Chapter 4

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Nicole's PoV

When I did get downstairs, Josh was still in the same spot on the couch, and Tyler was probably in another room. Josh mustn't have heard me enter, because when he turned, he jumped about 5 feet.

"Sorry," I said quietly.

"It's alright. Tyler'll be back in a few, he went to the basement to look for something." I nodded. He patted the spot next to him on the couch. I sheepishly walked over and sat next to him.

"Nicole, I want you to know that if you ever want to, or need to talk to someone, Tyler and I will always be there for you. It makes me really sad that such a beautiful girl feels like it's necessary to hurt herself," he said sadly.

"I'm not beautiful," I stated plainly. He sighed like he expected me to say that.

"You may not think so, but the way I see you, you are. I guess it's kind of like how a kitchen sink to you may not be a kitchen sink to me. We both see things differently," he told me, referencing his and Tyler's song Kitchen Sink.

"I guess that kind of makes sense. Could be why some people love sunshine while others prefer cool, rainy days." He smiled.

"Exactly! Which is why you are definitely beautiful to me."

"Then, um, thanks... I guess? Sorry, I'm not good at the whole 'social interaction' thing."

"You're welcome and it's alright." Tyler came into the room with his arms holding something behind his back.

"Nicole, remember how you said you'd kill for a copy of Regional?" Tyler asked. I did bring that up earlier today. We were talking about the band and I'd mentioned that I'd do almost anything for a copy of Regional at Best. I nodded. Tyler grinned and brought his hands out from behind his back. In them, he held a CD case I'd been praying to see for quite a while.

"Seriously?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. It's our band, so we have a couple copies. We know how badly you want one, so it's yours," Josh said. I grinned super wide, accepting the CD case (upon further inspection I discovered that the CD inside was a never before used copy of the album previously mentioned) that Tyler was practically shoving into my hands. I set it down and pulled them both into a tight hug.

"Thank you guys so much! This is the best day ever!"

We pulled away when the doorbell. I shot them a confused glance when they both ran to the door. I followed and saw that a pizza delivery guy was there.

We ended up quickly finishing the pizza. We talked about little things to get to know each other better. After a while, they asked a question I'd been expecting.

"So, um, uh, what's it like only being able to see from one eye?" Tyler asked hesitantly.

"It's weird. I have no depth perception, but I can still tell how far away something is. Shadows and size are really the only indicators for me. Contrary to what some people think, I have excellent eyesight. From the research I've done, the one eye not being there has forced the other eye to develop a lot more than it would have. I don't exactly remember what it was like to have two eyes, so it feels normal to me."

"How about the prosthetic eye? What's that like?"

"Well, it's made out of some hardened wax or something like that. I only saw them make it once. It's basically a hollow half-circle. There's a little red dot on the top that's hidden under my eyelid so that when I put it in, I know which side is the top. I can take it out and put it in on my own, but I don't need to or like to. Some people need to take theirs out to sleep, but mine's not like that. Usually people get a new one every 2-4 years, but my lazy parents haven't taken me to get a new one in 8 years."

"That's not right." Tyler said.

"Yeah, but what can I do? Family is family, I guess."

"Yeah, but they can't treat you like nothing! They're supposed to love you unconditionally. Help you out. Not abuse and neglect you." I thought about what Tyler said. I'd never really thought of it that way, but he was right. They never really did give me any of the basic needs. I was in charge of cooking and buying my own clothes. I just nodded quietly.

"At least I'm away from them this week," I said. They both nodded. I was going to say something but was interrupted by a long yawn. I saw them both glance at the clock, which read 11:15.

"We should head to bed," Josh stated. Tyler and I both nodded in agreement.

I walked up to my room, Josh and Tyler to theirs, and we all said goodnight. I slid under the covers, plugged my phone into the outlet by the bed, and quietly put Regional at Best into the CD player/alarm clock next to the bed. I turned the volume down and tried to go to sleep. I can't sleep without music. Soon enough, I was asleep.

((I hope that chapter was decent. Thanks for reading. I'll try to update soon. Comment and vote if you want to. Have a good day/night.))

October 18, 2015

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