earth ;

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you are the earth
i keep telling you, you are the earth

you, crawling underneath me
scorching mantle under flaking crust
fire against paper skin

you, with your unstable volcanoes and rigid mountains
stubborn core of hard rock
melded metal and welded glass

you, with your deep basins
filling up and spilling over
oceans of tears and salty sweat
lapping up against my shores

you, with your minerals scattered around your bones
my teeth craving to drill for gold
lost in molten silver eyes reflecting moonlight

you, with your desert chest and arctic heart
your extremes fighting to weather yourself out
shifting until balance is found

you, with your slight head tilt
and your sun kissed sternum - cold feet - naked shoulders
craggy dips and iceberg tips of dirt and snow
covering you from head to toe

you are the earth;
you are the ocean and the mountains and the rivers that flow
you're the only thing rotating and revolving around my heart
you're the earth, honey, you are my earth

and you're the only place
i've ever found life on

― s.m.

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