She quickly turned around, ran to Henry, and dragged his hand to the corner of the corridor.

Charlotte: Henry! I've been looking all over for you!

Henry: What's wrong, Char? (Could it, she doesn't...but...could it? Maybe...)

Charlotte: OK, so after the dance, my mom told me that I got a call from LIMP, and apparently, I have to go on some trip with them. So I went to office first thing this morning, and I met a really cool guy.

Henry: Oh... (Oh...) So, this guy...who is he?

Charlotte: His name is Dylan. And he's in LIMP too! We were talking for hours about the trip! It's suppose to be some History Discovery Walk thing, and we both thought it was going to be totally boring. We really bonded, you know?

Henry: Right... so why were you looking for me?

Charlotte: Welll, he doesn't go to Swellview High like you and I. So, I was looking for you so I can ask you if you want to come with Dylan and I to get pizza after school.

Henry: But, we always get pizza after school.... (There's no way he can replace me. Get a hold of yourself, Hen. )

Charlotte: Oh, come on! I'm just inviting you to lunch after school! Dylan is my friend, you're my BEST FRIEND.

Henry: (Just a best friend? Ugh...) You're right. Sorry. And yes, I'll come with you to pizza.

Charlotte: That's my Henry. We'll meet near my locker after 8th period. See you later.

Charlotte walked passed Henry and frantically rubbed his hair, messing up it's perfect part to a shaggy mess.

Charlotte: Hmm, it got softer. Feels goooood.

Henry: Get your own catchphrase, shorty. (So adorable...)

Char: Ha-ha.

Once the bell rang, Char head to science and Henry head to algebra. After eighth period, Henry remembered the agreement he made and waited by Charlotte's locker. Minutes passed, hours passed, days passed, and years passed. Then, Charlotte finally arrived.

Henry: Char! Where have you been?!

Char: Dude, it's been 10 minutes.

Henry: (Felt like 10 years. Women, am I right?) Right, sorry. Just... nothing, let's go.

Char: Okay, whatever. Let's head out.

Charlotte and Henry were laughing and walking to the pizzeria where they stood outside to wait for Dylan. Once he arrived, Henry turned bright red...

Dylan: Hey you!

Dylan walked quickly up to Charlotte and the two of them hugged tightly. Henry tightly clenched his fist and quickly grew green with jealousy.

Charlotte: Hey Dylan! How you liking Swellview so far?

Dylan: It's great... real great.... (This is gonna be fun...)

Henry: (This is gonna be fun...)

***Thanks for 3K reads on my first Chenry Fanfic! Sorry for the short chapter but there is still more to come. Tune in next week to find out what happens with Dylan, Charlotte, and Henry... Until then, #Jessy out✌

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